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Dr's Slaped By Big Brother

FAMILY DR's threatened  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. has your family dr reccently told you they may no longer sign your renwel

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so i went to my family dr to whome ive been seeing for years and has also sighned my renewal before has told me today that he had no problem with me useing medical cannabis and would have signed it this year but for reasons that involved his licence he could not i pryed more to see what the heck was going on but he said he wasant alowed to talk abought it



ive also been told by a hospital dr that ive seen maybe twice that they were told they whould be fired if they sighned any referals

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My Dr. told me the same thing except he said he had got a letter saying he would loose his lic. And my surgeon told me they are not to talk about it, and both of them approve of it .

The nurse that did my p. a. t. before my surg. two years ago called it a street drug, this time around she told me she had been lied to, And how much it has helped her

friends with cancer, MS, I think we are wining, Just not fast enough !

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My Dr. told me the same thing except he said he had got a letter saying he would loose his lic. And my surgeon told me they are not to talk about it, and both of them approve of it .

The nurse that did my p. a. t. before my surg. two years ago called it a street drug, this time around she told me she had been lied to, And how much it has helped her

friends with cancer, MS, I think we are wining, Just not fast enough !


One at a time ..

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