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Hi, I Have Missed Mmma Site.

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I have missed the Forum and all of the topics here at MMMA web site. I confess I had drifted away from posting at this site for mmmm about 6 or 8 months, I can't remember. I'm real sick, I have Hep-C & horrible pain. I recieved my MM card a couple of years ago &,,,we stay to ourselves most ALL of the time. We don't get out much & i'm not from Lansing, I'm from a small town south of here.


I'm just an old guy with his wife & we do alright for ourselves but, we have so much overage that,,I'm scared lol. We don't DARE trust anybody anywhere to exchange meds. I know, I know, "The Farmers Market" in Jackson". But I don't trust anyone lol. I'm sorry. Have you ever done a YEAR in county jail for growing Marj? I HAVE! And it blows.


SO. I'm really at odds here,,,sticking my neck out to get chopped off.


My wife is the caregiver status in the family as I'm not allowed to grow (DUH). She has the card to caregive. Any ideas?


I know my wife dont want me asking on the internet for Christ sake,,I just wish the G darn politians like Mr. Jones the Neo-con. Nazi didn't shut down the shops & take away the only venue that a patient has to exchange/donate meds. Fockin Jones, quote,"We can't have Grampa selling Marijuana out the back door of his home."unquote.



Real mental Giants these Polititians. Anyhow,,that's the skinny on my problem,,what with all the overage and sitting in jars.


PM me or answer my screwy thread and enlighten me how I might lose my paranoia about the Farm market idk. I know i sound paranoid but,shyt, can you blaim me?



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turn it into oil. this will reduce the amount of overages you have on hand. Oil will store longer, and be much easier to stash...


im sure their are a few in your general area that may have the need, but minimal financial ability to cover the higher end meds... Perhaps you could so a bit of charity work in your area.

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