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1 Caregiver Per Address?


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Can 2 caregivers work at 1 address as long as the plants are locked and separated from each other?


Is their anything in the act that says they can't or any ruling in court that says that can't happen? What happen with the Walled Lake Co-op growing?

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Can 2 caregivers work at 1 address as long as the plants are locked and separated from each other?


Is their anything in the act that says they can't or any ruling in court that says that can't happen? What happen with the Walled Lake Co-op growing?



does anyone know?

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this should be ok under the MMM Act, but Bull SchuItte still thinks your a criminal for having two grows at one location...


i would say its enter at own risk. but as far as the Law right now, the MMM Act does nothing to preclude that from happening.




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One should always remember the 99 plant limit that trips the mandatory 5 year Federal Sentance when designing a grow that includes others at one location . They call it a conspiracy to manafacture . Persons against medical marihuana are trying to set up barriers everywhere they can resisting change as well as not properly implementing the act in all cases to protect patients from the criminal justice system and the torture and harm it can cuase them .

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