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2Nd Annual Mmj Expo In Detroit


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Hey Tom,

Did you seek police department opinion on this?

I would like to attend if the possibility of a raid was officially nullified.

What do you say?

Did you clear it with anybody?

Or just rent a place and start advertising it?

We are being villified enough already.

I do not want to see an evening news story about this event getting raided, much less be subjected to said raid.

Not bashing, just want trustworthy events to be held so that this fragile community can be helped not hindered.

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Is this the same one that was at the rock financial In Novi last year ? Where the had the free beer on the bus to the half hour away medicating facility ?


I hope not.


I don't know how they can put on a huge show without asking the MMMA (or compassion clubs) to participate. Appears to me to be another .Biz trying to cash in on the movement. :thumbsd:

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Better to wait for June. There is a real "gardening" expo coming to the Novi/Rock Financial Center




This is put on nationally by Maximum Yield magazine. I went to their show in Long Beach, CA last October. Very professional with 150+ exhibitors. I was there on the trade day and shop owners came from Seattle down to San Diego. This will be their first time East of the Mississippi

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last year was an INSULT to our community. everything way overpriced. 30 minute trip to medicate only to find their caregivers wanted $25 per gram AND open intox's on busses. Novi cops picking off patients like fish in a barrel as they drove away.





That's all i wanted to know... thanks alot ... not gonna waste my precious time... lol

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Yes last year at the rock financial was a joke . Free beer , go medicate , free beer , bye be safe driving home ... pretty insulting . And the 20 and 25 dollar grams . I will say that some of the vendors at the show has good deals on equipment and supplies but if the other show by maximum yield is coming ... I can wait lol

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my thoughts exactly. PASS


Though I have never met you from your posts I must say I trust you to tell the truth . I am amazed this even happened ( serving patients alcohol at a medical cannabis event ) but there are individuals not aware of others realities and care requirements on both sides . I am glad others feel this way also - I do care about patients . I would not support this .


The Farmers Market supports all our needs except a lounge where medicating on site is available to keep dosing even in our systems and where we can discuss with other patients possible solutions to health problems we all face often in isolation . Perhaps even access healthy foods and drink for the first time promoting a better lifestyle disability and a struggle to survive has taken from us due to injury and disease .

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Though I have never met you from your posts I must say I trust you to tell the truth . I am amazed this even happened ( serving patients alcohol at a medical cannabis event ) but there are individuals not aware of others realities and care requirements on both sides . I am glad others feel this way also - I do care about patients . I would not support this .

What urks me to no end is that it is sponsored in part by MINORML!!! this is NOT a medical Cannabis event. This is a Moneyfest that is using medical cannabis as an excuse to exist! Its A bunch of crap and I have to wonder about the integrity of the sponsors. The executive director of MINORML is our very own Matt Abel. I find it very disturbing that he would co-sponsor an event that allows illegal activities such as drinking and driving. Very disturbing. Medcnman.

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I stand corrected by my wife. It is LEGAL to consume alcoholic beverages in a bus or limousine if it has been rented for a private event. I still feel strongly that this event is making a mockery of true medical cannabis patients. Medcnman.



But is it wise to tempt a patient on xannax , or other medications with using alchohal ? I can't believe they want the liabillity . We know cannabis is not toxic nor fatel . We need to work on conflicts in law and access every other individual on a medical routine is able to have to help themselves be productive and improve .

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I went last year. My hydro store owner had a booth there. It was pretty much 10 hydrofarm vendors showing off the same hydrofarm equipment, a couple dispensaries and a couple other vendors that actually interested me (one was ventilation and odor control). Novi police uniforms look like riot uniforms and they were as unfriendly as they could be without moving or talking (was early, didn't see any confrontation). I thought it was over priced and a waste of time but networking is important and the one connection that I did make was worth the hour and $15. I didn't take the bus from Novi down to 8 mile (I believe), didn't sound like fun, but all in all it was horrible but as a grower I feel it helped me a little bit. Still deciding on if I'll go again.


Yes drinking on these "Party Buses" is legal, but doesn't do our community any good.


hope I informed on last years event a little,



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I suspect as this draws nearer law enforcement will have a few comments. There have been many changes since last year. It will depend quite a bit on local law enforcements opinion but the more advertisement and public exposure this gets, the more attention (negative) it will attract.

The alcohol part makes the entire legitimate mm community look bad. One reason I will not patronize such an event, if it were not for the publicizing of the alcohol like it's a big party I might consider going. This type of event is all about making money with very little regard for the bad effect it will have for patients.

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