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Update From The Capitol

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CPU has never worked with us. How about CPU jacking the protest. They promised to assist patients. They went in behind our backs the day of the protest. CPU even laughed about this on their forum. They talk about how the protest stopped the legislation, and it gave them time to move in. Even after the testimony, posters on the CPU site laughed at me because I still refuse to allow change to the law. This is a direct admission that they support change.


Dude this person has been right every time. I've read the posts over on the CPU site. They are filled with hatred and contempt. Our dispute was started because we opposed the Dr Bob dr/pt Bill. Restorium got thrown out over there because he opposed the Dr. Bob Bill and the fact that they were trying to get me arrested. As good intentioned as your post is, the facts speak to the contrary. CPU has bargained with our rights without our permission. They have worked hard to get me arrested. This OP only posted what we already knew. I'm sorry. They are continuing to engage in bad behaviour. I appreciate this person coming forward to warn us. thanks, bb


Please do not get me wrong but from someone like me this is all very confusing. Where is their site? The whole idea of this is so disgusting and unfortunate. I replied to a discussion on another site, please forgive me I didn't know any better, that I didn't understand why people where against them because their little ditty about their purpose seem so in track with the MMMA believes. I also can not figure out who is all for us and who the heck is against us! As they say keep your friends close but your enemies even closer. Who are our enemies not just CPU names but in the gov't?

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