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The Role Of Cannabinoids In Prostate Cancer: Basic Science Perspective And Potential Clinical Applications

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I always wonderred about prostrate cancer and cannabis therapy as cannabis is considered a aphrodisiac and current medicine reduces testosterone production to reduce cancer cell growth before removing the gland bso the cancer can't spread as the conventional treatment . My cousin had this done and amazingly is living a good life . There was nothing in the arcticle discussing how cannabis seems to increase certain hormonal output . One of the advanced symptoms of all severe pain patients as explained to me is the eventual lack of hormones as the body depletes adrenaline , testosterone , thyroid for example to compensate for severe pain . This can lead to a loss of energy , depression , and many other bizarre symptoms and behaviors . The same often happens with vitamens . This is why many Doctors use wide spectrum blood panels on pain patients before dispensing or changing medications when patients describe disstress during treatment . The range in costs for the same tests can be immense from $100 to $900 depending where you have them done . Hospitals are usually the most expensive .


In todays environment of witch hunts due to technology costs pressuring medicine it is sad how cannabis patients whom are made up of vast amounts of individuals who are not able to navigate the system to find their optimal treatment regimines have been kept from assembling while using their medicine . Many patients are suffering so severely their only chance to interact with others is when their symptoms are brought under control or reduced . Anyone that says individuals don't get together to use nitrolycerin , digoxin or insulin have never been at a support group for heart conditons or diabetics . It is absurd to suggest a person who benefits from cannabis which wears off in a hour as far as effect wouldn't need to dose away from home while meeting with others . When one keeps high therapuetic doses in ones system they can get away with fairly long gaps but they feel it later . Patients have different needs then recreational users in many cases and were all including myself screening in recreational behaviors and past treatment that should not necessarily apply . I wish I could post a topic for this and to get discussion from other patients because we all have so much to offer eachother . Most all of us needed help the mainstream medical community was not able to give and have learned how to treat ourselves and cope with terrible suffering , injury and disease . We are no longer isolated and have a common bond though fear caused by Governmental leadership in this State is dispersing and unorganizing us . You see few patient activities where medication tents are provided anymore . You see less and less pure patients around boards as people are afraid to be associated with being on the program though their completely legal . I hope many are also able to be getting out since the weather is nicer if heat doesn't effect them .

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I always wonderred about prostrate cancer and cannabis therapy as cannabis is considered a aphrodisiac and current medicine reduces testosterone production to reduce cancer cell growth before removing the gland bso the cancer can't spread as the conventional treatment .


I believe your premise is wrong. Testosterone is made in the testes, the prostate gland provides seminal fluids. As far as I know most that have have prostate removal surgery still have their testes intact. If the cancer was incapsulated in the protate then the cancer is most likely gone, after it is removed. If the cancer has already spread out from the prostate then sugeons are reluctant to operate, and they advise other treatments that may involve hormones, and other treatments......shredder

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