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Dr. Refuses To Offer Pain Relievers To Mmc Patient

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Help! Made the mistake of letting my new doctor know I have a MMC. Now she will no longer prescribe opiads or narcotics. Says she will lose her license. Never read anything like that in the law but did read that I was not allowed to be desciminated against because I have a card. Trying to follow her wishes are increasing my pain levels.

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No they will not lose their licenses, that is crap.  Yes, they can refuse to give you pain medicine for any reason they want, including having a MMMA card.  That was the position of the medical board the last time they were presented with the problem.  Sorry.


Dr. Bob

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I have been refused by 4-5 different Dr's,

I honestly truly don't understand it, but good luck in your search. Your best chance is to use a regular physician NOT a pain clinic, and yeah don't ever mention you use MM regardless of whom you see. This subject has been such a pain in the butt for me I have quit ALL my meds due to being turned away by so many Dr's..

I just use MM exclusively, not by choice although I'm in pain all the time seems my quality of life is better minus the pain meds..least it seems that way. I didn't leave my home much before, w/o my meds I don't leave at all. I have turned into a hermit for sure way to much anxiety/pain/spasms to leave anymore.

One other thing that continuously gets me refused is my medical records state I use MM and have a card (from previous Dr's that refused me), so each Dr. that request my records reads front page I use or have a card and BAM drug screen is the first topic in our convo's..


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If all else fails, there is an alternative but you have to pay for it.  I set something up to help patients like you and give them an alternative to ER's and Urgent Cares, but it is geared to patients without insurance, so we don't take it.  PM me if you need something like that.  I have 8 office locations and can do it at most of them.  


The best approach is to use a primary care doc for your medical needs and have them consult someone like me to deal with pain control and only pain control.


Dr. Bob

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I've been disturbed that the last three young males with new cards who responded to a Cg ad, expected to find a CG who would supply oxy-contin with their mmj. And two of them were white and from the suburbs.

Thats a trip...white folk from the burbs never abuse scripts, nor any other drug. Blows the mind, ya?

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Yeah, that kind of activity plays right into the 'drug abuse' hand.  I've certified folks as young as 12, but you had better believe if you are under 30 you better have some pretty solid documentation and a pretty significant problem.  Hopefully now that the signature through the mail types are being shut down, we'll see fewer abuses of this wonderful program.


Dr. Bob

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I've been disturbed that the last three young males with new cards who responded to a Cg ad, expected to find a CG who would supply oxy-contin with their mmj.  And two of them were white and from the suburbs.

Wow!  I walk a tight rope now and than but you just snapped yours and there is no net!!!!


Yea like some one said dont ya think peeps from the suburbs abuse their meds too!  prob even more than the one who wasnt white and from the suburbs!  they are the smart ones, they pay 10 bucks for what other opoid addicts pay 90 to 100 for!  I live in a very small town in iosco county we have a graduating class of under 40 every yr, last yr was 36 kids in the graduating class, and it isnt becuase our kids quit school it is becuase we are just a small north east mich town where every one know every one, our kids are growing up non predjudice, we have quite a few black americans in our school and their parents, we are all from the same small town and all of our kids play the same sports together, sleep at each others houses alot, becuase friends live so far away from each other, unlike when i grew up in the late 60's and 70's and sorry to the few free spirits who were hippies back than, but they were the white trash that came in and made every neighbor hood un pleasent to say the least!



It is a rarety that a kid has both of his blood parents living together, the ones that do are not the norm, when i grew up a kid w/o both parents was not the norm, our family structure has collapsed, its hard to blame a mother who has to work many hrs and she still wont get the kind of money a man makes, in most cases, than they have to come home and take care of the kids and keep them on the right road to being a productive citizen when they grow up, Ive had the chance now to be a stay at home step dad, I will never tell a woman what the heck have you done all day when I get home from work, I cant think of any job that ive done that is harder than raising kids the best I can!


It is my belief that the reason there are more black folks in prison than white or any other race, is because they dont have their daddys at home or even helping, their dads are off making more babys and leaving children with one parent all over the place, specialy in big city's, and mom is not only doing the hardest job at home, but she has to go out of the house and work also, depending on older children to raise children,  (yes white folks do the same thing too)  while a child is watching the other children, who is watching him or her?


when you live in small town america there are no jobs, unless you are lucky enough to have been born into one of the familys that own businesses in the town and others, or land to farm on, Our county has mostly farm land, one horse towns and tiny family businesses the only thing in the town i live in not owned localy is the 2 gas stations on the same corner and one has a subway in it,,,and hey we just had two pizza joints open in our town yehaa, other than that the closest fast food is no less than 25 to 35 miles away,in only two directions east and west, it is a very long way north to reach a bigger town. or we go down to bay city or saginaw, we go all the way to the west side of the state on black friday (traverse city) takes us 3 hrs to get there, about the same amount of time to get to detroit.


I have alot on my mind, but im gonna leave it at that, I would like to see all of the people come back to this site and if you cant be friendly just x out for a while till ya calm down,,,dont ya wish id take my own advise lmao! 




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Pain? Isn't that what your card is for?Canabis works a little different!Doesn't Blow your body Numb.Just allows relaxation and the ability to focus away from some of the problems people face everyday.

Yes it is for pain, but it takes a while to find the right strain and method of use to use only mm, plus if your growing your own its not like you can wait till your 1st crop to medicate, ive been dumped by my old dr. i had for over 12 yrs when I got my card else where, it was the 1st time in 12 yrs the gave me a urine screen, when it came back pos for thc they quit me, there was nothing I could do, now I didnt have my meds and was still trying to work out my steady mm supply w/o having to drive to detroit evey month!


when I got my next dr. I had it made, she gave me my renewell and let me still get my pain meds, but I went down right away to half dose with her, Now im not on any meds, cept for coo coo meds lol!  mm is not the cure all, but it sure is better than being hooked on narcotics!

Its not like your gonna quit taking your low or high blood pressure meds on mm either! so people do need their meds still on mm, but if it is working for you , you will eventualy not need them any longer, and with the right dr, you will be able to get them when needed, not when wanted!!!




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I have been refused by 4-5 different Dr's,


I honestly truly don't understand it, but good luck in your search. Your best chance is to use a regular physician NOT a pain clinic, and yeah don't ever mention you use MM regardless of whom you see. This subject has been such a pain in the butt for me I have quit ALL my meds due to being turned away by so many Dr's..


I just use MM exclusively, not by choice although I'm in pain all the time seems my quality of life is better minus the pain meds..least it seems that way. I didn't leave my home much before, w/o my meds I don't leave at all. I have turned into a hermit for sure way to much anxiety/pain/spasms to leave anymore.


One other thing that continuously gets me refused is my medical records state I use MM and have a card (from previous Dr's that refused me), so each Dr. that request my records reads front page I use or have a card and BAM drug screen is the first topic in our convo's..




I knew this person that was diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Her father was a lawyer/da...got it entirely removed from her records. Dont know if it was because the father was a da, but id at least explore hiring an attny to see if it can not be removed entirely. Doesnt seem right...they are your medical records after all...?

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  • 3 months later...

My husband has been receiving his pain medications for severe back pain for years through a pain clinic.  We have great insurance and we have all the proof we need to show from mri and xrays that his back is in terrible condition from past surgeries.


When his doctor found out that he was now taking a legal plant for pain, he immediately started withdrawing his other meds.  (Why the doctor can mix two very strong drugs of his own, but refuse to withdraw at least one and allow the legal marijuana is a mystery)


I am frightened for my spouse.  He has always required more than one source of pain relief to help with the pain and keep his blood pressure at bay.  Is there a legal action we can take for this doctor not supplying a patient with the needs he requires?  Any class action suits against these doctors that are clearly going against my spouses rights to use medical marijuana and still be allowed his other pain killer needs, just as he is his blood pressure, etc., meds.


Thank you,



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I knew this person that was diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Her father was a lawyer/da...got it entirely removed from her records. Dont know if it was because the father was a da, but id at least explore hiring an attny to see if it can not be removed entirely. Doesnt seem right...they are your medical records after all...?

most cert dr's dont need more than 6 months or a yr of your records, dont quit going to dr's becuase of the others testing you, dont bring up mm with your new doc unless you know they will renew or cert you, I have a dr. who renewed me my first yr with her, than they moved offices to inside st.josephs up here and they no longer renew or rec mm, it is only because the m.d in the office is on staff at the hospitals and hospitals are still agains mm, I mean who is gonna bring them a butt load of mm and lunch every month if they allow mm?  even thought hospitals are non  profit, they still are for profit, they like getting them free meds for them selves and their friends, heck just one month of viagra saves them or thier friend/pt over 100 bucks a month, now times that by all the other meds that cost a fortune, inhalers, blood thinners, patches to quit smoking and well there you have it,,,,,it is all about the $$$$ my friends, and what they dont know is if they followed the rules the right way it would be very benificial to their wallets to renew or rec mm!


Hospitals need to jump on board, we should be able to get certed from our own dr's that we feel comfortable with, instead of going to a stranger who only sees you for a few minutes and out the door with your rec. (not all mm dr's do that, I know so no shooting at the deliverer of bad news) and thank you to those doc's that are doing it right and available for their pts if needed in court!



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My husband has been receiving his pain medications for severe back pain for years through a pain clinic.  We have great insurance and we have all the proof we need to show from mri and xrays that his back is in terrible condition from past surgeries.


When his doctor found out that he was now taking a legal plant for pain, he immediately started withdrawing his other meds.  (Why the doctor can mix two very strong drugs of his own, but refuse to withdraw at least one and allow the legal marijuana is a mystery)


I am frightened for my spouse.  He has always required more than one source of pain relief to help with the pain and keep his blood pressure at bay.  Is there a legal action we can take for this doctor not supplying a patient with the needs he requires?  Any class action suits against these doctors that are clearly going against my spouses rights to use medical marijuana and still be allowed his other pain killer needs, just as he is his blood pressure, etc., meds.


Thank you,



A Dr. can quit you for any reason, my dr quit me, the first thing I did was contact my attny, I was advised they dont have to treat any one they dont want to for any reason, they could be cutting down on hrs and have to thin out pts, bottom line is there are no such things as suing a dr. for quiting you for mm, I guess if they were doing surgery and quit in the middle or messed up, you could sue them but no for your situation,  Im very sorry for being the bearer of bad news, It happened to me, I had my dr. for 12 yrs when she quit me, I was shocked and didnt realy know what to do at the time, but I got thru it and im sure you and your hubby will also, keep looking for an mm friendly dr. and a family dr. who doesnt care if you use mm also!



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Thank you for your replies.  I will start with my own family doctor this week and see if he knows of any mm friendly doctors. And also ask him his opinion as to why doctors would be against it.  (I have a feeling the all mighty dollar does come in to play here.... if it were the hospitals, drug companies and doctors making the money, I have a reasonable suspicion that that all would be well.   I can't think of any other reasonable reason to deny care.



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I hear you... however in my case, I'm not the one with the card, my husband is...........  let's just hope I'm not the first spouse of a mm card holder to lose their doctor!




Your not the first and surely not the last!  Several people have been down the same road since the inception of the MMMAct. 


  I try to understand that some doctors do not even have a choice in the matter.  They are affiliated with a hospital group that does not allow them to prescribe opiates to someone testing positive for other substances (including mmj).  Sometimes they have a policy to warn the first time, sometimes they are required to discontinue treatment immediately.  Often times, there is an opioid agreement to sign before treatment.  In the agreement, the patient agrees not to use other substances.  Many of those agreements now include medical marijuana. 


I have researched the issue to extremes in the past.   There's not much that can be done.  We can continue to educate the doctors and hospitals on mmj and its benefits and hope for a future of change.  The one thing that does seem to help, is if the "addicted" patient shows that he is able to use less and less opioids while utilizing mmj.  Bring the bottles of half filled meds to the next visit.  Show them that mmj is working.   They do not see the benefits of mmj when a patient has been a cardholder for a year but still has not reduced their opioid requirement.  How do you explain to them that mmj helps when the same or more opioids are being sought after by the patient, month after month? 


Doctors are not required to treat your husband.  They do not even have to give a reason.  I was once dropped by a doctor because I REFUSED their treatment. (totally unrelated to narcotics)  He wrote me a very nice letter explaining it to me.   He believed the treatment was life sustaining and also believed it to be the only treatment available.  He was at a loss at how to continue my care without the treatment, so he dismissed me.  I was angry and hurt but there was nothing legally that could be done.  (not that I would have taken legal action in this case) 


As an attorney, do I have to take your case if I do not agree with it?  


As an employer, I have a choice to fire you without a reason, utilizing "at will employment".   I don't even have to give you a reason for your dismissal.


Why do we think doctors are held to a different standard?  Right or wrong, for whatever reason, it is their choice.  Sadly many are misinformed and have yet to be shown that mmj has its place in the world of medicine.  Teaching someone who has been told contrary for many of years is not a task that's going to happen overnight. 


Continue to educate people on the medical benefits of marijuana is the only answer I came up with..........


Good luck with your journey and your husbands care.  Good doctors who understand are few and far between, but they are out there :)

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Thank you for your replies.  I will start with my own family doctor this week and see if he knows of any mm friendly doctors. And also ask him his opinion as to why doctors would be against it.  (I have a feeling the all mighty dollar does come in to play here.... if it were the hospitals, drug companies and doctors making the money, I have a reasonable suspicion that that all would be well.   I can't think of any other reasonable reason to deny care.




Obsolete mindset.

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You have to a least consider the Dr.'s point of view.  He probably knows nothing about cannabis and how the body can react to it when other drugs are taken.  I've talked to a few people who won't use medibles because it gives them high blood pressure and a rapid heart rate.  So, mix those conditions with another drug that has similar side effects, and maybe you get a ticking time bomb for someone with a weak heart.  That's the kind of thing a Dr. needs to consider when he determines what your treatment should be. 


Patient asked me a while back for some medibles made with oil.  This was about two weeks after he was hospitalized with elevated blood pressure and a rapid heart.  I told him I wasn't going to provide the oil to him, because I didn't know if it was going to cause him more problems than it might solve.  Was I a bad guy for making this decision?  No...just doing my best with what I know and trying not to get tripped up on what I don't know, at the expense of the health of a patient.


A good comparison is alcohol and barbiturates.  You can be a rightful and legal consumer of alcohol, but your Dr. ought to know about this, and if he finds out that you're a heavy drinker and didn't tell him, there's a good chance he'll take you off the barbiturates.


No reason to hate on the Dr. for possibly trying to make a safe and responsible decision.  Just go find another Dr. who knows enough about cannabis to get you where you need to be.  Have an honest discussion.

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I had a small amount of THC in my urine sample.  My doctor referred me to the Cleveland Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Program.  He told me to come back and see him in six months.  I have little faith that he will give me my prescriptions again.  I live in Ohio, but it appears that even in a MMJ state, patients are screwed when it comes to their doctors.  I guess the whole do no harm thing only applies to the corporations they work for.


I will send out positive thoughts and vibes for you.  Know that you are not alone.

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