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On Grow Partnerships ( Without Sex). Called Pwos For Short.

pic book

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A few thots on PWOS, at random.   I've been in a dozen--here I'm thinking of what ended them and the signs that flashed, 'Wreck ahead.'  Sucessful to me means both are better off by an astounding amount due to joint efforts that neither could achieve alone.   I've been in 2 that qualify. 10 were wastes of time of varying amounts, but 1 of those lead to the contacts that were the 2 that mushroomed.


The first failure to perform as advertised is unfortunate, and the way to bet is it's habitual, and it is the least expensive time to get out.  Same for unexplained disappearances, and raised hackals over probing.


PWOS are only for white lies and white liars, cause you will have to deny such a partner exits.  The lie is, "No, I don't have a partner."  It's unavoidable; the other guy will have sworn you to say nothing.  A female partner will say remind you 3x as often as a male. 


9 of 10 partnerships collapse due to something that's disovered in the heat of things going wrong and the sourness that remains.


Most partnerships start out with less info on each other than you have after a first date..good  Pwos they last and make both units more sucessful than they would be on their own by a bountiful, undenial amount).  Odds of success increase immenselly if both are self-sufficient when joining up, often the exact opposote of the joint situations.  "Rescue me" partnerships have the highest failure rate:  You cannot over-grow the maxim, a friend in need is a pain indeed.  Now, two failed growers teaming up have much better chance of lasting success.


If a male does not respect his male grow partner whole-heartedly he uses time up with him, always feeling dissatisfied and not available for the Zoomer that always shows up.


Paranoia, weed induced or not, only gets worse and you will have to prove yourself against suspicion repeatedly, and that is a foundation mandated to fail  You cannot live accused at every encounter.  Misapppropriation of $, time, plants, from you or another will eat the core out of your trust of each other.


With a female you have to expect the boyfriend who's not in immediate evidence to pop up in weird ways.  And the 'boyfriend' half the time is a woman, and that's why you're there--the gf does not know how to grow and she smokes only and has a social role with your partner that you can't fulfill.  But someone is coming out of the cool tube; just hope that the two of you retain control over the grow cause the person will want to get involved, empty head and all.  'Aren't the pretty flowers the males?'


And, finally I have to contradict myself.  While equal skill levels or near is necesary for men, expect a woman to have further to go. It's life; women have not had the same oppty; they so have the same ability.


These are just a few observations about the 1st 26 years.

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Sounds like some thoughts on how and why cannabis grow 'partnerships' go bad and some of the differences between  partnering with a man versus a woman. 


I was a little unclear though on whether patient-caregiver relationships were being discussed or if this was caregiver-caregiver or patient-patient.  The 26 year reference makes me think this is just a generic growing discussion versus growing under Michigan medical cannabis grow rules.

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I'm completely confused for the most part.  


One thing I will say from some 20+ years experience.  DO NOT ever do a grow with another person no matter who they are.  I know people that were close friends that don't talk to each other any more and haven't for over 10 years.  I know people that lost everything they did because they didn't make everything perfectly clear before they started and/or partnered with the wrong people.  

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I'm completely confused for the most part.  


One thing I will say from some 20+ years experience.  DO NOT ever do a grow with another person no matter who they are.  I know people that were close friends that don't talk to each other any more and haven't for over 10 years.  I know people that lost everything they did because they didn't make everything

perfectly clear before they started and/or partnered with the wrong people.  


 Real words of wisdom!!

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I'm completely confused for the most part.  


One thing I will say from some 20+ years experience.  DO NOT ever do a grow with another person no matter who they are.  I know people that were close friends that don't talk to each other any more and haven't for over 10 years.  I know people that lost everything they did because they didn't make everything perfectly clear before they started and/or partnered with the wrong people.  

sound advice.

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Def, dont partner with new grower...unless your new grower...the second they get a feel for things...there EXPERTS.lol...dispite the one successful crop they got with your help....they will want to teach u some things..when u decline..probably bcus w/e there offering to teach you've already tried and didn't like or found wasn't worth the extra effort...they will be mad and feel disrespected..relationship over.

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I would never be grow partners if sex wasn't involved....




 That seemed like the main problem there to me....




I'll second that, lol.


I don't see anywhere in the law that it is even legal to 'partner' grow?

Our law states quite clearly on who is allowed in a grow.


If I am wrong on this.. feel free to correct me.. anyone, politely :D

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I don't see anywhere in the law that it is even legal to 'partner' grow?  :D

Often times a buddy becomes an 'informal' partner and things just kinda naturally evolve, like how a plant grows.  Smoke with any one person for forty hours (over time, not all at once) and every subject comes up, including teaming up on something...peeps often don't consider themselves partners in the formal sense..... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buddies developed in and out of distress, over a couple of years coming to share a slmilar view, in and out of each other's grows, deciding to do a joint effort, have the best liklihood of a relationship which lasts (that's unusual) in which each get more than they give.  It must base on a certain foundation--on a rock of particularly loving brutatilty--where both tell both the literal truth and the 'emotional' truth--to each other.  Even when all these bases are true and are operational, the odds of thing lasting at least 5 years are only 2 of 13. The Savior did better, going 11 of 12, but then that's why (or because) he is the savior.  A cooperation that lasts and does both parties better is as unlikely as winning the lottery, which is one way to describe a partnership that works.  It spews rewards like a winning ticket.


Grow partnerships are not the only or even the most common animal being born.   Right now "processing partnerships" of oil, hash or other concentrates are the kind being formed.

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I am not sure how to decipher all of this BUT........


What exactly does this line mean?


And, finally I have to contradict myself. While equal skill levels or near is necesary for men, expect a woman to have further to go. It's life; women have not had the same oppty; they so have the same ability.

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northerngal--happy to.

it means that:

most growers are male.  Females have the same ability, but have not taken the oppty.

So, many fewer women than men have had sole responsibility for a grow.

And thus, few women match the skill of a man whose had sole resp., and so in general a female must be presumed to have less experience and had less oppty to develop totally independent grows and skills.

So while most times equal skill levels are advantageous to a partnership, one is less likely to find them in a female, and so additional leeway--more patience and even some teaching--is necessary.

Females have the same ability, but have not had the same oppty.

 It is one of the strangehoods of gender; men are the growers, and that goes back 40 years.  Easy to see--there are no female authors like cervantes, frank, rosenthal, and lucas.  I know, I know, I know girl, it's a shame Lisa is so willing to be exploited, but you know she's trying to break in as an actress.  (That's Lisa on break from Playboy-see her chest centerfold)  She's answering how to grow in Rosebud!  And she clerks in her family's hydro store.  And a year ago she had no grows in her resume, except the ones on her chest. 

The champion growers-Giant Bubblers, Heath, Krusty, Shaggytodope, doubled, all male. And the breeders too.  But oh, the exception--it's time for more Miss Jill's.  She and SubCool partnered but there was more than plant sex, so it does not count.  OP says 'no sex.' 

And oh God, I and others don't believe Stony Girl Gardens. She does not tell the truth about 'her' seeds.

In Weed Wars no female growers appear.  In  Steve's dispensary documenary in Oakland, women appear as clerks, but it is so real--not one female grower appears, and you know that for ratings she would have (see Lisa).  It's a conundrum, similar to what Title 9 corrected in college sports. But of course that ain't gonna happen in cultivation.

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I would like to no what a "white lier" is? as stated by op.

Can't say for sure, but, in my experience it is someone who lies about smaller things because they don't really want a dialogue or exchange that may upset their own world view, so they tell those "white lies" that supposedly are not so harmful...


of course that rational is a lie in and of itself....

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Maybe there aren't any grow books by females in the past because there was a problem with sexist publishers.  I'm not saying that happened, just that it's as logical a conclusion as yours, and I have about the same amount of data and facts to back up my conclusion as you do.

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Can't say for sure, but, in my experience it is someone who lies about smaller things because they don't really want a dialogue or exchange that may upset their own world view, so they tell those "white lies" that supposedly are not so harmful...


of course that rational is a lie in and of itself....

white lie:

an untruth considered so necessary to tell that moving one's mouth and denying a thing exists is not considered a real lie, i.e, not an egregious lie, like that you would mention in confession.  you don't think of it as 'lying', even tho you are telling an untruth, it will never nag your conscience, so it must be morally ok.

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There may have been a female who got a cannabis cup but i don't know, and while I'm sure John Sinclair knows, he's on tour at the moment.  Does anyone have a winner listing that shows gender for the person?  (We know about the plants).

re authors, is High Times likewise sexist?  the editor has always been a man, and every other high post at the magazine, male.

That's becuz females with certifiable grow expertise as well as writing polish are out-matched by males who want to work fo High Times.

Lisa may be the one to break the barrier, if she can survive the loss of her gloss as she ages.

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so, case closed, females need to take the oportunity, when they don't we're poorer by half of what we could be.  Which is the real reason abortion shud be ill-legal, it costs too much in lost opportunities and cash we would have had:  lost: brains, solutions, skills, and unique DNA.

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That's becuz females with certifiable grow expertise as well as writing polish are out-matched by males who want to work fo High Times


....and you have proof of that?  I don't have proof for what I said.  It was probably pure BS, I even said so.  I said it to point out that the opinion that I just copied above in this post, has just as much proof behind it.  To me, it's a sexist statement.

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and you know, growing can be mechanical, heavy, dirty, and physical.  Who plays with saws and hammers and builds a room?  Most men.  Who from childhood wants to work construction?  Now that I no longer work in the oilfields, I don't know even one woman mechanic, but out Wyoming way females were willing to put on coveralls and a greasy face for $50 an hour and full beneftis.

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This is the 21st century and the United States of America.  Women get dirty and physical everyday.  (and even clean up afterwards)  We even have the same rights and opportunities that men do, imagine that! 


Beyond that, I will leave this thread speak for itself and keep my opinions about it to myself. 


I think I get the point -  Don't form partnerships when growing unless sex is involved.....and you will be at quite a disadvantage in that partnership, unless you are a male and gay. :rolleyes: (insert sarcasm disclaimer here :) )

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Dutchgrown is a female and won some IC Cup award.  Not that any of those contests mean a darn thing other than who pays off the judges or submits a clone only strain as their seed strain.


I always figured there were fewer female growers because they are more responsible.  Unless you are deluding yourself, you have to admit this game has certain risks that could greatly interfere with raising a child or making a relationship work.  That needed devil may care attitude is much more common in males, young males in particular.  As the medical thing gets more mainstream and fleshed out, more female growers will start popping up. 

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