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What's Wrong With Me, I Need Some Help!


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Omg, someone please help me.... I don't understand what is going on with my body,

So every single day for the past 2 weeks or so I have been waking up from a dead sleep with cramps in my legs and under my rib cage!

Holy crap are these episodes painful, have to be some of the highest degree of pain I've ever experienced.. 10/10 and the pain stays around even after the cramp has subsided. I'm in tears writing this.. and cant stand up to walk or anything, my left calf is useless right now.. help help help why is this going on?

I don't drink pop, only Power-aid, Gatorade, Water, or Juice mostly warm Tea and Juice..

Would love to go see a Dr. but yeah I don't have one, can cannot find one, cause I use MM.. so what do I do? wtf is going on.. this happen to anyone else ever..

How do I make them stop????????????????????? I live alone and have no one to rub them out for me, plus its so painful to touch or even think about flexing it, wow the pain is crazy bad...


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does the rib cage cramp feel like a runners cramp? similar to when you over exert yourself running/swimming?

what about the leg cramps, are the muscles in your leg seized up and hard as rocks?


do you take vitamins? what foods do you eat regularly?

hows your blood pressure? what about your heart rate?


some quick googling suggests that people with diabetes have severe leg cramps that wake them up in the middle of the night.

i am no doctor. but you may want to see if you have diabetes.


someone else says its a side effect from an athsma inhaler. do you use an inhaler?

or other medications? did you check all of your prescription side effects?

or calcium/potassium levels are wrong in your body?

dehydration, or thyroid problems as well?


treatment for leg cramps is to eat a banana per day. (high in potassium)

well, i recommend seeing a doctor. i'm not sure i could put up with 10/10 pain for 2 weeks.


have you tried a medical marijuana recommendation doctor ?

i mean a doctor who specifically advertises to be friendly with mmj.

a friend of mine got his rec from a mmj doc, and said the doctor was involved with his health and did a good physical on him.

really cared about his well being, was located in an actual doctors office, gave him a prescription for celebrex, provided follow up care, etc.


i mean, by MMMA definition, all of the rec doctors have to be MDs or DOs...

so give that a shot. weedmaps has a map list of doctors. even dr bob is listed there.

or i'm sure dr bob can give a referral to a good doctor near you who is not adverse to mmj.

Edited by t-pain
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does the rib cage cramp feel like a runners cramp? similar to when you over exert yourself running/swimming?

what about the leg cramps, are the muscles in your leg seized up and hard as rocks?


do you take vitamins? what foods do you eat regularly?

hows your blood pressure? what about your heart rate?


some quick googling suggests that people with diabetes have severe leg cramps that wake them up in the middle of the night.

i am no doctor. but you may want to see if you have diabetes.


someone else says its a side effect from an asthma inhaler. do you use an inhaler?

or other medications? did you check all of your prescription side effects?

or calcium/potassium levels are wrong in your body?

dehydration, or thyroid problems as well?


treatment for leg cramps is to eat a banana per day. (high in potassium)

well, i recommend seeing a doctor. i'm not sure i could put up with 10/10 pain for 2 weeks.


have you tried a medical marijuana recommendation doctor ?

i mean a doctor who specifically advertises to be friendly with mmj.

a friend of mine got his rec from a mmj doc, and said the doctor was involved with his health and did a good physical on him.

really cared about his well being, was located in an actual doctors office, gave him a prescription for celebrex, provided follow up care, etc.


i mean, by MMMA definition, all of the rec doctors have to be MDs or DOs...

so give that a shot. weedmaps has a map list of doctors. even dr bob is listed there.

or i'm sure dr bob can give a referral to a good doctor near you who is not adverse to mmj.



The rib cage ones are like if I stretch and it feels like  pinched nerve, don't happen as often but very painful when it does,


My legs yes hard as a rock, and I can't get any relief at all untill it just passes could be 1 minute maybe 10.. but OMG does it hurt.. still right now a hour later I still can't walk right limping hard to get to the bathroom


I'm on ZERO prescriptions..Have no Dr.. my weed card Dr. avoided me when I asked how to get a meds.. no help at all..


I take pretty good car of myself as of late, I take a multi vitamin everyday Also I don't use drugs, stopped smoking, don't drink, have been going to the gym daily for the last few months again..


I have hypertension.. no signs of diabetes that I'm aware of.. I would think as much time as I spend in the hospital that they would have told me about that?


EDIT:  My diet consists of chicken, fish, tuna fish.. hard boiled eggs and veggies.. salads..


No signs of asthma, I can go and go with any shortness of breath since I quit smoking cigs 39 days ago.. only thing I inhale is MM..








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The source of this was kind of funny and probably spot on....wrongdiagnosis.com, but there is some info in there that may help you with the abdominal cramps.




Most of us experience them at one time or another. That sharp twinge of pain just below the rib cage usually on the right. It is particularly common in runners and has been known to slow some down to a walk until the pain subsides.

Up until recently there was no clear explanation for the cause of this annoying cramp, also called exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP). Now researchers believe that the side stitch is caused by stretching the ligaments that extend from the diaphragm to the internal organs, particularly the liver. The jarring motion of running while breathing in and out stretches these ligaments. Runners tend to exhale every two or four steps. Most people exhale as the left foot hits the ground, but some people exhale when the right foot hits the ground. It is the later group who seem more prone to get side stitches.

Exhaling when the right foot hits the ground causes greater forces on the liver (which is on the right side just below the rib cage). So just as the liver is dropping down the diaphragm raises for the exhalation. It is believed this repeated stretching leads to spasms in the diaphragm.

Stopping a Side Stitch
To stop a side stitch when running, stop running and place your hand into the right side of your belly and push up, lifting the liver slightly. Inhale and exhale evenly as you push up.

Preventing a Side Stitch
To prevent a side stitch, take even, deep breaths while running. Shallow breathing tends to increase the risk of cramping because the diaphragm is always slightly raised and never lowers far enough to allow the ligaments to relax. When this happens the diaphragm becomes stressed and a spasm or "stitch" is more likely.

Some other ways to alleviate the pain of a side stitch include:

Time your eating. Having food in your stomach during a workout may increase cramping by creating more force on the ligaments (avoid eating one to two hours before a workout)
Stretching may prevent or relieve a cramp. Raise your right arm straight up and lean toward the left. Hold for 30 seconds, release, then stretch the other side.
Slow down your pace until pain lessens.
Breathe deep to stretch the diaphragm.
Drink before exercise; dehydration can increase muscle cramps.
Massage or press on the area with pain. Bend forward to stretch the diaphragm and ease the pain.
* If you continue to experience pain, see your doctor.
It could be an infection on the lining of the lung, it is almost like having pneumonia but people don't feel sick. Go to the doctor that he probably will send you antibiotics and it will go away.
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The source of this was kind of funny and probably spot on....wrongdiagnosis.com, but there is some info in there that may help you with the abdominal cramps.




Most of us experience them at one time or another. That sharp twinge of pain just below the rib cage usually on the right. It is particularly common in runners and has been known to slow some down to a walk until the pain subsides.


Up until recently there was no clear explanation for the cause of this annoying cramp, also called exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP). Now researchers believe that the side stitch is caused by stretching the ligaments that extend from the diaphragm to the internal organs, particularly the liver. The jarring motion of running while breathing in and out stretches these ligaments. Runners tend to exhale every two or four steps. Most people exhale as the left foot hits the ground, but some people exhale when the right foot hits the ground. It is the later group who seem more prone to get side stitches.


Exhaling when the right foot hits the ground causes greater forces on the liver (which is on the right side just below the rib cage). So just as the liver is dropping down the diaphragm raises for the exhalation. It is believed this repeated stretching leads to spasms in the diaphragm.


Stopping a Side Stitch

To stop a side stitch when running, stop running and place your hand into the right side of your belly and push up, lifting the liver slightly. Inhale and exhale evenly as you push up.


Preventing a Side Stitch

To prevent a side stitch, take even, deep breaths while running. Shallow breathing tends to increase the risk of cramping because the diaphragm is always slightly raised and never lowers far enough to allow the ligaments to relax. When this happens the diaphragm becomes stressed and a spasm or "stitch" is more likely.


Some other ways to alleviate the pain of a side stitch include:



Time your eating. Having food in your stomach during a workout may increase cramping by creating more force on the ligaments (avoid eating one to two hours before a workout)

Stretching may prevent or relieve a cramp. Raise your right arm straight up and lean toward the left. Hold for 30 seconds, release, then stretch the other side.

Slow down your pace until pain lessens.

Breathe deep to stretch the diaphragm.

Drink before exercise; dehydration can increase muscle cramps.

Massage or press on the area with pain. Bend forward to stretch the diaphragm and ease the pain.

* If you continue to experience pain, see your doctor.


It could be an infection on the lining of the lung, it is almost like having pneumonia but people don't feel sick. Go to the doctor that he probably will send you antibiotics and it will go away.


Sounds like where the cramps happen, but thing is It happens in my sleep.......


Thank you for that post though, very helpful.. good to know.. when I jog or anything at the gym.. I get extreme pains in the center of my back enough so that I have to leave the gym.


I'm falling apart, and I'm fighting with everything I have to get healthy my body just won't agree with the changes.. Im getting so depressed, I try and try and I just can't hang, Im only 32 and feel 60 :thumbsd:

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Vitamin or calcium overdose possibility??  Have you had a lot of Gatorade?  Have you started a new vitamin regimen?





Muscle cramps are felt in any part of the body and may have several causes. People who take too many multivitamins at a time may experience muscle cramps as a symptom of hypervitaminosis -- vitamin toxicity. Multivitamin supplements are formulated for the use of children, adults and seniors as well as pregnant women, and are normally designed to be taken once per day.

Multiple Vitamin Overdose

Taking the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals can have good effects on your health. However, taking more than the recommended daily allowance of any vitamin can lead to hypervitaminosis -- multiple vitamin overdose. This condition mainly occurs when too much of any fat-soluble vitamin is taken in supplement form. Symptoms of multiple vitamin overdose are bone pain, joint pain, muscle pain or weakness, eye irritation, irregular heartbeat, confusion, convulsions, fainting and fatigue.

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Calcium Overdose

Calcium overdose occurs when more than the recommended amount of calcium is taken per day. Complete multivitamin formulas usually contain the minerals calcium. If too many of these vitamins are taken you may develop calcium overdose in addition to multiple vitamin overdose. Symptoms of calcium overdose are abdominal pain, bone pain, coma, confusion, constipation, depression, diarrhea, headache, irregular heartbeat and muscle twitching or pain.


Do not treat muscle cramps by using multivitamin supplements, without consulting with your physician. If you have any symptoms of multiple vitamin overdose in addition to having muscle cramps, contact the Poison Control Center. This is an emergency line dedicated to giving medical advice pertaining to overdoses and poisoning.


Muscle cramps can also occur due to the muscle being overstretched or injured. Muscle cramps should be reported to your physician as they can also indicate medication overdose, deep vein thrombosis, atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency and pinched nerve. Severe pain in the muscles of the arm and leg can indicate heart attack. If you have these symptoms along with trouble breathing and heaviness in the chest, seek emergency care immediately.

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Man your full of good info, although those symptoms don't fit me either..

I take just the one multi-vitamin.. 1-2 poweraids a day if I can afford it.. 2 for $5 at the party store.. mostly I only consumed Warm Tea.. that's 90% of what I intake, the other 10% is water and juicy juice (Berry) MmMmMm..

I know the next advise is more than likely "see a Dr." to me thats like saying go hang out in a police station, i get irritated so easy, The white coats just want me on pain pills, and I have a temper usually get escorted out...(Bad boy I know) I just don't play well with Dr's that do a quick once over then dismiss me all the while charging me thousands of dollars just to tinkle me off and still no relief..

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Trix I am Diabetic and had severe leg cramps if not every night they are every other night. I buy a bottle of pills made by Hyland that are called Leg Cramps, unfortunatly the only place I have found them is at (yuck) Walmart. I take 2 pills before bed if I have been physical that day other wise I take 1 and they stop the leg cramps the rib cramps I don't get nearly as often but they seem to be helpful with these also. The bottle is like 7 or 8 bucks for 40 caplets, well worth it, just wish someone other than Wally World would carry them. Hope that helps ya.

Edited by DLD420
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Trix I am Diabetic and had severe leg cramps if not every night they are every other night. I buy a bottle of pills made by Hyland that are called Leg Cramps, unfortunatly the only place I have found them is at (yuck) Walmart. I take 2 pills before bed if I have been physical that day other wise I take 1 and they stop the leg cramps the rib cramps I don't get nearly as often but they seem to be helpful with these also. The bottle is like 7 or 8 bucks for 40 caplets, well worth it, just wish someone other than Wally World would carry them. Hope that helps ya.


Thank you for that info, should I start getting nervous.. seems these comments all come back to diabetes..


I already have to give myself blood transfusions at home 3x's a week.. I don't know what I would do if I had diabetes as well..


There has to be a better explanation as to why its happening, I sure hope so anyways.. is there a way to check at home without seeing a Dr. for Diabetes? Maybe test myself with a strip test.. My brother in-law has juvenile diabetes, hes blind in both eyes one worse than the other, and is awaiting a transplant.. scary..


I pray to the man above that this isn't that.. But the pain omg is so terrible.


DLD420, so these pills work huh, is this something you saw a Dr. about and was recommended? or this is something your researched and took on by yourself?


Walfart, is right down the road from me.. Ill have to go read some bottles..



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I have no ide what might be causing your discomfort, but I do have info on "Leg Cramp", I was given soom samples. I have taken a few, and have passed some to others. At most, the pills will resolve the pain, not treat the cause. What works is the Cinchona Officinalis HPUS/ Quinine. I guess you could just drink 6 oz per day of tonic water, I think Faygo still bottle this.






What area of the city are you located, maybe I can get some of these pills to you?

Edited by Ms Chocolate
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I have no ide what might be causing your discomfort, but I do have info on "Leg Cramp", I was given soom samples. I have taken a few, and have passed some to others. At most, the pills will resolve the pain, not treat the cause. What works is the Cinchona Officinalis HPUS/ Quinine. I guess you could just drink 6 oz per day of tonic water, I think Faygo still bottle this.



Thank you.. reading now.


My leg still hurts, I think it may actually cause a bruise.. pretty intense way to wake up..




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Yeah, that sounds more likely than diabetes, I hope anyways.. Maybe its from the motorcycle?

Cause I have some pretty severe back issues, and w/o valium I can't control the spasms.

I'm not sure but this one this morning is still effecting me, I can't put any pressure on the sole of my foot.. hurts like crazy still.


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We cannot accurately guess what's going on with you trix. Posting symptoms on an interweb forum is not going to deliver what you need. You're going to have to find a way to get treatment with a physician. Good luck.


I understand Greg, was just trying to see if anyone had similar symptoms.. I have to find a Dr. for sure.. anyone knows one near Taylor let me know.. I'm on SSI so I have Medicaid or care one of them. as well as Children Special Health Care. Insurance from the state due to my Type3 Von Williebrand disease.


I have been referred to a few Dr's from members off this forum, and they all tested and dropped me.. I'm guessing its due to my medical records showing front page that I use MM.. left out to dry..

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I use to have bad cramps.  I went on a mostly raw vegan diet for 6 weeks.  It cured my high blood pressure, cramping, pre-diabetes, and a number of other health issues with this diet.  A friend did the Eat-to-live diet by doctor fuhrman for 6 weeks, which is a vegan low fat diet, and cured his diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gerd, and leg cramping. After the 6 weeks you return to eating a balanced healthy diet, which it sounds like you eat now.


Cutting meat, dairy, grains, and fat out of you diet for a short time has amazing healing effects.  I first heard about it when Pres. Clinton said he cured his heart disease with this type of diet.   The only bad part of the diet is you have to eat a lot to get enough calories.   

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I feel you there.. mum is the word.

They get me cause I have a blood disorder that MUST be made known, cause its THE FIRST thing they must check for is a internal bleed.. that cramp could have torn a muscle which created a bleed. if it bruises then it was bleeding and that can kill me without a infusion.

So they have to read my charts, and it says uses MM to treat symptoms on every page from every Dr.. How do you get around that?

EDIT: If it continues I can't tolerate it anymore, and like Washtenaut said I'll have to go to a urgent care, The only one near me is Oakwood.. and they already refused me.. and a emergency room is a big bill with no results.. except being stereotyped like I'm seeking drugs..

Do I sound a bit jaded?

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Why are you sitting there suffering?  It sounds like you have medical coverage. Take yourself to a ER. An ER has to at least stable you. 

There use to be an Urgent Care center on Telegraph, is it still open? You need to go somewhere. 


It use to be said that I was drug shopping until I wrote a letter naming names and promising action.

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Little to no results, and they will just give me a shot of dilaudid.. I'm clean from opiates and intend to stay that way..

I'm continually disappointed every time I go to the ER. Like I said before they will spend 2 minutes with me in room.. after waiting 8 hours then say nothing is broke here is some Vicodin, or flexeral.. and send me on my way with a referral to see someone else.. waste of time and money


Why are you sitting there suffering? Take yourself to a ER. An ER has to at least stable you

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Why are you sitting there suffering?  It sounds like you have medical coverage. Take yourself to a ER. An ER has to at least stable you. 

There use to be an Urgent Care center on Telegraph, is it still open? You need to go somewhere. 


I use to be accured of drug hunting until I wrote a letter naming names and promising action.

That urgent care is a Oakwood facility, and refused any medication due to their policy of controlled substances, the told me point blank quit using MM and come back..


Edit: since I'm there for pain and spasms, I don't want opiates.. but with open arms would embrace a script for Valium.. That is the only drug in the last 20 years that has helped me, next to marijuana.. so really whats the point of the E.R?  more disappointment, Ive had enough of that...

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I have no ide what might be causing your discomfort, but I do have info on "Leg Cramp", I was given soom samples. I have taken a few, and have passed some to others. At most, the pills will resolve the pain, not treat the cause. What works is the Cinchona Officinalis HPUS/ Quinine. I guess you could just drink 6 oz per day of tonic water, I think Faygo still bottle this.



 Actually Ms. Chocolate the cramps don't come if I take the pill the pain is only when I have the cramps. It's when I forget to take the pill for whatever reason I get the cramps and the associated pain. That being said the cramps very well may not be caused by the Diabetes although it is one of the many symptoms, myself I have had nerve problems in my lower back and legs for years.


What area of the city are you located, maybe I can get some of these pills to you?

I have no ide what might be causing your discomfort, but I do have info on "Leg Cramp", I was given soom samples. I have taken a few, and have passed some to others. At most, the pills will resolve the pain, not treat the cause. What works is the Cinchona Officinalis HPUS/ Quinine. I guess you could just drink 6 oz per day of tonic water, I think Faygo still bottle this.






What area of the city are you located, maybe I can get some of these pills to you?

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