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This article does not promote Team Zimmerman nor Team Martin. As a nation we are questioning “stand your ground” laws in Florida and it’s constitutionality, unfortunately, we sit idle as law enforcement responds to “legal medical marijuana” calls in the same fashion as they did 30 years ago, by kicking your door in.

The Compassion Chronicles earlier this week, told the story of Barb Agro, who in August of 2010 lost her husband (Sal Agro) to a heart attack following a swat-style police raid on her and her late husband’s home. The raid was in “connection” to her son’s involvement in Clinical Relief, a licensed dispensary in Ferndale, MI. A charge that was quickly overturned and a raid deemed unnecessary and illegal by county judges.

Unfortunately for Barb Agro (age 73) a retired police dispatcher with the Lake Orion Police Department, not only did she lose her husband but she was found to be in possession of 6 immature marijuana plants and convicted in an Oakland county court for manufacturing narcotics. At age 71 Barb was given a felony, her first ever crime. Throughout trial the judge ordered Mrs. Agro to not inform the jury that she possessed a marijuana patient card, a card that allowed her to possess up to 12 plants.

This month Mrs. Agro will appeal her felony conviction and  bring some closure to an event that should have never occurred.

While we have a “State Marihuana Act”, Oakland county sheriffs under the auspice of federal agents, funded with federal dollars, drove tanks blindfolded by ski-masks and held assault rifles to the heads of law-abiding parents and their young children.

If we question the manner in which George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon Martin than there is no doubt the manner in which law enforcement raid medical marijuana patients, caregivers, dispensaries and clinics is not only excessive but deadly. Specifically in the Clinical Relief and Barbara Agro case(s) , and the 99% of similar raids where charges are never brought against otherwise law-abiding citizens.

Are Sal Agro and Trayvon Martin one in the same? The way I see it, they were both in the wrong place and at the wrong time (in history perhaps) and their deaths were justified not by common sense but dated attitudes.




... smore than dated attitudes that did this. It is the promotion of Grossly unnecessary violence unleashed by Uncontrollable Govt Approved sources for very, very questionable reasons.


RIP Sal, Trayvon, Victims of Drone Strikes,  and the many, many more that have Left this Life too soon, for said "dated attitudes" ...


Everyones talking about how trayvon was killed/murdered w/e...how come no ones talking about the mother and young kid that were killed by a kid around the sAme age, or the fact that trayvon was an aggresor and high on a lean drink or any of the other facts about the case that have been kept out of the media....only that a black kid was killed by a white hispanic. I just dont get it. Even the police raid that resulted in the death of kid has gotten less attention then this b/s.


Everyones talking about how trayvon was killed/murdered w/e...how come no ones talking about the mother and young kid that were killed by a kid around the sAme age, or the fact that trayvon was an aggresor and high on a lean drink or any of the other facts about the case that have been kept out of the media....only that a black kid was killed by a white hispanic. I just dont get it. Even the police raid that resulted in the death of kid has gotten less attention then this b/s.

You are right that every death is a senseless waste of  precious resources. It doesn't really matter so much their colors, does it? This is a story about the unfairness of one minority that because the Law Enforcement Officials of the State of Florida had what amounts to a "Vested Interest" in what was deemed Justified by the Judicial System of said State while taking the life of a minor child. Really though it showed a remarkable amount of bravery from a beautifaul family that had suffered a very unfortunate loss and showed some of us that there is hope to overcome this affliction that we all have.  And the cold hard reallity of its consequences.  If that doesn't affect you, like it did many, many, many of us around the big blue ball... and   Untill you decide to take off the blinders, you will go to your grave NOT GETTING IT!      ...peace...


The "kid" was on top of him smashing his head into the concrete, he was training to be an mma fighter. These pictures your seeing all over of him are made to make him look like an innocent kid just after candy...thats not the reality. While zimmerman certainly shouldnt of shot him, he probably in the heat of the moment felt it was neccasary. while i know racial profiling goes on everywhere and is especially prevalant in law enforcement, this story isnt going to change any of that. so what your saying is this is getting this much attention because certain vested interests in the state dont like the stand your ground law? And are using this as a means to get the attention and public support to change it.


You talk like you witnessed this incident. And the grand-standing prosecutor brought  into the courtroom a slab of Concrete and announced that this was the weapon that Tray was armed with. Didn't the Police tell Zimmermin to stand down? Did he?  I dont think Guns are allowed in MMA sports or they would be called MLF.  Skittles & a can of soda against a Glock is not a fair fight in my book. I dont care how much Sugar they put into them. 


I think this at least shows what Laws like Stand Your Ground were made for, at least what they're capable of and why we might want to rethink this whole idea of Lethal Force. I was always partial to a fair fight, I grew up in Detroit. The best fights [crowds] were announced during the school day as to the Location and time. And they threw down, of course the Boys fought but I'm talking about  the  Girls. The  Girls fought too but were allowed to pull hair for some reason, otherwise may the best Person win. Ummmm granted they were different times that woulda been when I was 15 about 1964. How different ? People rarely locked their doors. If they did they would misplace their keys and come get me to climb in the "Milk Shute" ...  


Solabeirtan, the stand your ground laws weren't used by the defense... Even if you repealed it, the situation would be the same. 


And what's this about a fair fight?  Fights are never fair.  That's why most respectful folks don't go around intitiating fights.  Not everyone is physically capable of defending themselves and they may be packing heat.  Get used to it.  Throughout history only freemen carried weapons.  Slaves were always disarmed.  So why should we rethink lethal force?


This whole court case was used as a distraction and to divide the country.  Why doesn't Obummer talk about all the poor minorities killed on a daily basis in the drug war? 

Posted (edited)

That's news to me!  Most people believe that Law was the reason Zimmerman got away with it. Repealing that Law ? makes no difference ? sheer speculation on your part. 


Fights are never fair? Your not the sporting type? Have you seen a boxing match? MMArts? Wrestling? There kind of fair, don't you think? Very rarely does someone die, but it does happen. 

The difference though in mpo it was a fair fight. Still unfortunate but accidents do happen, even without guns. 


And again with your speculation about the Trial.  There might have been more important reasons, besides being just a distraction to divide. A little one was giving some closure to the family that lost a "loved one" a son, brother, friend unfairly and unfortunately. How about the semblance of Justice that is espoused as oneof our core principles. Obama is a politician, not a preacher...



And what's this about a fair fight?  Fights are never fair.  That's why most respectful folks don't go around intitiating fights.  Not everyone is physically capable of defending themselves and they may be packing heat.  Get used to it.  Throughout history only freemen carried weapons.  Slaves were always disarmed.  So why should we rethink lethal force?
Words escape mea @ the moment ....

220am good night!

Edited by solabeirtan

The fight should of been over after he was on the ground then right? Ive been in plenty of fights, once hes one the ground its over unless he gets up. Ive also been in fights were i was the underdog, an ended up on the ground, once your on the ground and the other person is still kicking or on top of you punching away or slamming your head into concrete, it becomes more than a simple fight, do you not aggree with this reasoning?


The skittles and watermelon iced tea are part of a codien drink, add robitussin and your high. This stuff is all over facebook and google. It is a tradgedy that a young man lost his life, but why couldnt he of just kept going on to his house, or simply put zimmerman down and walked away?


Is michigan law any better? If someone breaks in my house armed or not, im supposed to retreat to the farthest part of my house and only if im pursued can i defend myself.


The fight should of been over after he was on the ground then right? Ive been in plenty of fights, once hes one the ground its over unless he gets up. Ive also been in fights were i was the underdog, an ended up on the ground, once your on the ground and the other person is still kicking or on top of you punching away or slamming your head into concrete, it becomes more than a simple fight, do you not aggree with this reasoning?


The skittles and watermelon iced tea are part of a codien drink, add robitussin and your high. This stuff is all over facebook and google. It is a tradgedy that a young man lost his life, but why couldnt he of just kept going on to his house, or simply put zimmerman down and walked away?


Is michigan law any better? If someone breaks in my house armed or not, im supposed to retreat to the farthest part of my house and only if im pursued can i defend myself.

Don't believe everything you read on facebook. The blood tests showed only marijuana in his system. The blood tests were made public now.


"....It took 40 minutes.  Some background may help explain why.  Earlier that same month, Trayvon had been caught at school holding a bag with marijuana residue and a marijuana pipe.  He was suspended for the third time that school year, this time for ten days.  Trayvon may have been dealing as well.  As one online friend had communicated earlier, "darn were u at a (I can't convey a point without vulgarities) need a plant."

Trayvon was partial to "blunts," street slang for cannabis rolled with the tobacco-leaf wrapper from an inexpensive cigar called a "blunt."  As a tribute after his death, one friend posted online a photo of a homemade badge honoring Trayvon positioned next to a blunt. 

It seems altogether possible that Curly bought at least one of those cigars for the under-aged Trayvon and took those visible dollar bills as payment.  Trayvon waited five minutes outside the 7-11 and did not leave until after Curly came out.  In the 40 minutes before Zimmerman spotted him, Trayvon could have scraped the tobacco out of the cigar, replaced it with marijuana, and smoked his blunt."

"This guy looks like he's up to no good," Zimmerman tells the police.  "Or he's on drugs or something.  It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."  Trayvon was on drugs or had been recently.  His autopsy showed the presence of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, in both his blood and his urine.



Ok perg, yes I've been in those kinda fights, like when your down, its not a fair fight, there's more than one, I did survive and some if not all of us/them later walked crawled away and healed. Only one thing prevented any fatalities,  there were no [firearms] Lethal Weapons involved .

Michigan Law: You're protecting " your house " or " yourself " or your Family ? Sure its the house you're defending? Whose house ? Familiar with the bundle of rights that pertain to property ownership? Or is it the only way to use Lethal Force, legally.

Posted (edited)

We have a stand your ground Law here ? i think

I'm really not sure on that. Here's the hook, Bob, it's  NOT "your" ground, is it? but you are occupying it. Kind of like komoonity property. This is the premise for using "Lethal Force" on otherwise Public Property. It is shared property not owned but shared. And you are defending your right to occupy the apx 1 sq foot of said ground. Personally I would feel safer, myself if there weren't any Lethal Weapons in this area.

Edited by solabeirtan

I am not familiar with ownership rights pertaining to defending your homestead, since i dont own my home yet. But everything ive read and been told says you have to retreat. Any links i will read and debate further tho, if you like.


I dont wAnt people to get the wrong idea about me here, it was a tradgedy and surely zimmerman could of done something different, but all actions have an equal and opposite reaction right? Trayvons was fatal and his family suffers.



I do not agree with or disagree with the stand your ground laws.  I merely was stating the fact that Zimmerman did not use the "stand your ground law" as a defense.  Why do people keep blaming this law when Zimmerman claimed self defense?  Cuz the media is spewing their lies and spinning the story how they see fit to make money and push an agenda.


I believe a terrible tragedy occurred that night for both families and no one will ever know what truly happened.  I just hate how all these politicians, reverends and propagandists are exploiting this tragedy to create more racisim and division in this country. 


Why did news organizations edit the 911 tapes to make zimmerman sound racist?  Why did they originally claim zimmerman was white?  Why did ABC edit what one jury member said instead of showing the entire clip?  Why are dated pictures of martin always shown?  Why is Martin Obama's son?  Why is Martin Obama?  Why does no one care about the thousands of children murdered every year by gang violence? 

One things clear.  This case was sensationalized by both the media and politicians for both monetary and political reasons.


Zimmerman to argue self-defense, will not seek 'stand your ground' hearing

NBC News caught editing 911 tape of Trayvon Martin shooting


ABC News Deceptively Edit Zimmerman Juror’s Controversial Interview?


I appreciate your interest in this subjet, Illumi1, I think we need this conversation,  meaning like all of US. To say that the stand your ground Law was not involved in this case is a falicy. From what I understand about it now is that it was a key part of the trial. That's why he wasnt initially charged and that was what generated a lot of the excitment. The defence then decided, some say to keep Z off the stand to go for the self -defence route.

They determined that he could use it either before or after as part of his defense. However they had to arrest him then so they could charge him. If he would have had it in the beginning he would have had to take the stand, however if they had determined at that point that he was covered under  Floridas' Deadly Force Law also know as the "Stand your ground law", he would have been exonerated. Which he was anyway. The statute was the determinig factor as attested by juror B29 in this thoughtful summary, the way I understand it right now. There is an accompanying Video that is preferable to her text which is also included  . Mel Harris-Perry


"But that is what happens when you have a law on the books that sets up a climate where a gun toting citizen can justify shooting an unarmed person as self-defense."


Sometimes a person doesn't have to be armed with a weapon to warrant shooting your own.(not directed towards Zimmerman case, just in general). Im starting to feel like this is all heading in a direction to further limit our gun rights or make them disappear altogether.


"But that is what happens when you have a law on the books that sets up a climate where a gun toting citizen can justify shooting an unarmed person as self-defense."


Sometimes a person doesn't have to be armed with a weapon to warrant shooting your own.(not directed towards Zimmerman case, just in general). Im starting to feel like this is all heading in a direction to further limit our gun rights or make them disappear altogether.


This seems like a good spot to throw a 747 sized Monkey Wrench into the discussion but alas it was inevitable. That requires another set of tools, however. Thought they may seem related they are separate issues. One involves Civility the other addresses Emotional Security. Not an insignificant issue, in itself. Especially in our current political climate.


Easy Bob. You #1 have been emotionally scarred by your recent lengthy adventure/battle with a much biased administration. You invested heavily in other words. I appreciate your courage. Thanks. 

I would say you have been thoroughly vetted at this point. Let your conscience be your guide.         peace

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