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Farmers Market?

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Farmers Markets are a wonderful place for patients to try different strains of medicine.The caregiver can't grow every strain. There are plenty of dispensaries in Ann Arbor,Ypsilanti,and a few other cities.I wonder what happen to all the farmers markets that use to operate in the state.It seems they all shut down.If anyone know of any markets that would be helpful to patients around the state.The dispensaries have the money to stay open.Patients deserve options.Just my 2 cents.

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For me I'm leery of a new member(today) asking this question on their first post...

Kinda sounds like an investigation.


I've heard of a few farmers markets popping up here and there... some one time events, some regular.


Anyone help point me in the right direction?  The only thing I can find anything about was from years ago.

Edited by Marijuana Ranch
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Didn't you hear?  LEO used to have size limits but they got rid of those. 


They used to only go after the big fish.  Now if they can get a hook into anyone, they will skin and gut them

You got any proof of that? You sound very negative.


Around my area they are heading the opposite direction; decriminalization.


Example; 4th time marijuana offender in Tawas gets probation.

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It realy isnt a good question to ask for your 1st post on the day you join!  I dont remember but most likely I did the same thing but that was around 4 or 5 yrs ago and I was looking for a c.g!


If you are not leo, po po, fuzz, pigs,cop well than you will understand, dont get upset just come back and stay around and become a member of our little communty here, Im thinking it would be a realy good time for you to get your card from this site via 25 buck donation, and enjoy the info you will learn here to help pt's and c.g's.


If you are in need like now, well there are alot of loose sellers on craigs list, I dont go there, I dont need to, im a c.g and a pt with a c.g, but I wouldnt mind having the option of a farm market or 100 lol!


Best of luck newbie!   oh welcome to the site!



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I love the idea of a legal farmers market, I'd be the first there, on both sides of the tables !. But, for now, I like to advise newbies of safe and legal ways to go about their

business. I got my permit so I didn't have to support the illegal drug business to procure my herb. I enjoy supporting those who choose instead to work within the law now.


There's too many program members that just don't grasp some very simple rules. When they go searching for the answers and find a relaxed view of breaking the rules, with a no worries attitude I believe we are doing a disservice to the community, and assisting a black eye on the program itself.  For now, I hold that following these simple rules wont make anyone any money, but will be legal and the most safe way to a positive outcome.

Until some of these silly rules change, please follow the current ones for best results.


peace out

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I was under the impression it was legal to transfer from one paitent to another?


No, it is not considered legal in Michigan. 


In theory, a patient can legally acquire meds most anywhere within the state.  The seller, if caught, will face possible arrest


Folks can have legal entanglements too if say, there was a mass arrest at a market or dispensary and they happened to be present at the wrong time.

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I suppose I didn't think about the LEO and whatever terms you're using.  Makes since to distrust someone on the first post.  I had assumed they were legal given that the discussion i've heard about them was more of an "open air market"


I was under the impression it was legal to transfer from one paitent to another?

that ^^  misunderstanding is cleared up right here in the law. http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-35299_63294_63303_51869_52138---,00.html

the patient/caregiver application/agreement also reminds us of our responsibility to transfer only to our five registered patients.

be careful my man, some people spend 10 grand or more on their defense for this same misunderstanding.

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  • 1 month later...

"LEO" = Law Enforcement Officer :hair:

I suppose I didn't think about the LEO and whatever terms you're using.  Makes since to distrust someone on the first post.  I had assumed they were legal given that the discussion i've heard about them was more of an "open air market"


I was under the impression it was legal to transfer from one paitent to another?

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  • 2 months later...

is this "safe transfer center" a farm market, a dispensary or what?




its in warren.




Why do I have to be a member?

We have a limited amount of openings due to the MMMP law that caregivers can only have 5 patients. We abide by the MMMP laws, so once our caregivers reach the allowed amount no more openings will be available.

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The dispensaries have the money to stay open.

And the disps have other advantages:  they are just more available with most days of the week, very long hours, and the strains peeps ask for.  GC3 (genessee county, flint) is the only fm mkt I'm aware of that has lasted.  In detroit there is so much competition from 127 disps that the organizer's attempts at a fm tailed all off and expired, with 1 operator of a fm arrested for harassing tiger's fans on their way to the game.  others started disps. 

Edited by pic book
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