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Best Source / Store For Mycorrhiza ?


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A mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant. If you grow organically you already have hundreds of spores growing, facilitating the sugar/mineral/water exchange. Without any fungi in the soil, the plant will not grow very well. This can be seen in "sterile" soils. A watering of soil a few days before use will establish a huge colony of fungi within.

Sprays, botanical oils, soil drenches will kill fungi. Like yogurt after antibiotics, fungi should be augmented in soils that have been treated, otherwise, they're already in there.

a good hydro store will sell the same fungi as a bad one, just watch the expiry dates on the sacks.

I used to grow fruiting mushrooms within my pots for the hell of it. I chose button shrooms for the fast turn around. they prefer wood chips to soil, but they did grow.

mail order is good too, but you cant verify the expiry date, best to by it in person.

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or, you could avoid all the forest floor pests, and pick up a bag of happy frog, full of fungus, water it, use it in a week. If your soil is sandy, fix it. fungus is naturally occurring when organics break down. start breaking down some organics already ?

decomposition fungus is different than myco fungus. i have compost, but compost does not really have mycos , or as many of them as i want.

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I've used Happy Frog for 6 years and never seen a pest originating in it. those bugs came from

 buddie, his clones, house plants,the grow store, or an infested room perhaps.


Soil bugs are a necessary integral part of organic farming. Each has its place in the bio cycle. For instance nematodes are my friends. scary when you see them,

but a must have in organics

A well balanced garden with good habits practiced inside is your best bet to avoid problematic pests.


which "bugs" did you see in your newly opened happy frog soil ? pics if you don't know?

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