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Mmj Eases Some Ms Symptoms, Neurologists Report


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 MMJ Eases Some MS Symptoms, Neurologists Report

USA -- There is strong evidence that medical marijuana pills may reduce symptoms of spasticity and pain reported by multiple sclerosis patients, but little proof that smoking pot offers the same benefit, according to new alternative treatment guidelines released by the American Academy of Neurology.

The guidelines on complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM, treatments for MS were published Monday in the journal Neurology and are among the first from a national medical organization to suggest that doctors might offer cannabis treatment to patients.


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Smoking pot!


Why can't they use their imaginations and think of some other ways to ingest it instead of going right for the throat like that?


Nope, it's either pills or smoking pot, it's all they got. Bring on the THC bashers as an encore. Merrily we cash in on false studies is the tune. Can we get more cow bell?

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I never smoke. My CG supplies butter and I make cookies. With the limited amount of bud I get, I make coconut-cannaoil.

The butter is stronger but the oil is different. I like peanut butter cookies the best.


I use to smoke both bud and cigs but I quit a 2 to 3 pack a day cig habit (for over 30 years) March of 2014. Since then, I don't smoke anything.


So...I read it's illegal to actually have or use extract? Would these idiots rather have me smoking then to ingest the meds?

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Extract is a preparation of cannabis. You can have 2.5 ounces minus your bud total. 

I really can't find much about butters and oils in the law. I just know 2.5 ounces of butter isn't very much. Here's an older article comparing bud weight with butter or oil. Not sure what ever became of these bills.



"Michigan medical marijuana laws are pretty screwy. Namely: edible forms of marijuana aren't covered under the laws. Patients have to smoke it or vaporize it. At least, that's the ruling from the state Supreme Court who clearly had no freaking idea what they were dealing with.


All of that seems like it's about to change based on the overwhelming approval of a Michigan state House bill re-legalizing edible forms of medical cannabis.


The proposed law would allow patients and caregivers to make infused edibles and topical rubs. But the law also sets limits. Michigan patients can currently possess up to 2.5 ounces of flowers. The new bill establishes that 16 ounces of solid infused products like butter, 72 ounces of liquid and seven grams of gas are all equal to one ounce of flowers. So a patient could potentially have up to 40 ounces of butter on them at any time or 180 ounces of marijuana-infused oils or tinctures."



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My MS patient is down from 9 brain lesions to 1. :)



This is why more research needs to be done. Which strains helped the lesions dissipate? Was it the high THC strains or the high CBN strains that helped your patient?

At what level and how was the patient using the MMJ?


This is one of the dangers of people claiming they can cure a disease. Many of us have heard that "My uncle's friend's brother's cousin cured his cancer with MMJ"

But is it really true? Is it possible the person who went into a remission actually benefited from the MMJ or was it random? Why is it I can get a strain named Master Kush from one provider and get one with the same name from a different source and it's totally different?


It's really dangerous making a blanket statement. I was DX'ed in 1998 with my MS and have yet to hear of a single person who claims they had lesions (multiple scars) disappear. During an exacerbation, these lesions (or scars) flare up. This can cause many problems. Steroids (and maybe MMJ) can act as an anti-inflammatory and shrink the flared up lesion, lessening the patient disability. But to have any lesions totally disappear on an MRI? People with RR MS (Relapsing-Remitting MS) have lesions flare up at random, unpredictable times. Steroids can shrink them quickly but there are times when the damage is permanent, causing the scar (or lesion). Saying MMJ eliminated the lesions is a little like saying you grew an arm back on an amputee. The lesion is actually organic tissue that is damaged.  


My Neurologist is amazed every time I get a new MRI. She shows me the scans and there and close to 50 lesions. And I'm still walking (poorly) and I am still functioning. She tells me it is such a random thing with these lesions....a patient can have a few lesions and be in a wheelchair while other patients (like me) can have many, many lesions and function. The random nature is all dependent on the location of the lesion(s).

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none of the bills have passed. by reading the law , you either get 2.5 oz of anything marijuana related, or you get unlimited medibles. so you have to take the least absurd of those two choices. :\


Well, this article is from 10-07-2015 and says;


"State Rep. Lisa Lyons, R-Alto, sponsored the bill that legalizes non-smokable forms of medical pot, and said the issue is a moral one."



So if they're trying to pass a bill making "non-smokable forms of medical pot" legal, doesn't that mean it's not legal at this time (unless the bill passed)?


Like I said, Michigan law is very screwed up and it seems to change on a weekly basis. Too bad the powers that be don't bother telling the people with medical cards the changes to the law. Hell, half (or more) of LEO aren't even aware of the laws when they bust law abiding, card carrying citizens with their meds. 

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I never said that the MJ cured the lesions.  I didn't know lesions could be "cured"? This is what my MS patient tells me:Get this ... 2008 ...2 brain lesions
2010 ... 7
2011 ... 9

Today ... ONE!

yes he said it's not ms ... Nah, it WAS MS but i reversed it!

Poor woman has had drs say it's MS from symptoms and then test and say it's MS and then have drs say it was a false positive.  The drs can't even agree if she has it but she has gone thru and said symptoms say yes that she has MS.

A lot has happened since then.  She's only been with me for 2 years. She's kicked about 16 drugs she was on including kolonapin.  We're just happy that it's reversing, whatever it is/was.

She routinely smokes hi THC and has recently switched to 50/50's(THC/CBD) and hi THC and does tinctures(hi THC) and hash/kief. That's it.

  She also has fibromyalgia so smokes basically for the pain relief from that and the MS is a side thing I think.  Who knows the brain lesions could've been from one of the many meds she was on for fibro/ms.  I listen but it's hard to keep everything strait with her as symptoms come and go and I mostly work on trying to provide her with numerous quality choices for each thing she has(pain/morning meds that won't knock her down, nite meds to help her sleep and something heavier for the flares, etc.). I think it's more of a having THC and some CBD and the terpenes(different strains) are just to make it more palatable experience while the THC and CBD do the work.  I don't think it's strain dependent like getting the munchies for a chemo patient or getting a mix of terpenes that aids in pain relief if that makes sense.  I think any old THC or CBD will cure certain things and the side effects of different combinations of terpenes and flavinoids aid in certain aspects of pain reduction or enhancement, munchies, visual effects, hyperactive or sleepy, etc.

Like they've shown different combinations of THC only, CBD only or 50/50 etc. work for different cancers.  If you match that  THC/CBD profile than any other effects just enhance or detract from the experience.  Since this all seemed to happen with smoking hi THC strains with only one month of taking hi CBD medibles, either the whole thing happened from hi THC meds or happened from getting off the other meds or mostly happened from the hi CBD medibles or any combination of the 3 or something totally random like killing off candida overgrowth(which can cause brain lesions and MS like symptoms). Who knows.  Considering the neurogenerative and protective powers of CBD I'd use a combination of THC and CBD.

Edited by Norby
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So if they're trying to pass a bill making "non-smokable forms of medical pot" legal, doesn't that mean it's not legal at this time (unless the bill passed)?

the court of appeals ruling that banned oil/edibles was so poorly written that no prosecutor has used the argument so far, as far as i can tell.


the only other cases are a butter case in kent county , which is a weight issue (1lb of butter), and another case up north - because of a bad prosecutor.

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