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Getting With It...going To Digital Hps From T5

Hydraulic Jack

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I just bought 2 nanolux to replace 2 Magnetics.  I purchased 2 nanolux for 420.00 at www.growgreenmi.com They always have some serious deals but you have to watch them for when they pop things on sale.


After careful inspection I am intrigued at how similar the Nanolux is to my NextGen digital ballasts.  i wonder if this the next version of the NextGen since CAP did such an excellent job of killing NExtGen....lol.


When you watch the video's for the nanolux online is says that they can run without the fans.  It is said that they installed the fans because everyone is using fans.  So Nanolux supposedly installed fans for cosmetic reasons.....and they said that if 1 fan blows the other will keep on working... 


Mine have only been in my Med garden for about 2 weeks.  So far so good..knock on wood.

Edited by motorcitymeds
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I used to veg under 2, 1000-watt metal halides. Then I tried T5 and came to the conclusion that the t5 has a larger footprint of usable light and found better results with T5 not only in veg but in the first week or two of flower. The HIDs really shine when you want vertical depth of light, as in when your are flowering and want solid light penetration to make the most of the lower buds. I've found that my most efficient grows are with T5 from veg to week two of flower, then slam 'em with the HIDs until finish.

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I used to veg under 2, 1000-watt metal halides. Then I tried T5 and came to the conclusion that the t5 has a larger footprint of usable light and found better results with T5 not only in veg but in the first week or two of flower. The HIDs really shine when you want vertical depth of light, as in when your are flowering and want solid light penetration to make the most of the lower buds. I've found that my most efficient grows are with T5 from veg to week two of flower, then slam 'em with the HIDs until finish.

Speaking from a statistical point of view the vigor and growth under a MH 1k versus any T5 is not even comparable.  Yes a T5 will keep growth more squat and closer but a 1k MH veggin cannot even be compared to a T5.  a 1k 7200k will simply kill any T5.  And in flower OMG...the buds on any strain even a poop strain will quadriple the size of buds under a T5.



early in my career I messed around with all kinds of shiiyat. and Until I find a LED that can crank out the density and size of buds I get under 1k HPS...I am stuck buying 1k HPS and 1k MH bulbs and just have to deal with the heat output 


A LED , T5 have nothing on a 1k HID. 

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