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Switching Caregivers?


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My question is there an exact MCL code stating that a patient can switch caregivers at anytime? I work for a dispensary and they offer to pay for their cards. Drs apt app fee and select them a caregiver for it. The issue is there have been a few people that take advantage of this and turn around once they get there card and go change the care giver. An idea was brought up on possibly writing a contract saying if you switch caregivers within an x amount of time you have to payback the fees which were originally waived for signing up.

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Nothing in the law forces a patient to stay with a certain caregiver if they choose to pay for all of the recommendation fees and the patient chooses to leave nothing can be done but if they are happy with the medicine and prices why would they want to change caregivers in the first place ?

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I've never had a problem myself. But this place I am working for is great with fantastic meds and everything is professional. But you have the random few that like to cheat the system. I've seen it a lot in Tue culinary buisness. Granted its completely different but you get the concept. People sometimes look for free bunny muffin. Do what they can to get it and douche out. Just looking for ways to help protect it. That's all.

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 But you have the random few that like to cheat the system.


really ?

and paying for a patient to buy marijuana from the center  selling it illegally is not seen as cheating our Act in this system?


realize I do not judge your place of employment, but this reminds me of the homeless guy collecting signatures to get a different brand of soap provided for free in the showers at a homeless center. He complained daily to the staff about the cheap soap, and wanted irish spring instead of the donated bars provided.


I think its hilarious that people are using the center's gracious offer to resell marijuana for twice the price, with a paid doc/card fee, only to find a cg who can service them satisfactorily.  you got to ask yourself, "why would they leave the center in the first place" ?

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The handwriting on the wall says that dispensaries can't survive unless they steal our grow rights. Look at all that overhead. Look at Colorado complaining already that medical home grows are stopping them from reaching expected cash intake goals at the dispensaries. It's been looming right there in front of our faces for years now. If we keep shoveling the cash at them they will eventually pay to change the laws to fix this for themselves.

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Well stated fellas, thanks.


This is a funny thread. Hard to believe you posted here looking for ways to keep patients from switching caregivers.



really ?

and paying for a patient to buy marijuana from the center  selling it illegally is not seen as cheating our Act in this system?


realize I do not judge your place of employment, but this reminds me of the homeless guy collecting signatures to get a different brand of soap provided for free in the showers at a homeless center. He complained daily to the staff about the cheap soap, and wanted irish spring instead of the donated bars provided.


I think its hilarious that people are using the center's gracious offer to resell marijuana for twice the price, with a paid doc/card fee, only to find a cg who can service them satisfactorily.  you got to ask yourself, "why would they leave the center in the first place" ?



The handwriting on the wall says that dispensaries can't survive unless they steal our grow rights. Look at all that overhead. Look at Colorado complaining already that medical home grows are stopping them from reaching expected cash intake goals at the dispensaries. It's been looming right there in front of our faces for years now. If we keep shoveling the cash at them they will eventually pay to change the laws to fix this for themselves.


Pay attention peeps ^^

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Posted 17 March 2014 - 02:36 AM

I was wonder if i am eligible for section 4 or section 8. I currently had my renewal yesterday. my last card was expired. anyway I was away to the VA hospital and i recently got home i had old fan leaves still on my floor and about a gram and a half of usable medicine still in my grow room. i was starting to clean out my entire house and started on my grow room. anyway i was sitting here and i had cps and the police here. had complaints up the donkey for crazy stuff so i complied and talked with them and they wanted to do a walk through of my house which was spotless besides my grow room. once the cop did a walk through of the room he gave me a citation for a possession charge. i am shitting bricks because i have been out of trouble for a few years and never had any possession charge before in my life when i got home from Iraq i was a mess and in trouble for frivolous things mostly to do with drinking and i really don't want to see this judge agian granted i don't drink but still. I wasn't trying to break the law


wtf are you thinking man? after that experience, and you say all your friends get the same type of beefs with the law, you may want to rethink what you do for a living. You are transferring marijuana to patients that are not your registered patient. You are in violation of your probation possibly, you will see the same judge when caught at work, your family deserves better. you will go to jail for this, and I don't know if I can muster up some sympathy this time. I love you, and respect that you are trying to do the right thing, but sometimes we need intervention from an outsider. maybe you'll reconsider your choices after reading this, I hope so. Probably not though, in that case I wish you luck and good fortune in everything you do.


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I don't know what people you are speaking of but of the 25 or so patients I have met in the last about two years (since I starting discussing dispensaries with others) not a single one has set foot in a dispensary, and every one prefers a more low-key and low-cost transaction.


How often does a patient meet in a strange house? Once, and then it isn't strange anymore.

Edited by Highlander
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I stopped by a place that used to be a grow store and was surprised to find it was converted to a dispensary. I thought I'd take a look. They wanted to copy a card. I offered to show it to them and asked why they needed a copy? How would a copy prove I was any more legit than if I just showed the card? I ended up walking out.


I never gave a store a copy of my DL to buy alcohol or cigarettes. So why do dispensaries think sheep-patients should allow such copies?

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strange house meets?   gets me thinking about the caregivers who invite strangers into their homes. what kind of idiot does that?


I'll deliver to a home IF the patient cannot drive. Otherwise we meet in the daytime, in public, in a very relaxed state. If my patient was nervous about our transactions every time,  I would seek another patient to service. Every patient I've had was a stranger online when they found me, and ended up being buddies. My patients are matched to me and my garden habits. Its very unlikely I would end up with one who was not cool, just like me.

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Some people are just nervous.  It shouldn't be thought that they are shady just because they are nervous.  I'm nervous all the time but it doesn't show since I'm used to it(at least I don't think it does at least all the time).


I could see about legal status if they confiscate records but getting pulled over and them asking for your card is just as exposing.  People are doing nothing wrong by buying their meds from a dispensary.  I could see if you had a job that you'd have to worry but even then they are bound to keep any info confidential?

Edited by Norby
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You CANNOT switch to another CG for 60 days after you pick the first one,or LARA will just send your paperwork back to you. Do NOTHING to draw attention to yourself.  You screwed up. Your story changed. Not a good way to get a stranger to believe you.WHY would you have LEO and CPS in your grow room? Did you call them and invite them or did they pay you a visit? If you work for a legit dispensary then why aren't they helping you? One place makes you sign the CG form,and they keep it,but don't date it. They say it it to protect THEM. Apparently they think just because you signed that form,but it never got sent,that you are clear. But you aren't.

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You CANNOT switch to another CG for 60 days after you pick the first one,or LARA will just send your paperwork back to you. Do NOTHING to draw attention to yourself.  You screwed up. Your story changed. Not a good way to get a stranger to believe you.WHY would you have LEO and CPS in your grow room? Did you call them and invite them or did they pay you a visit? If you work for a legit dispensary then why aren't they helping you? One place makes you sign the CG form,and they keep it,but don't date it. They say it it to protect THEM. Apparently they think just because you signed that form,but it never got sent,that you are clear. But you aren't.

I think you just misunderstood the person on the phone. The law gives no time restriction on change forms. It CAN take 60 days to process a change form.
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exactly, I agree. nervousness does not make a person shady. however, since this is my registry, involving serious ramifications to me and my family possibly, I owe it to myself to carefully select my five garden patients. There is no shortage of patients needing proper servicing. I don't seek the sickest, or the prettiest, only the most compatible with me, and my garden habits, with NO compromises.

I'm not comfortable with twitchy nervous  people in my private life, and avoid them in my registry too. I also don't register drunks, not because it makes them bad people, but because its part of my garden rules. It works like a gem here, but maybe not for everyone. I've seen caregivers here in the forum who take on the strangest of patients, with mixed results. My hats off to them for taking control of their life and choosing the best patients for their registry.


"wrong" is complicated. I agree with you on this. but, from one philosophical view, the Common Good Approach;
This approach to ethics assumes a society comprising individuals whose own good is inextricably linked to the good of the community. Community members are bound by the pursuit of common values and goals.

The common good is a notion that originated more than 2,000 years ago in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero. More recently, contemporary ethicist John Rawls defined the common good as "certain general conditions that are...equally to everyone's advantage."

In this approach, we focus on ensuring that the social policies, social systems, institutions, and environments on which we depend are beneficial to all. Examples of goods common to all include affordable health care, effective public safety, peace among nations, a just legal system, and an unpolluted environment.


If supporting a dispensary ultimately charges them up enough to fully remove our grow rights, as their pursuit to a legal profit scheme directs them, at what point will the patrons define their actions of purchasing grams at an illegal center as a "right" thing to do?  This isn't the first rodeo of this type. Fortunately we have the vision of the past to learn from. Until my personal grow rights are locked in, I will not support an illegal dispensary. just my opinions of course . :bong2:

Some people are just nervous.  It shouldn't be thought that they are shady just because they are nervous.  I'm nervous all the time but it doesn't show since I'm used to it(at least I don't think it does at least all the time).


I could see about legal status if they confiscate records but getting pulled over and them asking for your card is just as exposing.  People are doing nothing wrong by buying their meds from a dispensary.  I could see if you had a job that you'd have to worry but even then they are bound to keep any info confidential?

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I meet people on a weekly basis that use only a dispensary. The amount of people i know using dispensarys over caregivers is ridiculous. Reason being, they couldnt find a caregiver that worked for them, gave up looking after they tried a dispensary. Now perhaps if caregivers were not limited to nust five patients, this would be different. Just one persona humble opinion.

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There is also the fact that if a person has a good caregiver, how would you meet them? How are you meeting the "ridiculous" number of people that use dispensaries over caregivers? I personally know more who have stopped shopping at stores the minute they found a good caregiver.

Hanging out at the dispensary selling joints to anyone like the dude that used to stand on the street corner. Some people only have their act together enough to buy joints. It takes some planning and reliability to have a real caregiver. Some folks would rather be illegal than be tied down like that. I'm sure some even like being illegal. Not everyone wants to lower their risks of getting arrested for cannabis. Some don't think that far ahead. They just find it and buy it no matter what the consequences might be. We can't be confusing this with medical though. It's not that they prefer dispensaries over caregivers, they prefer illegal over legal.
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Huge network, friends or friends of friends etc etc. im out and about all the time. No need to jump on me for giving my observation...if there were not a need for them they wouldnt still be here. My opinion, you should be allowed more than five pAtients. For example last year, ingham county, oakland county and wayne county all had 5000 or more patients registered in those countys, the number of caregivers was significantly less, more than a 5 to 1 rAtio.

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