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Has Anyone Grown Gage Green's Bright Moments In Hydro?

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I have some clones of Gage Green's Bright Moments in vege....I was wondering how much they may stretch in hydro? I have heard that they have minimal stretch in soil but I want to make sure to grow them to their maximum potential....HJ

I want to get some gage gear I hope your pleased with it. We would love for some pics

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I have some clones of Gage Green's Bright Moments in vege....I was wondering how much they may stretch in hydro?   I have heard that they have minimal stretch in soil but I want to make sure to grow them to their maximum potential....HJ



My buddy who grows it in Kalamazoo just told me over the weekend that his stretched...


He has the same cut I gave you.  So apparently it stretches in hydro systems...or maybe he does not top it a bunch like I do.  Not sure.  So be warned.  I never get super stretchers excpet for some Diesels/HeadWreck I run.  So I am not sure what to say... ....



you can train her into the first week of flower though with NO issues at all.  Bend her down with netting.

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I want to get some gage gear I hope your pleased with it. We would love for some pics

williams 2311  what is your email...I can send you pics of like 6 or 7 strains I run and tested for Gage Green.


Bright Moments

Grape Puff

Mango x JoJ OG Kush

SFV x JoJo OG Kush

East Village Stomper

Headwreck x Mendo Montage

ABlue5 x JoJo Kush or atleast that is what it said on the packaging...not sure what it is...lol


Just to name a few.


or follow this link and check out some of my pictures.



Edited by motorcitymeds
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and the gage greens hardly stretch.  course, i defoliate, and no plants stretch much under def.

PIC book,


What gage strain were you running..?  Some of the JoJo OG hybrids will stretch. GVrape Puff can and will stretch.  Even when topped several times that is the one that I found that will stretch depending on the pheno.

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