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Outdoor Marijuana Grows Banned In Sacramento County


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Outdoor Marijuana Grows Banned in Sacramento County


On Tuesday, Sacramento County supervisors unanimously voted to ban outdoor marijuana grows.  The new ban applies to unincorporated Sacramento County and will take effect this summer, likely in June.


Growing marijuana outdoors in residential areas was already banned in the city of Sacramento, but this new vote takes the ban a step further.


Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan introduced separate indoor and outdoor ordinances Tuesday to ban marijuana crops, saying she has received many complaints from residents. In addition to safety and quality of life issues, marijuana grows create undue demands on the environment, including high water use in a drought, she said.


Supervisors unanimously approved the ban on outdoor cultivation. But MacGlashan said she agreed to continue the indoor ordinance discussion because she thinks a majority of board members prefer regulation instead of an outright ban, even though she does not agree with that approach.


Marijuana advocates believe that officials are overstating the dangers of outdoor marijuana grows.  Ultimately, advocates say, the harms associated with denying patients their medicine outweigh the risks to the community.


Medical marijuana dispensaries were banned from Sacramento in 2011, making it even more difficult for patients to access their medicine.



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