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Macomb Board Approves Updates To Marijuana Ordinance

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The Macomb Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved a proposed amendment to the township’s marijuana ordinance on April 23 in an effort to clarify the rules and regulations surrounding medical marijuana.

The board held a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the marijuana ordinance, chapter 12, article six, division four and division six.

Lawrence Scott, the township’s attorney, said that the board was provided with the proposed amendment to the Macomb Township code regarding marijuana and medical marijuana.

“The current ordinances, for lack of a better description, are antiquated and from 1995,” Scott said. “Since that time there has been a number of different cases and statues that have been enacted, so what we have done is we have tried to incorporate all of the current laws, both state and federal, and we have taken examples from other municipalities as well as different courts that have adopted different ordinances.”

The proposed amendments were submitted to the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office and the board for review, and comments were received back. Scott said that he believed the ordinance was in shape to be adopted on April 23.

Macomb Township resident Mike Ciolli asked for more specifics on the ordinance amendments.

“To give you an example, there was nothing in the current ordinance that had dealt with paraphernalia,” Scott said. “The proposed amended ordnance adopts a number of sections which both defines paraphernalia and allows people… What they can and can’t do with it in terms of transporting. It also adopts ordinances in regards to medical marijuana.”

The amendments identify who qualifying patients and primary caregivers are, as well as where they can grow marijuana and where they need to be licensed, according to Scott.

“So it is trying to identify and coordinate both the state and federal law on enforcement,” Scott said.

Because the board has approved the ordinance amendments, they could go into effect 30 days after publication, according to township officials.



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So what does this new ordinance state..?  I followed the link and it did not provide the details.  I still do not understandhow these clowns in all these cities think because they are old school MJ closet haters that they canimpose their will on the majority who voteed for this law.



I just simply do not get it.... ... ..  ..... :huh:

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Oh we are going after our local govt bums. Township Supervisor has a lot to answer for.especially the banning of sales for anything to do with Medical MJ. Sick of this crap. WE voted our law in..................why do they NOT get this? WE voted these people in,and we sure as heck will vote them out again. Nobody has the patience for this stuff anymore,we are sick of it.

Edited by jointedone
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Oh we are going after our local govt bums. Township Supervisor has a lot to answer for.especially the banning of sales for anything to do with Medical MJ. Sick of this crap. WE voted our law in..................why do they NOT get this? WE voted these people in,and we sure as heck will vote them out again. Nobody has the patience for this stuff anymore,we are sick of it.

thank you


i agree

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