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Throat Cancer And Vaping

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I was just diagnosed with cancer at the back of my tongue in my throat.I have to get a mri and pet scan to determine the extent of it but the doctor felt like it was in the early stages.
I vape flower and some e-cigg oil.It does not seem to bother my throat.
Do you think this is ok during upcoming treatment or detrimental.This is my favorite method of delivery,and am not crazy about edibles.
What about treatment?What are the pro's and cons of treatment.Between surgery, radiation,or chemo,it seems chemo is the least desirable from what i have read.All advice would be appreciated as this is all new to me.


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Dan,now is the time to go to the Cleveland Clinic Website.Go to the Digestive Diseases Department. If you go to the Drs that work there,you will be able to find one that will specialize in esophogael diseases. Did you Dr just say cancer or did he say Barrets Esophagus? This is a pre-cancerous condition. My Surgeons name is Matthew Kalady. The only insurance they don't take is Blue Care Net and Aetna. Web MD can also answer some of your questions. Find me anytime,okay? If I can help you,I would like to. Caught early,this can be taken care of. I did find another GI Dr,I saw her yesterday. She works out of Crittenton Hospital in Rochester. I really liked her,she was forthcoming and answered every question I had and was very supportive. You do not need a Drs referral for CC. I made my appt myself after reading the specialties of the Drs in that Dept. I am going to PM you my email,okay? That way you can contact me outside of the site if you want to. The next place I would say to go to is U of M,they also have a very good gut disease dept. That is where I will have to go because of my insurance. Don't give up hope.

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Sorry for your disturbing diagnosis and best of luck dealing with it, however you choose. I went through prostate cancer back in 2009, had to talk to a radiologist first, then the surgeon. This was part of the prep work done at UM. I choose surgery...


I use a Valcano vape with a bong because I dont like to cough. I had an ash catcher [bubbler] on top of that till someone dropped it... Gonna get another one of these days...


Best of Luck to ya painterdan.

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I know it is a touchy subject mentioning RSO (decarbed concentrated cannabis oil) and cancer. I know the word cure is frowned upon too. So let's go with manage. My two cancer patients have successfully managed their cancer, each are cancer free. My most recent patient didn't have full faith in the RSO, and I don't blame him, but he also did not have full faith in the medical system. Especially after he did extensive research. He had tonsil cancer which spread to his lymph nodes in his neck. He choose to go completely against the doctors, they told him if he did not go their route and go through chemo and radiation treatments he would be dead in less than a year. They guaranteed him that surgery alone would not work since the cancer was spreading. One of the side effects that I believe they did not make him aware of was the radiation would cause all of his teeth to rot out because his mouth would not be able to produce saliva again. He confronted them with this information. He ended up having to do some searching before he could find a surgeon willing to just do the surgery. The insurance would only pay for it if they also removed more nodes that could possibly be effected with cancer. At this point he already had one node removed which tested positive for cancer. After the radical tonsil surgery there was no evidence of cancer anywhere. The tonsil was carefully analyzed. They found a 1 centimeter size tumor and there was no sign of spreading. That tumor in the tonsil was the source. 


How could this be? The cancer was already spreading, there should have been plenty of evidence. It is because the RSO was working. I don't blame him for not doing just the RSO treatment and choosing surgery after only being on the RSO for two months. It took my first patient about three months on RSO before the tumors began to shrink. After 5 months the tumors were not noticeable, 6 months, confirmed cancer free. It has been three years for my first cancer patient and he looks better than ever. He was also told that if he did not receive more chemo and radiation he would surly die within a year. I suppose that could be true, if he wasn't taking RSO. That goes for both patients.


I would recommend RSO or RSO and surgery. One of the side effects of chemo and radiation is there is a high probability that within 5 years a mutated cancer that is 30 times more aggressive will pop up due to the treatment, going by the articles I have read from MSNNews. There are all kinds of side effects the doctors do not tell you about. Do the research yourself, trust yourself, don't put all your trust into one person or organization. Speak with cancer patients that have won the battle. Speak with family members of cancer patients who have lost the battle. There are several support groups out there. Personally, I think you can kick it with RSO. I would highly recommend taking maintenance doses for the rest of your life. It is very efficient and very affordable.


I assume you used to smoke cigarettes. My tonsil patient also used to smoke ciggs. PM me if you want to speak with my cancer patients. One of the patients I treated I connected with through this site. Look through my blogs. Take the time to read My Experience with Rick Simpson Oil. Towards the end is some information regarding my second cancer patient and some feedback from patients that feel like victims of modern medicine. My other blog here I discuss on how I make the oil. There is a statement of why I did it.


I am really sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I wish you all the best. I truly believe you can walk away from it in 6 months.

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thats the thing with radiation treatment and chemo. they both attack cancer, but they attack healthy cells as well. so radiation, they point a kind of beam , and it goes through your body. so whatever it hits before or after your tongue will be affected.


"The radiation may be delivered by a machine outside the body (external-beam radiation therapy), or it may come from radioactive material placed in the body near cancer cells (internal radiation therapy, also called brachytherapy)."



so if they use the beam, it will cause radiation burns to face/neck/cheeks/teeth/gums area. depending on what and where the cancer is and where the beam goes, you could hit any number of side effects. teeth rotting / dry mouth, loss of speech/tongue movement, difficulty to swallow.


i guess you have to figure out whats best for you. i would give the cannabis oil a chance. its non toxic after all. after the cancer hits those lymph nodes, thats about all you get. saw a friend of a friend of mine get that from pancreatic cancer, he was gone in 2 weeks in the hospital.

Edited by t-pain
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There's a post in the cancer section that was written hurriedly, but provides some basic concepts in terms of systematically approaching cancer treatments.


I think you’re looking at targeting CB1, CB2, TRPV1, and maybe blocking GPR55. I would have to do some poking around to verify, but I think that seems right.


One thing that I’d emphasis is the other cannabinoids that can be incorporated into these treatments. There’s no reason to believe that the ‘entourage effect’ is limited to cannabis.



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