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Zoey's Story A Better Treatment For A Better Future

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Here's a fb page for a little girl named Zoey who's from MI and sufferers from Dravet. Her Mom has been through practically all the clinically avalilable drugs they had to offer with no success. Now they're turning to CBD.


The reason I'm pointing this out to this community is because they're strapped for cash and are trying to scrape together funds to be able to afford the CBD. I'm more than 6 hours away from her. I thought maybe someone else might be closer that can help.  








This probably should have been posted in the caregiver section..

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the parents are the ones that can help her. They have to be the childs caregiver, so they need to begin growing their own for her. A cg supplying her father so he could supply his daughter is a risky proposition, especially in the limelight, with physician interaction. I would donate some grow equipment or genetic access if they were closer, or would travel. I heard of a group gifting the oil she needs to families just like this, I think they were on FB also, I don't recall the name of the group though. They maybe helped families get to Colorado too, not sure.  hope they get their needs fulfilled soon, kids are cured daily.

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All the way up until recently I have been hearing good things about CBDs and seizures with children. What changed recently is Colorado. A lot of new feedback in some cases the CBD oil really helps and makes the difference. In a lot of cases the CBD only oil was not a good outcome. It was not until they switched to a high THC oil that improvements were noticed. This is not in all cases, just been hearing of this a lot lately from people who went to CO to treat their children. Of course I would first try CBD oil to treat my child. If the CBD oil offered no improvement in the condition I would then switch to a THC oil. Just what I have been hearing from others. I don't know of it first hand, but I do believe it.


Thanks for the link. I liked her FB page so I can follow the progress.

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With varying production controls there will be varying results. Different labs, differing assays. Differing chemotypes, differing patient outcomes maybe? The variables are quickly managed in lab settings, but that's not what we're working with. So many successes with this avenue I was thinking those variables didn't much even matter, which would  be great  news in our craft outlook. 

I would do it for my child, but there's a whole lot of learning curve and precious time between seed and extraction, its really too bad we cant just drop some off for them to try first, or even to use forever.

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