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Hash Oil Explosions!

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I would like to thank all you oil makers for giving the antis ammo against us and promoting a dangerous process for novices. .  It must not be enough to get mj accepted into our society..  Bad actors promoting bad practices leads to bad policies.  Thanks for the negative publicity.     


Loose lips sank the hash oil ship.   

Edited by beourbud
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And how is that got to do with anything, its all over the net on how to do it. Oil helps a lot of people.

If someone is too stupid to follow the instructions on how to make it ya want to blame everyone. Sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

Edited by SlowJustice
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Ten injuries out of how many thousands of users? How many alcohol related injuries every day?


The press is always looking to sensationalize something, this is just the topic of the day. The police need a new demon and it looks like they've settled on this.


"These today are the meth labs of the '90s. We have to change our thinking and what we're looking for," said police Sgt. Pat Long


Meaning, "We need to cause widespread panic so we can get back some of our revenue from confiscations and Federal grants."

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I would like to thank all you oil makers for giving the antis ammo against us and promoting a dangerous process for novices. .  It must not be enough to get mj accepted into our society..  Bad actors promoting bad practices leads to bad policies.  Thanks for the negative publicity.     


Loose lips sank the hash oil ship.   

I truly hope none of your family ever needs oil to help them get thru a nasty disease, you have no right blaming people on this forum, did some one slip you some bad oil, did your idiot neighbor blow up his garage and house with a few 55 gallon drums of butane?


Making bho is not for amatures to mess with, anything I have ever read about explosions had idiots trying to cash in on it! what about the good people that make it and give it to people that need it, yea I said give it!


I think you should read all over the web, watch all the movies on youtube and see what amazing things oil has done for a whole lot of people, including children, dude I hope your last resort for a child is never oil, but if it is what are you going to do deny some one of something that has proven to help people?


as far as idiots blowing themselves up, your right, but that is the only thing your right about! people that know what they are doing dont do stupid things like people with $$$ in their eyes,,,,,it cost people money to make that stuff, do you have any idea how many people get it for free?


You posted that stupid article in here and brought shame!  Im sure you are just some wet behind the ear punk that dont know sheit, or you think you know everything, Im here to tell you this thread should be shut down it is an embarassment to this forum and so are you!


I truly hope you never need it! or any one you know never needs it, I wouldnt waiste my time, money or experience to help you now!

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"Hash oil is typically made by packing the castoff leaves and stems of pot plants into a pipe and pouring highly flammable butane through it. The concoction is heated to make the potent oil for far cheaper than it can be purchased in stores.


First sign=castoff leaves and stems, into a pipe... >castoff leaves and castoff stems make cast off oil.

Second sign= "heated to make the potent oil cheaper"  I wonder how that works....



"we should embrace natural selection"(LoL@ comment section in article).


Stupid people will continue to be stupid, and do stupid things, for stupid reasons even. Stupid reporters will report stupid findings, and stupid cops will hold on to stupid notions, and stupid posts will appear to shine light on all the stupidity. I see no harm in reposting the article really, thank you beourbud, for maybe saving the life of one stupid person here at the forum. The people that believe articles like this are not able to be convinced of many other truths anyways. Hope you weren't one of them?

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no the brownie guy ruined the oil ship, get your facts straight!

LOL  typical repub,  they want to blame everything on the  Brownie Guy


Let me simplify it for you.


Oil ....Good


Promoting an unsafe practice for amateurs,  .....Not so much! 


i cant imagine why you would want to close the thread....lol

Edited by beourbud
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LOL  typical repub,  they want to blame everything on the  Brownie Guy


Let me simplify it for you.


Oil ....Good


Promoting an unsafe practice for amateurs,  .....Not so much! 


i cant imagine why you would want to close the thread....lol

You have many others to blame for all of the things that have happened since the law began, dispensarrys, dr.'s(circus dr.'s) and people selling it pt to pt and c.g to any pt,,


I think you are emabarrassing oil makers that havent hurt any one but have only helped people, some one that has a few 55 gallon drums of butane in their attached garage in the suburbs with children at home are not using their common sense or brains! When I used to make it, I made sure no one would or could come near me, I dont like surprises, when some one that knows what they are doing they dont want any one around, no matter how much experience I have some one watching me could cause and explosion, when people do it that dont know what they are doing most certaintly should not have any one around or have any kind of open flames going, including a ciggerette, hot water heater, refridgerator, lights, any thing that can turn on during the extraction, once it is liquifyde you do not, I repeat YOU DO NOT put flames to it, or electric heat to it, the butane needs to be evaped naturaly, you can speed it up by putting your collection of extraction in a pan of hot (sink water hot) water and it will start to bubble and disolve, if you just wait for it to disolve down to what ear wax looks like w/o the aid of any kind of warm water it just takes a lil bit longer, I would never put heat to extracted mm via butane near any thing that could possibly cause a spark, including new carpet that gives you a shock every time you touch something <<<that is all it would take for BOOM! or opening a door and having the door latch make a spark you cant even see! but trust me you will feel it when you wake up with most of your body burned and your extraction building or where ever people choose to do their extractions are gone, and when the ins co finds out what you were doing and dont pay for your property that is lost, not to mention medical bills and possibly a child who may die or be scared for life!


When you do a bho extraction you can NOT use enough precautions to make sure you are safe, there should never be any one else around for  you to worry about being safe!


instead of grouping oil makers together you should be thanking the idiots that watch one video and go for it, and than In my opin they only make them selves look like idiots, unfortunatly these amatures usualy cause others to get hurt or possibly loose their home if it is next to the one that just blew up!


Oil is the best meds that can be made for a cancer pt and many others who need very large doses of thc to combat their tumors, seizures and many other things that have been proven to be helped with oil!  Oil that is ingested! not smoked! although smoking it helps many ailments also, I believe oil or cannabutter or any edible is better for mm pts, nothing put into your lungs is good, unless it is vaped and you dont get any carbon dioxide!



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Shut down the thread? Really? For freakin' sake, the POLICE OFFICER said to do it (make BHO) in a safe environment. A (professional) said "leave it to the professionals". Why would anybody on the forum be uptight about an article warning people about making BHO? It IS a dangerous process and therefore must be done properly to reduce the risk as much as possible. Everyone here I am sure understands but others may not; so yeah, bring out the scare pictures to give amateurs second-thoughts (just like those movies they used to show at drivers ed). If I was living in an apartment and I knew someone was making BHO there (or INSIDE a house), my fingers are going to call 911 asap just as sure as I would call the cops if I knew a drunk person was getting behind the wheel. Stupid people sometimes kill OTHERS, not just themselves.

Edited by zachw
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