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Outdoor Iranian Auto Flower Greenthumbs

pic book

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The last one to sprout has done well, and makes for 15 of 22 to sprout.



EDITED MAY 19--THIS PLANT DIED TODAY.  AT ONE HEALTHY INCH IT JUST GAVE UP.   like most plants that take very long to germinate, they may at first thrive but then drop.

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A week ago, disappointed with how IAF germination went, and falling below the number i hoped for, i spent $100 and ordered another ten IAF.  When those arrive i'll post a pic of the new order on a plate and heat mat.

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nice journal beginning. thanks.  have you used any other GT gear?

thanx.  i have to credit my neighbor who's doing the journal--push this, click there...what do i do now?  somebody will make a mint making computers as easy for 60 pluses as are slot machines.  hello?   dum pux have forgot us geezers.  Chaing ching..billions to be made on taking geezers by the byte into computering.

yeah, i purchased Doc's Chemdawg #4 x G13 in 2012.  12 seeds for $200.  

It goes to 7' feet x 5' and two pounds and is sssttrronger weed than the 22 thc test would indicate.  It hits harder than 27 thc lemon cake, more like forbidden fruit, which i didn't get tested, but might be the strongesty weeed or at least equal to chem#4 x g13.   the chem has drawbacks.  the buds are runny, look like oats, and growers around here call it 'quaker' cause it noticeably looks like oats so no bag appeal but it punches you in the head for almost 3 hours.  it's competition with much greater bag appeal and = with bursting power is forbidden fruit.  It grows only 4' tall and 3.5 around and yields= with = potency.

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make sure not believe all Chem4 will be the same as yours was then. Mine never were like that at all. They were authentic with great appeal. maybe bad seed production run/grow?   try again, they rock, as one of the good ones.

thanx.  i have to credit my neighbor who's doing the journal--push this, click there...what do i do now?  somebody will make a mint making computers as easy for 60 pluses as are slot machines.  hello?   dum pux have forgot us geezers.  Chaing ching..billions to be made on taking geezers by the byte into computering.

yeah, i purchased Doc's Chemdawg #4 x G13 in 2012.  12 seeds for $200.  

It goes to 7' feet x 5' and two pounds and is sssttrronger weed than the 22 thc test would indicate.  It hits harder than 27 thc lemon cake, more like forbidden fruit, which i didn't get tested, but might be the strongesty weeed or at least equal to chem#4 x g13.   the chem has drawbacks.  the buds are runny, look like oats, and growers around here call it 'quaker' cause it noticeably looks like oats so no bag appeal but it punches you in the head for almost 3 hours.  it's competition with much greater bag appeal and = with bursting power is forbidden fruit.  It grows only 4' tall and 3.5 around and yields= with = potency.

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sorry, the camera neighbor is still away, so when she is back i'll update pics.  today noticed the last (15 of 22)  Iranian Auto Flower to germinate is having trouble.  some kind of outdoor-crop-destroying bug ate a hole in a leaf as big as a pencil eraser, and the stem and leaves are leaning and wilting.  it needs your prayerz.



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well my neighbor who is my pic taker and poster is still gone and in the meantime my 3rd order of IAF has sprouted---this time 10 of 12 popped the white tails...i elected to toss the remaining two non-responders...these new 10 added to the previous 2 sets of 11 means 25 out of 34 germinated for 73.5 % germination, and my cost per popped bean is $300/25=$12 per popper.  pics when my neighbor finds her way home.  temps here got down to 36 yester night and 38 this morning (measured by the thermometer i keep at the level of the plant tops) and these do have great springtime frost resistance.  tonight is forecast 35f and i'm gonna cloche them.

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gm:  last year i ran GT g13 and also chem#4 x g13.  the g13 buds were so full of wpm and botyritis by sept that i chopped those statues of fungus and burned them.  whereas, chem #4 x g13 standing right next and in and among them was hardly affected and yielded a crop of quaker that was patient's favorite smoke.

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yeah, rosig, that's the stuff i call eagle 20 and thanks for the pics.  it is $90 for a pint but you just use a drop...only .8 ml in a gallon of water.  STOPS fungus and mold and ok to smoke if you give the plant at least 57 days after spraying to rid its tissues of the 'evil systemic'.  iaf got its first dose yesterday...last year was the worst year i ever experienced for wpm and botyritis, so i'm using the stuff always now (learned last year that when the infestation hits, it is too late).

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This journal is comparing several factors:  AN versus SF Organics fish hyrolysate 2-2-2; pots of big and bigger sizes sizes versus in-ground, and finally, light duration and source.  That's a fancy way of saying all the iaf get sunlight days, in fact sunlight is all the light the control plants receive.  The others get sun, plus  at night, HID.  1000 watts HPS with 400 watts metal halide at night.

As you can see from the comparsion pic that will be posted in a few days, those lit day and night (24/0) have sprinted out to about 3 times the size of the sun-only plants. 

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in fact at this time of year, in early spring, the sun has proven to be an inferior light source for iaf seedlings.  sun duration in june and july will extend to greater daily exposure, but i've shown that iaf seedlings grown outdoors in april and may, lag seedlings given intense HID light.

as a practical matter, seedling progress in pots beat soil-bound plants (which cannot be carried to an indoors source of HID). 

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a grower i admire is using 4 foot long white red and blue leds outdoors 24 hours-on in conjunction with the sun on his iaf grow. my plants started april 28, the same day as his.  mine given sun and HID nights are 5 inches while his plants are 7-8.

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morning exercises are completed.   the HID iafs are now sitting in sunlight with the controls--sun only--plants, and i'm puffing--from exertion, not some fine herb smoke.   big and bigger pots make for weightlifting.  i'm betting all this carrying in and out for HID baths will be shown of totally no value in future days, as there has got to be a cross-over point, doesn't there?  at some point in june or july the sun-only driven controls will catch up with the mobile-for-HID plants, right?


my neighbor with the camera is still awol, sorry guys.


 today i'm gonna prepare to vacate any plants here to the new location---there's no HID there so this part of the purpose for this grow--find the cross-over date--is gonna end w/o conclusion.  simply put, i'll tear the controls out of the huge pots i can't lift and place them into small pots for the trip to new yared where they will go in-ground...I'm giving  them a couple weeks to settle into these new pots of a size i can carry.

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