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Plant Access Protected More Than Usable Mj

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a growing clone must be behind a lock/fencing, out of view, enclosed, transported alone, yet....useable medical marijuana can be left out on the kitchen table. anyone find that strange? like even the mere sight of a growing cannabis plant could cause profound changes to the persons viewing it.....sounds sacred to me. :angel:

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a growing clone must be behind a lock/fencing, out of view, enclosed, transported alone, yet....useable medical marijuana can be left out on the kitchen table. anyone find that strange? like even the mere sight of a growing cannabis plant could cause profound changes to the persons viewing it.....sounds sacred to me. :angel:

Something like catching a glimpse of Medusa , don'tcha know . You'll be cast into stone . . . 

Edited by knucklehead bob
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thanks for the advice, but that's not the intent. I follow the rules, but find it strange that a clone is more important to conceal, enclose, secure with locks, yet giant fully expressed "dead" useable marijuana can be left for all to see. I wonder how that came to be.

Do not temp Leo it won't work out for anyone 

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it started because the writers of the law did not want kids to run in your garden and snatch some plants.

kind of common sense i guess.


the attorney general ran with it because it was one of the few ways to prosecute patients, by twisting the law into saying no one was allowed to help water the plants.


then the legislators decided to make the baloney plants in a car law. i guess someone scared them with tales of mobile growing labs. maybe it was colin powell and his mobile weapons labs in iraq presentation lol.


so its kind of a combination of fear, uncertainty and doubt, plus trying to keep marijuana arrest numbers up.

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it started because the writers of the law did not want kids to run in your garden and snatch some plants.

kind of common sense i guess.


the attorney general ran with it because it was one of the few ways to prosecute patients, by twisting the law into saying no one was allowed to help water the plants.


then the legislators decided to make the baloney plants in a car law. i guess someone scared them with tales of mobile growing labs. maybe it was colin powell and his mobile weapons labs in iraq presentation lol.


so its kind of a combination of fear, uncertainty and doubt, plus trying to keep marijuana arrest numbers up.


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It makes perfect sense.


When the plants are alive they are inhabited by evil demons who will rush out and possess unwary passersby. Thereby causing them to go insane and lead lives of sin and degradation.


When the plants die the demons move on to more fertile ground and the dry plant material is spiritually safe.



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Aha! now that makes more sense than some of our court findings in the matter !

It makes perfect sense.


When the plants are alive they are inhabited by evil demons who will rush out and possess unwary passersby. Thereby causing them to go insane and lead lives of sin and degradation.


When the plants die the demons move on to more fertile ground and the dry plant material is spiritually safe.



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It makes perfect sense.


When the plants are alive they are inhabited by evil demons who will rush out and possess unwary passersby. Thereby causing them to go insane and lead lives of sin and degradation.


When the plants die the demons move on to more fertile ground and the dry plant material is spiritually safe.



That guy looks a lot like Mitt Romney without the wig and eye brow darkener.

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