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Arrested For 2 Joints, Legal Medical Marijuana Patient Misses Her Chemo

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GWINN, MICHIGAN - A 59 yr old legal medical marijuana patient with cancer was forced to miss her chemo therapy treatment because her TWO JOINTS weren't in a locked container.


See this post and read it yourself. The I shared her post below. 



"Some of the bruises that the "arresting officer" put on me yesterday...over 2 joints that were in a container, in my purse...not in a "locked container". And then jailed.


Suffice it to say, that a system who allows...condones...perpetuates...the manhandling of 59 year old LEGAL medical marijuana patient grammas, with stomach cancers and life threatening heart conditions...locking them up for almost 24 hours in a glassed-in cell...open toilet, with guards and other inmates walking by...on a cement slab...nothing to eat (that one is permitted, without a stomach)...and denied their dose of chemotherapy (now a missed dose, with new tumors on the lung and spine)...and then their heart medications (until noon the next day, after the family blew up their phones)...is a messed UP SYTEM INDEED.


Did I mention the meth head in the kitty corner glassed-in cell who continuosly masturbated while staring at me...and when the guards would go by now and then, to tell him to "put it away", he proceeded to smear some bunny muffin in with the rest of what he had on the glass.



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There are officers who simply cannot control their temper. There are officers that will become violent for being asked a question. Some officers will become violent for a citizen exercising their right to not answer questions.


This video is a good display of an officer who should not be an officer and should not be allowed to carry a firearm. I am terrified of cops like this one. Just picture if the other officer was not there to prevent the initial officer from violent actions. Hypothetically, if the other cop was not around and no one was there to see, the outcome could have been similar to the 59 year old receiving bruises. Of course many times there is more to the story, but I am 100% confident that many times there is not. It seems like violent law enforcement officers are becoming the norm. It is pretty sad when I am more afraid of a potential violent police officer over a gang member. This video is probably the least violent I have in my abyss of dirty laundry on LEO.  Have a watch, the officer clearly has no self control.



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This is the kinda thing that the law was intended to protect against!  with that said was the pt using her meds on the way to hospital, alot of cancer pt's do that,,,,I used to run a guy from houghton lake to detroit on a daily basis (me and friends took turns)  he smoked all the way down and all the way back up and he would also smoke in the waiting room at henry ford hospitals main campus on grand blvd, this was in the mid 80's.


It so sux that this happened to this person, and I dont find anything about her jail experience to be unbeleivable, alot of realy sick in the head people get locked up on a regular basis just to get out and do the same thing again, so I totaly believe what she said about the crank head!


The law is for all pt's legal with a cert from their dr. no ailments get more protections than the other, no it didnt have to be locked, it had to be in your trunk if you have one, or in the very back of the vehicle where the driver cant get to it!


As bad as this makes me feel, she has to follow the law like the rest of us, well like most of us pts and c.g's do, we already know the po po dont follow our law, they still act like our meds are not legal in our state,  Unfortunatly this cancer pt will most likely get a misd of simple possesion, if it is her first time getting a simple possesion, on your 2nd simple possesion it becomes a fellony!  been there and fought that!


Peace and Best of luck!

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yes ^^^^ all leo had to do was make a quick phone call and let her get her treat ments,,,if they had such a hard on for this pt the could have gave her a ticket and let her get to her treatments,, there realy is no excuse, its not like she robbed a bank or did something so bad, we have been getting caught with a lil amount of mj all of our live's w/o this kind of cruelty!



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I think this is sickening. Yes she should've had it in he trunk or locked, but considering she has a serious medical condition, I can see how this can happen. It's no different than having a bad headache & throwing a couple Tylenol or Motrin in your pocket. They could fall out & be ingested by a kid or dog. Not the original intention & I don't believe she would've done this for any other reason than it was a convenient place to keep her medicine so she could find it before she puked.

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I'm not afraid of people that carry guns, legal or not. Tell the truth, I am comforted when I spot a "concealed" carrier, at the store, the bank, the gas station, etc.

what does scare me, is when they decide to put on a blue uniform.


I understand it takes great discipline, self respect, dignity and compassion to be a police officer. What I don't understand is any reason a person possessing these qualities would take this dangerous job, for the pay, stress, family failure, suicide rate/that is offered to them.   there's a crack somewhere in there, and that's an issue. Police officers used to be well respected citizens that everyone knew and trusted. Doors were open, gifts were exchanged, and petty crimes were often solved at the time of discovery, often settled between perp/cop/victim with no hard feelings or court dates.


Today, we hide, close our shades, avoid at all costs, and even fear alerting them to a crime....I propose it's because a different type of person may now be interested in this type of authority position.


I would like to see the same effort afforded to the cause of making good things happen, afforded to the cause of stopping the bad things from happening, continuously.

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I'm not afraid of people that carry guns, legal or not. Tell the truth, I am comforted when I spot a "concealed" carrier, at the store, the bank, the gas station, etc.

what does scare me, is when they decide to put on a blue uniform.


I understand it takes great discipline, self respect, dignity and compassion to be a police officer. What I don't understand is any reason a person possessing these qualities would take this dangerous job, for the pay, stress, family failure, suicide rate/that is offered to them.   there's a crack somewhere in there, and that's an issue. Police officers used to be well respected citizens that everyone knew and trusted. Doors were open, gifts were exchanged, and petty crimes were often solved at the time of discovery, often settled between perp/cop/victim with no hard feelings or court dates.


Today, we hide, close our shades, avoid at all costs, and even fear alerting them to a crime....I propose it's because a different type of person may now be interested in this type of authority position.


I would like to see the same effort afforded to the cause of making good things happen, afforded to the cause of stopping the bad things from happening, continuously.

Maybe you need to have a family member shot by someone with a concealed or a friend whose kid is dead cause kids friend found a gun left out st his parents house. Now my friends kid is DOA. Be realistic! Not arguing gun rights just showing you its not all good. 

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mrd, sorry you took that post out of context. I feel very bad for anyone who loses their life wrongly, and especially for your  losses.  I too have lost loved ones to a bullet also, and both my parents have been shot, one in front of me. I know very well of the responsibilities of firearm management.  I also was not arguing gun rights or anything else respectfully, only expressing my fear for guns with uniforms vs guns without uniforms, as noted in the post.

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We know the transport law is unconstitutional. No mention is made about that in the responses, and I have no option to comment. Mention needs to be made that it conflicts with the MMA. The real ugly twist is that it is a misdemeanor that can be walked away from for a couple of hundred bucks. I'm sure she will take that rather than mount an appeal.


Maybe there are other charges. Maybe not.

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We know the transport law is unconstitutional. No mention is made about that in the responses, and I have no option to comment. Mention needs to be made that it conflicts with the MMA. The real ugly twist is that it is a misdemeanor that can be walked away from for a couple of hundred bucks. I'm sure she will take that rather than mount an appeal.


Maybe there are other charges. Maybe not.

Or you can just put it in your trunk. I guess the bad part is many do not know that little thing exists. My newest patient had no clue.
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When I was in college in the early 90s I worked the graveyard shift at a gas station. We gave the cops free fountain pop, hot dogs, popcorn etc because we liked the cops dropping by and hanging out for a while. I recall one officer telling me how another officer responded to a traffic accident where someone had their jugular vein cut. The cop took an ink pen out and cut the tube inside the pen using a jack knife and spliced rhe vein together and held then ends together while waiting for the EMTa to arrive.


Another night I watched the cops pull a car over in our parking lot. The young female driver jumped out of the driver's seat and was screaming frantically. The situation calmed down and the girl got back in the car and drove away. About an out later the officer came back to my store and told me that she was just 15 and went to a party with her 16 year old BF who drank too much so she decided it was better that she drive the BF home. The cop agreed that this was the best decision under the circumstances and so he had her drive home while he followed.


When I was a high school senior we had an organized skip day near the end of the year. We were all meeting at a local county park. The local cops were stopping every incoming car. I was in the back seat with a cooler containing some beers I had in the freezer before. The officer asked to look in the cooler and I admitted I had the beer. He took them out and said "wow these are cold". He then told us to proceed and said that they were not there to hassle us but they wanted us to have a safe skip day.


I think there was a time when cops understood that people sometimes make a poor judgement call but they understood that their primary duty was to keep people safe. I think those days and those respectable officers are a thing of the past.

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When I was in college in the early 90s I worked the graveyard shift at a gas station. We gave the cops free fountain pop, hot dogs, popcorn etc because we liked the cops dropping by and hanging out for a while. I recall one officer telling me how another officer responded to a traffic accident where someone had their jugular vein cut. The cop took an ink pen out and cut the tube inside the pen using a jack knife and spliced rhe vein together and held then ends together while waiting for the EMTa to arrive.


Another night I watched the cops pull a car over in our parking lot. The young female driver jumped out of the driver's seat and was screaming frantically. The situation calmed down and the girl got back in the car and drove away. About an out later the officer came back to my store and told me that she was just 15 and went to a party with her 16 year old BF who drank too much so she decided it was better that she drive the BF home. The cop agreed that this was the best decision under the circumstances and so he had her drive home while he followed.


When I was a high school senior we had an organized skip day near the end of the year. We were all meeting at a local county park. The local cops were stopping every incoming car. I was in the back seat with a cooler containing some beers I had in the freezer before. The officer asked to look in the cooler and I admitted I had the beer. He took them out and said "wow these are cold". He then told us to proceed and said that they were not there to hassle us but they wanted us to have a safe skip day.


I think there was a time when cops understood that people sometimes make a poor judgement call but they understood that their primary duty was to keep people safe. I think those days and those respectable officers are a thing of the past.

 you and grassmatch are right but there is a reason for this. The information has been available for over a year. The reason why the police have changed is not because of the reasons grassmatch pointed out, a different breed of people wanting to be cops. That is not it at all. It has been confirmed that the reason why the police department has changed is because their process in accepting candidates. They have been instructed to only take candidates who have low IQs and have potential violent tendencies.


I saw an article on MSN news, I have it saved in my abyss of bookmarks, not up for looking for it right now. The entire New York police department was being sued. A qualified candidate was denied for one reason only, it was because his IQ was too high.


To put it simply, they don't want people that could make quality decisions like we used to have. We now have people with low IQs that prefer violence. They have been trained to lie and cheat. As far as I am concerned, most police officers, not all, but most are low IQ idiots that were picked on as kids and want to get revenge.

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If the new recruits were the type that thought about what they were doing then they probably wouldn't do it.


The main job of the police is no longer to protect the citizens. The focus now is bringing more people into the "justice" system. That ensures a steady income for them, the courts, probation dept, lawyers, bail bond companies, prisons,weapons manufacturers and numerous other industries that cash in on criminals.


Once you are in the system you are in for life. They have more cattle for their herd.

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