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Pot Crackdown? Msu Drug Arrests Up 158% From 2010-12

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Dustyn Frolka let the Michigan State University police officers into his Emmons Hall dorm room.

That’s how they found the digital scale, the bag of blue and orange pills, the black box filled with money and a glass bong and THC dabs, which are doses of cannabis concentrates.

He tried to hide the cocaine, though. When Officer Andrew Rathbun asked the 19-year-old what he’d stuffed down his pants, Frolka said, “It’s what you are looking for,” according reports on the Jan. 31 arrest.

Then he started to cry.

The arrest, set in motion by an anonymous tip, proved to be the beginning of the end.

Frolka was kicked out of his dorm the next day “for actions deemed a threat to the safety of fellow students.” Two weeks later, Frolka was killed during a robbery allegedly involving three Saline teenagers, which appears to have been drug-related. He jumped from a speeding SUV to avoid being beaten, one of the teens said.

Between 2010 and 2012, Michigan State University reported a 158 percent increase in drug arrests. The on-campus totals went from 101 to 261 during that time frame, according to an annual university security report.

University officials say MSU doesn’t have a problem with drugs on campus, at least not a bigger one than other universities.

But in 2012, the most recent year for which comparable numbers are available, it did have far more drug arrests than any other university in the state, 31 percent more than the University of Michigan.


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Pot crackdown Bob?


Cocaine, pills, you think this was just an innocent kid with Crohn's busted by the cops on campus for his meds?  Sorry his lifestyle killed him.  But what does this have to do with medical marijuana or the idea that MSU police are cracking down on cannabis?


Dr. Bob

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Nice post.  Unfortunately it does not cover the time period mentioned in the article.

I realized that sometime later... so upon further research I found this \/ (below). The culprit seems to be the fact that they changed the criteria in 2011! Check this out: 


ps. ​After looking at this chart I think the increase has more to do with the change in criteria, whatever it is. It isn't specified anywhere that I can find. But is noted in this chart under a., b. And the changes apply to all three categories Weapons, Alcohol and the "Other" Drugs.    




AboveTable link


Unfortunatley after posting the tables,  they seem to be at odds with each other on the 2010 statistics, caveat lector, seems to come to mind...

Close but not the same as the stats in the FP article...

also there is no specificity of Cannabis in their itemization of Drugs just as in the orig. article. The most flagrant abuse of the Titles' implication.

Edited by solabeirtan
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He was a 19 year old, going to collage who was killed during a robery. But who gives Phuck right? Becouse he was a drug dealer. You people make me sad for y'all some some times.


Your so worried about makeing yourselves seem respectable to the oponates of medical marijuna, that you come off as calas, and cold. Like so much HATERED. The way some of you talk, makes me wonder if some of you even smoke. Becouse your def not irie, and don't have the love in your heart.


The kid didn't jump out of the car either, I heard he was thrown out going down the highway. So some of you would suggest that becouse he sold drugs that's OK?


Idk how anyone can justifie this, malarky.


Y'all should feel ashamed of selves.


This kid died a horrible death. Becouse some one wanted to rob him. It doesn't matter what he was robbed for.


But he was a dirty little drug dealer and he died becouse of his life style. :,( ? Did it not acute to you that he had freinds and family?


This type of mentality or even compromise of morality is what's wrong with the world. It's politics. Exchanging the truth for lies and halph truths.


If it makes you feel hate, what ever it maybe, it is not love.


Think on that!


Y'all will prolly bann me, but what ever. It's not like I would ever network this site. It's super scetch!


Which is a hole other topic.


Have a nice day butt wipes. :P

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I don't think you'll be banned for expressing your opinion here.  a kid did die, and that's tragic. His death may have been drug related, and that's a tragedy too, you're right. Its never ok when our youth are dying in this war on drugs.

He was a 19 year old, going to collage who was killed during a robery. But who gives Phuck right? Becouse he was a drug dealer. You people make me sad for y'all some some times.

Your so worried about makeing yourselves seem respectable to the oponates of medical marijuna, that you come off as calas, and cold. Like so much HATERED. The way some of you talk, makes me wonder if some of you even smoke. Becouse your def not irie, and don't have the love in your heart.

The kid didn't jump out of the car either, I heard he was thrown out going down the highway. So some of you would suggest that becouse he sold drugs that's OK?

Idk how anyone can justifie this, malarky.

Y'all should feel ashamed of selves.

This kid died a horrible death. Becouse some one wanted to rob him. It doesn't matter what he was robbed for.

But he was a dirty little drug dealer and he died becouse of his life style. :,( ? Did it not acute to you that he had freinds and family?

This type of mentality or even compromise of morality is what's wrong with the world. It's politics. Exchanging the truth for lies and halph truths.

If it makes you feel hate, what ever it maybe, it is not love.

Think on that!

Y'all will prolly bann me, but what ever. It's not like I would ever network this site. It's super scetch!

Which is a hole other topic.

Have a nice day butt wipes. :P

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Pot crackdown Bob?


Cocaine, pills, you think this was just an innocent kid with Crohn's busted by the cops on campus for his meds?  Sorry his lifestyle killed him.  But what does this have to do with medical marijuana or the idea that MSU police are cracking down on cannabis?


Dr. Bob



Thanks Doc


i only post thing i do not write them i also think the point of the story is the War on drugs  is the War on people

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Just because you don't like what Capn posted,it isn't up to you to decide who gets to say what. All he did was say the truth. Whats wrong with that? Mods,please do not ban Capn for his very true and heartfelt post. That could have been ANY of our own kids. Grass,lighten up on the judgemental stuff. It's really getting tedious. How many people here were addicted during their lives and have fought to get back to real life? My son did. Dr Bob,how could you say that? Your career is supposed to be HELPING people,you are nothing special,you just got to go to school. Is this how most Drs think?

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Just because you don't like what Capn posted,it isn't up to you to decide who gets to say what. All he did was say the truth. Whats wrong with that? Mods,please do not ban Capn for his very true and heartfelt post. That could have been ANY of our own kids. Grass,lighten up on the judgemental stuff. It's really getting tedious. How many people here were addicted during their lives and have fought to get back to real life? My son did. Dr Bob,how could you say that? Your career is supposed to be HELPING people,you are nothing special,you just got to go to school. Is this how most Drs think?

Yes. Addiction is bad. And accordingly people who sell illegal, dangerous and addictive drugs have some responsibility for the outcome.


This was a tragedy but also a good reminder to young people that if they sell dangerous drugs that make the user violent there might be a negative result. Unfortunately this young man paid the ultimate price.

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Highlander really?


You sound like sergant Friday on dragnet.


Your logic is distorted.


You could say


Yes permiscuity is bad. And accordingly young woman who whare provacative clothing and drink have some responsibility for the out come.


It's a tragedy, but a good reminder to young woman that if they drink and were provative attire,

That makes guys horny there maybe negtive results.


Unforetuntly there are a lot of people that have these types of opions. Do YOU?


What I just said and what you said are not to far apart.


The legality of his business, is not the issue. This argument really just sweeps the underlying issue under the rug. Which the real issue is violence.


I understand your desire to separate medical marijuna from daily drug deals. But the fact is, that drug dealing is deeply rooted into the marijuana culture. No matter how you cut. Sorry that's a FACT!


Now I'm sure some one will say that's just my opion. But if you have 100 care givers and only 10 that play buy the books. Who's the MAJORTY.


The politions are gambling and anti marijuna people are gambling. There assuming that the MAJORTY think as you.


Do you really think that crap you said is good, or does it just help perpetuate the anti marijuna movement?


The drug dealing is irelevent. He was murderd becouse some one wanted his money. That's the plain and simple truth. That's it. It isn't becouse it was drug dealing, or illagle, or dangerious.


People are victoms of violence everyday, becouse some one wanted to take something they have.


It doesn't matter if it's a drug dealer, a sluty girl, or a granny who's purse gets snatched.


Violance perpetuates Violance. The underlying issue is the kids that killed this kid. What was it that made them do this.


It was there parenting, and sociaty. Nature vs nurture. That's the real issue. So if you want a real discussion. That's your topic. Why these kids killed this kid, and what lead them to do it.


Just a thought, but there is no such thing as a bad seed, just a bad farmer.


You can take the worst genetics and if grown properly will yeild something worth while. But if you take those same gentics, and grow them in a horrible environment they yeild nothing of value.


How much more are your children than plants in a garden?


That is your topic!

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Any black market transaction is potentially hazardous because in the end violence is the only recourse.


If it was a legal transaction and someone didn't keep up their end of the deal there are the options of civil or criminal litigation to solve the problem in the courts.


Black market deals can't do that and if discussion doesn't straighten it out then the only avenue left is violence. Robberies are also more of a problem because if you're robbed in a black market transaction you can't call the police.


Just look at alcohol prohibition and the problems that it caused. How many drive by shootings do you see over beer now?


People will use whatever drug suits their fancy irregardless of the law. Wouldn't it be easier and safer for everyone to decriminalize all drugs (and any "crime" without a victim)?


Maybe then we won't have to worry about drug related killings and innocents caught in the cross fire.

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Just because you don't like what Capn posted,it isn't up to you to decide who gets to say what. All he did was say the truth. Whats wrong with that? Mods,please do not ban Capn for his very true and heartfelt post. That could have been ANY of our own kids. Grass,lighten up on the judgemental stuff. It's really getting tedious.

What the hell are you rambling about?  This is exactly what I said to capn kush, read it again, and don't be foolish with your mouth again. READ CAREFULLY!


"I don't think you'll be banned for expressing your opinion here.  a kid did die, and that's tragic. His death may have been drug related, and that's a tragedy too, you're right. Its never ok when our youth are dying in this war on drugs.


I levied NO judgment at all on either the victims of the crime or capn kush. I was guessing that the death of the kid was directly related , as in the people who fronted him the bags of pills and stuff were pissed that their cash was now gone, and he owed. That doesn't in any way make murder ok, nor did I imply it.


you are welcome to block my posts, and never comment on them either. please

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Highlander really?

You sound like sergant Friday on dragnet.

Your logic is distorted.

You could say

Yes permiscuity is bad. And accordingly young woman who whare provacative clothing and drink have some responsibility for the out come.

It's a tragedy, but a good reminder to young woman that if they drink and were provative attire,

That makes guys horny there maybe negtive results.

Unforetuntly there are a lot of people that have these types of opions. Do YOU?

What I just said and what you said are not to far apart.

The legality of his business, is not the issue. This argument really just sweeps the underlying issue under the rug. Which the real issue is violence.

I understand your desire to separate medical marijuna from daily drug deals. But the fact is, that drug dealing is deeply rooted into the marijuana culture. No matter how you cut. Sorry that's a FACT!

Now I'm sure some one will say that's just my opion. But if you have 100 care givers and only 10 that play buy the books. Who's the MAJORTY.

The politions are gambling and anti marijuna people are gambling. There assuming that the MAJORTY think as you.

Do you really think that crap you said is good, or does it just help perpetuate the anti marijuna movement?

The drug dealing is irelevent. He was murderd becouse some one wanted his money. That's the plain and simple truth. That's it. It isn't becouse it was drug dealing, or illagle, or dangerious.

People are victoms of violence everyday, becouse some one wanted to take something they have.

It doesn't matter if it's a drug dealer, a sluty girl, or a granny who's purse gets snatched.

Violance perpetuates Violance. The underlying issue is the kids that killed this kid. What was it that made them do this.

It was there parenting, and sociaty. Nature vs nurture. That's the real issue. So if you want a real discussion. That's your topic. Why these kids killed this kid, and what lead them to do it.

Just a thought, but there is no such thing as a bad seed, just a bad farmer.

You can take the worst genetics and if grown properly will yeild something worth while. But if you take those same gentics, and grow them in a horrible environment they yeild nothing of value.

How much more are your children than plants in a garden?

That is your topic!

There is no comparison between girls wearing provocative clothing and someone selling dangerous drugs. Your analogy is without merit.


A better comparison is someone furnishing alcohol to a 16 year old. Do you think that should be legal. Do you think it should be legal to sell cocaine?

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Good then if it pees you off I will answer them. Who died and made you God? "I don't think you'll be banned for expressing your opinion here." Are you a Mod or do you just complain about people to them in PMs?  It's always the JUDGMENTAL that claim they are not. Must be wonderful to know everything and make sure you tell everybody that you do. Now go complain about me to the Mods, tattletale. And please DO block me. Even thinking you see the words I post makes me wanna  puke. 3....2....1........Nuthin but LOVE bro,nuthin but pity.

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I cant recall ever complaining to the mods about anything you or the op has ever posted.  I have definitely complained to the mods about their own activity though, in private and in public forum.

 Nothing here peez me off lady, you'll have to try harder, if that's your intent.

I'm not a mod, and my opinion as expressed was a fair assumption that mods here do not ban people because they have an opinion. I don't block anyone here. I get the feeling you puke for fun, so enjoy yourself while it lasts, you're welcome.

Good then if it pees you off I will answer them. Who died and made you God? "I don't think you'll be banned for expressing your opinion here." Are you a Mod or do you just complain about people to them in PMs?  It's always the JUDGMENTAL that claim they are not. Must be wonderful to know everything and make sure you tell everybody that you do. Now go complain about me to the Mods, tattletale. And please DO block me. Even thinking you see the words I post makes me wanna  puke. 3....2....1........Nuthin but LOVE bro,nuthin but pity.

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Yes. Addiction is bad. And accordingly people who sell illegal, dangerous and addictive drugs have some responsibility for the outcome.


This was a tragedy but also a good reminder to young people that if they sell dangerous drugs that make the user violent there might be a negative result. Unfortunately this young man paid the ultimate price.


Apparently he is so shocked that I felt his lifestyle may have contributed to his death he neglected to note the main point of the comment.  It was featured in an article about marijuana at MSU, and the death had nothing to do with marijuana.  He was a drug dealer in cocaine and pills and apparently dealt with violent people.  His story was simply included for shock value in an otherwise routine (and apparently misleading) story about increased enforcement at MSU.  I am sorry for the choices he made, he could have made something of himself.


Sorry you got your knicker in a twist Cap'N

Edited by Dr. Bob
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