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'best' Area To Live & Grow?


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Hello all,


Within the counties of Washtenaw, Livingston, Wayne, Oakland & Macomb, where are the safest places to grow?


By safe, I am looking for places where the local city police & prosecutors are the most progressive, perhaps where the city counsel is even behind mmj. Where the police won't raid you paramilitary style, where they would be civil & respectful, where the da & judges recognize real crime & don't feel it is a proper use of resources to prosecute legally registered & abiding mmj patients/caregivers.


Is there such a place?


Thank you in advance. I am about to move & dont mind a drive, but am really, really beat down with the paranoia. I'd prefer to stay in Wayne County, but open. Like the idea of away from a city, but afraid to find myself in a bad spot w local police. Just want a low key existance.


Trying the boards for any insights/first hand experiences. Thank you.

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i would avoid oakland county. its the worst.

washtenaw is supposed to be good, but a few raids in ypsi.

the problem is that you have to deal with 3-5 kinds of police.
so a city council and mayor will be cool with it, but the county sherriff/prosecutor might not. plus the state police jurisdictional task forces that have free roam and then all kinds of feds border control, dnr, dea.


and all of this changes in the blink of an eye. sometimes a city can license dispensaries for years and then BLAM. they all get shut down.


i'd say ann arbor has a really progressive area. they have decrim, a pot friendly represenative (jeff irwin d-ann arbor) a bunch of dispensaries, etc. thats in washtenaw county.

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Also odd, I think Wayne has more marijuana police activity than the others, despite what people think about lack of resources.


yes i think a lot of people forget that marijuana busts are easy and cops dont care if they arrest medical patients, it doesnt hurt their arrest records and marijuana quotas. so if you were a wayne county cop, would you go looking for trouble or would you pick up a bunch of pot heads?


thanks zap, thats some depressing news.

this thread would be nice if we grabbed those state police numbers on marijuana arrests. where did those go? 

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Thank you everyone. Really appreciate the insights & additional links.


Highlander- right, should have included Genesee. Started looking at Flint as well, or rather just outside. There appears to be nice homes, w some property, for what seems several hundred less per month vs. other areas like Clarkston or A2. I'm drawn to Oakland county listings for some reason... nice homes for under 2k, some not stacked upon other neighbors like most in Wayne or Macomb. Passed on a really nice spot in Auburn Hills recently, but keep seeing others listed. Outside Flint (e. g. Swartz Creek) seems to have comps, but for less. Fenton maybe?


A2 seems a good bet, yet it has a premium in rent, unless I seem to drive a bit north which puts me in Livingston. For the tax, would rather have property & seclusion. But truth be told, only times that have been harassed by police was in A2, though that was a State trooper. Still, it sticks in my mind.


Want to also stick w a city/twsp that doesnt have certificate of occupancy rules for rentals, or rather, the every other year or annual sort. One of my top reasons for moving now.


Again, thank you everyone for the posts. Stay safe out there!

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Fenton wanted to take the fed stance on Med mj.  I lived there when we first moved here.  Great place and great food but I don't think they are mj friendly and did see a lot of cops around Fenton.

There's a nice place for sale on Riniel rd. right off exit 123 on the 69.  Durand or Lennon, near Swartz Creek.  I recommend the area.  The Swartz Creek planning board official said he'd put a dispensary in the business section where it belongs not out in the industrial districts.  The Lennon police station is across from a grow shop and Green's grow shop is on Miller rd. in Swartz Creek.  They seem to be not too concerned about mj around here.  At least in Genesee co.  Shiawasse is down the road west and I don't think it's near as mj friendly.

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In the last 2 years the only patients i've had who were happy to pay $350 for their meds came from rochester and rochester hills.  it is an hour from me in detroit.   however if i had the bux to live in rochester, or was willing to deliver an hour away, those pats demand gourmet care and cure, and they do pay the freight.  so i'd name rockester.

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Norby- thank you dear sir (or madam, not to presume). I have a buddy from up north moving into the Flint area & he seemed to have given it a good consideration. It really helps getting some local knowledge, so truly, thank you.


Primary goal is to avoid the worst case scenario, which can be brought about by any number of circumstances. Sometimes it can be as simple as bad luck, despite doing everything one can by means of stacking the deck. That's the primary goal. I'v seen solid & decent people all but ruined, even if in the very end everyone knew/acknowled they had done nothing wrong.


In the worst case scenario happened to me, despite doing everything right, and the powers that be just took a line...? So, with that in mind, where is the best place to mitigate the liklihood that the local powers will take a line? Where are cops, da's, and judges decent & reasonable human beings? That's where we all should live.


Been a patient & caregiver for a while, and the constant worry of turmoil always weighs heavy, year after year, crop after crop, day after day. Been lucky, and every day that happens someone else isn't. When is the day the odds play out in a less favorable way?  They hunt us, and some spots are far worse than others. So this is my primary consideration.


But I agree that it is certainly possible to grow practically anywhere, with discretion & diligence. It is far less worrisome in some spots over others just the same. Just to better express what's rattlin around in my head.


Got to make a decision here soon, so thank you everyone for the insights. I appreciate the help.

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Based on the number of calls and cases we have in each area, I would say that these counties are all roughly the same, but Wayne and Macomb are usually a bit more reasonable once you get to court, and Livingston is the absolute worst of the five you have mentioned.


I know it sounds crazy, being that there is a dispensary right across the street from the courthouse, but Washtenaw County Circuit Court is just as troublesome as the others once arrested.


Also odd, I think Wayne has more marijuana police activity than the others, despite what people think about lack of resources.


Based on your definition of safe, I don't think any of the counties you mentioned are. Stick with section 4, keep it private, don't get arrested. Don't expect the court to apply the law fairly just because the city council approves of dispensaries.

Zap- May I ask a hypothetical? Let's say you had decided to go balls to wall as a caregiver, have no relationships within the legal system, and took the most liberal reading of the first draft of our mmj law, just to put you on the left end of the valence. And while doing this, the very worst case scenario happened. Where in the State would you most want to be, from a legal standpoint, personally? If it is okay for you to address. Thank you sir.

Edited by Indigro
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Rochester Hills? you are insane. lol. The judges there will snap your neck. I did a 90 piece for a gram of marijuana from 20 years ago... do not ever ever grow in roch. a.h. lake orion or oxford. Those ho's lock people up for quarter bags with MMMA cards! They'll  give you the max time, max bond, max fine. DO NOT DO IT

In the last 2 years the only patients i've had who were happy to pay $350 for their meds came from rochester and rochester hills.  it is an hour from me in detroit.   however if i had the bux to live in rochester, or was willing to deliver an hour away, those pats demand gourmet care and cure, and they do pay the freight.  so i'd name rockester.

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