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Study: Ptsd Reports Of New Mexico Medical Cannabis Patients

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i didnt see this one posted.




Background: New Mexico was the first state to list post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a condition for the use of medical cannabis. There are no published studies, other than case reports, of the effects of cannabis on PTSD symptoms. The purpose of the study was to report and statistically analyze psychometric data on PTSD symptoms collected during 80 psychiatric evaluations of patients applying to the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program from 2009 to 2011. Methods: The Clinician Administered Posttraumatic Scale for DSM-IV (CAPS) was administered retrospectively and symptom scores were then collected and compared in a retrospective chart review of the first 80 patients evaluated. Results: Greater than 75% reduction in CAPS symptom scores were reported when patients were using cannabis compared to when they were not. Conclusions: Cannabis is associated with reductions in PTSD symptoms in some patients, and prospective, placebo-controlled study is needed to determine efficacy of cannabis and its constituents in treating PTSD.


Because only patients who reported benefit from cannabis in reducing their PTSD were studied, no conclusions can be drawn


unfortunately, this is only a self reported study. not placebo controlled.

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August 2014, Volume 34, Issue 8, pp 587-591

Date: 17 Jun 2014

Preliminary, Open-Label, Pilot Study of Add-On Oral Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Background and Objectives

Many patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) achieve but partial remission with current treatments. Patients with unremitted PTSD show high rates of substance abuse. Marijuana is often used as compassion add-on therapy for treatment-resistant PTSD. This open-label study evaluates the tolerance and safety of orally absorbable Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for chronic PTSD.


Ten outpatients with chronic PTSD, on stable medication, received 5 mg of Δ9-THC twice a day as add-on treatment.


There were mild adverse effects in three patients, none of which led to treatment discontinuation. The intervention caused a statistically significant improvement in global symptom severity, sleep quality, frequency of nightmares, and PTSD hyperarousal symptoms.


Orally absorbable Δ9-THC was safe and well tolerated by patients with chronic PTSD.






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Dr Bob,what about OCD? How does a pt go about telling their 30 year old RESIDENT that you have been DXed years ago?  I am used to it,but the testing I am going thru for EOA has made me more anxious and depressed. The guy will think I am  mental pt and I sure as heck do not want to be labled that. Not now,not in these times. I only have 2 Drs,resident is the PCP and I do have a good gastro Dr. I have not told either of them about my MMJ Pt status.

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