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Hillary Clinton Leaves Door Open On Legalization

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Washington, D.C. -- Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she supports medical marijuana "for people who are in extreme medical conditions" and wants to "wait and see" how recreational pot works in Colorado and Washington state.

In an interview with CNN international correspondent Christiane Amanpour promoting her memoir Hard Choices, Clinton suggested she may be open to marijuana policy reform.


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To better understand the liberal/Democrat view of legalization one might want to look at Ruth Marcus June 24, 2014 Washington Post opinion column.


Her column offers a pretty accurate view of the liberal take on marijuana and legalization in my opinion.


Yours may vary.





From her perch as head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Bethesda.doc

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^^^ I call BS. The artical has nothing to do with a liberal agenda. It's just a doctor talking that has not studied people at all. Dr. Volkow says a bunch of crap that makes no sense if you have studied marijuana and how it effects people by studying the actual users. She is clueless about marijuana users and she gets paid to say this crap.


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Hilary, Real people wanna know,  What the hell happened in Bengazi ?


 Hey you forgot to close the door behind you...

Real people? lol For anyone to take you seriously we would have to believe you are either; 1. An avid embassy employee advocate OR 2. Just ANOTHER troll, lying in the weeds, waiting for any chance to say something negative about Hilary Clinton. Take your pick, choice 1. isn't real.
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Ask Vince Foster........oh wait,he's dead.Can't wait to hear all about Bengazi,heck if you run,Killery,you gotta lot of 'splainin to do.Too bad you and bubba are "broke". Poor thing,I really feel for you......disgust.

OOPS. Old FOX news again. Too slow, they are rolling in dough now. They were broke in the late 90's. Change your info sources.
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This just in at FOX news; Hilary Clinton FINALLY admits to being in Benghazi during the attacks. She was actually in bed with the embassador and used his naked body as a shield. When she saw her chance for escape she threw on her berka and slid out the side door with the other working girls. She only suffered a slight brain injury (which she used medical marijuana to make a full recovery from).

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Rest....shut your pie hole okay?  Stop jumping on me. If you don't like what I post don't read it. Got a problem with me,take it to the  PMs.  :lol:

When people start not caring about ridiculously wrong info posted on a web site, that web site is near death. Nice to breath a little life into this one on occasion don't you think? One day I will shut my pie hole and curl up and die. Not yet though. There's plenty of life left here.
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Maybe this isn't about Hillary at all. How about some accountability from paid Government Officials? How about putting women in as State Actors like M.Leonhart? Who have an agenda but no accountability? It isn't really a partisan thing either. Its really just about their agenda.

Maybe? Then why did you mention Benghazi like a blooming idiot? It's going to be hard to segway out of that. You can try though.
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Dude,you get your politico info from youtube ! LOL,hard to take anything you say seriously,since you seem to know it all. Please enlighten us all so we can be brainiacs like you are. And,as usual,you have no answer,just attack mode.Even Dems are backing away and jumping ship like all political rats. Next you will say that Lois Lerner and the IRS really lost hardrives. :lolu:

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Dude,you get your politico info from youtube ! LOL,hard to take anything you say seriously,since you seem to know it all. Please enlighten us all so we can be brainiacs like you are. And,as usual,you have no answer,just attack mode.Even Dems are backing away and jumping ship like all political rats. Next you will say that Lois Lerner and the IRS really lost hardrives. :lolu:

Simple answer; Eat right and exercise and you will be able to pay attention. Don't let hate cloud your vision. If your motives are clear and clean they will guide you on a straight course to your goals. (Humor>>>) Be a simple man (great tune). LOL

Edited by Restorium2
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I respectfully disagree with any characterization that Ruth Marcus isn't a liberal.


I also disagree that the expert quoted in her opinion column doesn't reflect at least Marcus' views of marijuana.


I again ask anyone who is willing to consider other views than their own to read Marcus' column and explain why it shouldn't be considered a liberal's view of marijuana given her record as an opinion columnist.


It is pretty easy to dismiss any views other than your own. It is harder to avoid considering the economic implications of our current federal budget when looking to the long-term success of our country.


There was a simple question asked in prior elections; is our country better of now than six years ago?


Maybe it is, maybe not. Given the national debt has doubled one could wonder what would have happened if instead of 'saving' the banks and creating a massive shift in wealth to those who have stock market investments; what would have happened if the Feds had simply sent checks for $30,000 to every American citizen instead.


That is a discussion worth having. But neither the Dems or Repubs seem interested in discussion.


The other question no one seems to ask is what are the long-term implications of our current social policies.


Consider human influenced climate change. There is only one sure way to reduce human influence and that is to reduce the number of humans. No one seems interested in that.


Instead we have a government that seems only interested in becoming as large as possible in my view.


The republicans and democrats are like cats. From the sounds they make you can't tell if they are fighting or making love. But in the end, they both seem resolved to one common act of bipartisanship. The Democrats social policies are designed to create as many possible customers for the Republican arrest and punishment industry.


Regardless whether one thinks Obama is a saint of a devil, anyone with a longer-term outlook must realize the current Federal monetary and social policies if sustained won't turn out well for our children and their children.

Edited by outsideinthecold
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I respectfully disagree with any characterization that Ruth Marcus isn't a liberal.


I also disagree that the expert quoted in her opinion column doesn't reflect at least Marcus' views of marijuana.


I again ask anyone who is willing to consider other views than their own to read Marcus' column and explain why it shouldn't be considered a liberal's view of marijuana given her record as an opinion columnist.


It is pretty easy to dismiss any views other than your own. It is harder to avoid considering the economic implications of our current federal budget when looking to the long-term success of our country.


There was a simple question asked in prior elections; is our country better of now than six years ago?


Maybe it is, maybe not. Given the national debt has doubled one could wonder what would have happened if instead of 'saving' the banks and creating a massive shift in wealth to those who have stock market investments; what would have happened if the Feds had simply sent checks for $30,000 to every American citizen instead.


That is a discussion worth having. But neither the Dems or Repubs seem interested in discussion.


The other question no one seems to ask is what are the long-term implications of our current social policies.


Consider human influenced climate change. There is only one sure way to reduce human influence and that is to reduce the number of humans. No one seems interested in that.


Instead we have a government that seems only interested in becoming as large as possible in my view.


The republicans and democrats are like cats. From the sounds they make you can't tell if they are fighting or making love. But in the end, they both seem resolved to one common act of bipartisanship. The Democrats social policies are designed to create as many possible customers for the Republican arrest and punishment industry.


Regardless whether one thinks Obama is a saint of a devil, anyone with a longer-term outlook must realize the current Federal monetary and social policies if sustained won't turn out well for our children and their children.

It was all Dr. Volkow. Did you even watch it? It was totally off base with the reality of cannabis users. It was a book worm talking out her back side about things she totally does not understand. You see that a lot with doctors that think they know everything about everything because they have large IQs. A large IQ will only get you so far if your nose is always in a book and you don't study actual people. That's the meat and potatoes of the piece you posted. I'm not sure how your twist of it fits your political agenda. That I can't quite get and don't really care about. What's important is the blantant ignorance of the doctor the whole piece was about. To post that piece should be very painful to anyone who knows cannabis. Watch the video of that ignorant doctor to see the ugliness of cannabis ignorance. It's really painful to someone who pays attention to cannabis people.
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