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Mich Cannabis Cancer Project John Roberts On Trial


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heard him on the skunkworks radio show.


he said he has a hearing tomorrow but i dont see it in the court docket


he said the judge was making up a bunch of moo poo about the cancer patients were unable to be using sec8 because they didnt have the cancer doctor give a rec. it was another dr who rec'd them.


i see he has michael komorn for an atty so he should be good. unfortunately it looks like it will take a few years in court with idiot judges and prosecutors.



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just curious why this didn't go federal?



 I Don't know about that Pic


I have been to one of his court dates and have talked to him on the phone a few time last month about his case as i know the ruling from the judge is being appealed and its up at the C.O.A 


or it's going their soon i maybe wrong but i think it's the same judge that dismissed the Blue Water dispensary case but that case is also being appealed by the prosecutor  and  IMHO the C.O.A as many of us know are messed up and controlled by billy bong S 

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Being in Court does things to people we know it has and did change us

I met him before anyone was a patient and I can say that you can't blame it on medical. Maybe he was a victim of something else that made him unstable. I met him back in 08 and he was already unstable. Hard to control at the CC meetings.
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I agree he maybe hard to control and he is not alone

Right. Peanutbutter too. They are both loose cannons with mixed motivations that have hurt me personally (and other patients). I believe they do much more harm than good. I can't say I know everything they do. But I do know what I have personally witnesses and it aint good. I wish them well in their OTHER endeavors and their litigation.
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Right. Peanutbutter too. They are both loose cannons with mixed motivations that have hurt me personally (and other patients). I believe they do much more harm than good. I can't say I know everything they do. But I do know what I have personally witnesses and it aint good. I wish them well in their OTHER endeavors and their litigation.

In deference to the defense, I will withhold comment except to say that there are reasons why he is where he is today, and I consider him an embarrassment.

Edited by GregS
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Another year of Hartwick and Tuttle won't be fun for the cg/pt and most don't have $$ to fight even the small cases will take some kind of help from Mr. Kormon and his helper like you


( sorry don't know your title ) Zap we can't even think about how things would be going for the sick and their helpers with out the MMMA and all it's helpers 

Edited by bobandtorey
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  • 2 months later...

Is john robert's status still waiting on Hartwick and Tuttle before the appeals court?


Strangely, an element of particular, or of general instability seems to be a pre-requisite for any of eric ericson's 'true believers,' be he martin luther nailing away his monkhood on the door of the wittenberg cathedral, or john the apostle of cancer-busting oil, or lebanese suicide bombers, or st. paul counting it all gain to be under house arrest, ridiculed and imprisoned for the sake of the spread of the gospel, and filled with gratitude to be able to talk talk talk jesus christ to his 'captive' audience of roman centurions guarding him, and to stay still, instead of fleeing, when freed by an earthquake--just so he could talk more jesus christ to his guards and finally the emperor.


jesus himself had a particular instability that defied common sense and trumped personal safety to further his mission and resolutely set his face toward death on a cross and entered jerusalem at the incendiary jewish holiday.  i think his disciples were warning his foolish azz to wait til after the festivities when jerusalem was not so dangerous, and barabas was past being a pawn of the priesthood and roman government.  


for true-believers the rightness of their cause is more important than common sense, public approval, or life itself; be they suicide bomber or christ. for most true-believers, the price is destruction of self in furtherance of a cause, yet they live happy and fulfilled, certain they are in the right and the world in the dark.


and hugely important, they do it for the cause not for cash.


singularly, they take on megalithic institutions of their day (and not individuals) whom, they believe are in error.  bombers, israel;  luther, the holy roman catholic church; jesus and paul, the church and the roman government; roberts, the dea.

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