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Scotts Miracle-Gro jumps into the marijuana market with deal for hydroponics company


The Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. offshoot that targets young, urban gardeners has acquired a Santa Rosa, California-based hydroponics company popular with marijuana growers.


Hawthorne Gardening Co., a Scotts subsidiary formed in October, purchased General Hydroponics Inc. and Bio-Organic Solutions Inc.


Terms were not disclosed, but the acquisition should position the company in the growing marijuana market.



original article forgot to mention Scotts-Miracle?Gro is pimping for Monsanto since 1998.  
"...Scotts CEO Jim Hagedorn told shareholders that the GMO grass is on schedule to be sold commercially in a limited fashion in 2015, and then “much more” activity will be seen in 2016.
In the meantime, activists are being rallied by the Facebook page GMO Free USA to boycott Scotts and to let the company know they will refuse to accept the GMO grass should it come to market. " ...althealthWorks.  


I am talking about the type of grass in lawns. I think they proudly advertise the gmo hybridizations in order to color, shorten, widen the blades. Once that pollen is

released the other grass flowers have no chance.

Currently our citizens have embraced GMO crops, cattle feed, and table foods. We happily accept waxes and sand as fillers in our packaged foods that fly off the shelf, even though the ingredients are listed on the packages for example.  I don't believe GMO has a place in our food chain personally, or our medicines,  but I'm the minority I guess.


I know right....thinking grassmatch just makes this schit up for his personal agenda against Patients or he figures we are to dumb to google it ourselves.


Embrace?? Not sure what is harder to choke down, GMO products or his bs

WTF are you talking about? Did you even read the WB link?

Wild Bill posted the link to show me that "I guess I'm a minority" was incorrect, and to comfort me with a story of a whole country fighting against GMO corn.

Unfortunately our country, the United States, uses GMO corn to feed the masses and cattle, embraced by farmers nationwide. Sure some do not, but low and behold, just as many love it enough to use it year after year.

GMO foods are on the shelf, all of which is bought up hungrily, or "embraced" enough to keep the store shelves stocked.

I provided you a link to the story I posted, nothing I made up at all.

GMO babies are legally produced here. In our country we have pig farms with human blood flowing through the pigs veins. Or government and tax money supports GMO hybridization of these projects. Our top earning medicines are often GMO organisms, as are vaccines. People line up at the drug store and embrace these GMO products gladly, some even pay dearly for them. Some GMO medications cost thousands of dollars per month, yet still embraced enough for production to continue for over a decade now.


What "agenda against patients" are you babbling about? I spoke of lawn grass, not patient "grass" silly. Your ego precedes you often here. Reading comprehension is not one of your strong points I've noticed?


while we're on the subject of GMO marijuana here is some interesting words.


Genetic engineering is the manipulation of the genetic code (or ‘genome’), it can be done to either plants or animals. Mice were the first to get their DNA meddled with back in the 70’s. The first plants were modified in the 1990’s and since then we have learned a great deal about tinkering with the genome to enhance certain plant qualities. Food crops are now routinely genetically modified to yield better, be drought resistant, to be insect and disease resistant etc. Genetically modified (‘GM’) Soybean, corn and many other crops are now grown all over the world. The genie is out of the bottle.




Just what could be achieved if cannabis could be genetically modified? Who would have the cash to do such a thing…and why?


The first people I expect to create GM cannabis are the pharmaceutical companies, they have the cash to make it happen. They are on the crest of a wave as medical marijuana begins to enter mainstream medicine. At the moment this market has an annual value worth just tens of €millions but this market will grow exponentially, in a few years I expect the pharmaceutical market for cannabis medicines will be worth literally €billions as cannabis starts finding its way into mainstream treatment for pain relief, MS, epilepsy, sleep problems, depression, cancer treatment etc etc. GM cannabis could be created to grow into large ‘tree’ style plants that may be able to yield insane harvest quantities perhaps over several years. The mind boggles. Yet realistically GM cannabis will be tried if, and when, the pharmaceutical companies start realising the true financial pharmaceutical potential for ganja.



Mazar, grown outdoors in soil filled containers in the Czech Republic from 20th April to 15th November 2010 using feminised seed. Superb specimens. Can genetically modified weed be any better than the natural version ?


I also suspect that by manipulating individual genes and specific parts of the plant DNA, cannabis could be genetically modified in a way which would selectively favour production of certain cannabinoid compounds. Natural marijuana produces over 85 different cannabinoid compounds of which THC is the most abundant. Cannabinoids are the only compounds that work in conjunction with the human cannabinoid receptors. Sooner or later people will understand the precise role of each of the cannabinoid family and that will allow a second generation of cannabis medicines to be created. These they will use selective groups of cannabinoids or even individual ones, for highly specific medical purposes. Certain medicines may be more effective with plenty of cannabinoid CBN and CBD enrichment, who knows. Perhaps they will remove the THC so you can’t get a pleasant buzz from it.


The pharmaceutical companies will feel they have to convince everyone that the benefits of their particular marijuana medicine can’t be achieved with normal weed. Some of the drug companies will shy away from involvement fearing that medical marijuana may actually cut company profits as it eats into existing premium-priced medicine markets. But ignoring a new emerging market is never a smart way to deal with it in a free market economy. ‘Sooner or later someone will exploit and dominate the medical marijuana market so it may as well be us’, the pharma companies will conclude. By embracing medical marijuana they can grow their own raw materials and use the various active ingredients in different combinations for different medicines. It is the ultimate business model, one raw ingredient that is easy and cheap to farm and multiple medical products, all with very few costs.


Personally I expect the pharmaceutical companies will invest heavily to genetically engineer a cannabis strain that yields ultra high levels of the whole spectrum of cannabinoid chemicals. The aim will be to extract and isolate them into individual cannabinoids on an industrial scale using thousands of tons of bud. Once individual cannabinoids are isolated I expect they will find their way into pills for very specific medical purposes. This is the best way for pharma companies to remove the ‘threat’ of homegrown weed, they will simply say that their preparations are more effective because they are more sophisticated. Of course not everyone will believe them, but they will become rich enough anyway. Perhaps a few seeds or cuttings of these GM strains will find their way back to Amsterdam…..just imagine the great hybrid strains!


In the meantime the traditional cannabis seed breeders will continue to make the most useful contributions to the medical marijuana movement by working with grow cooperatives. I am personally sure all marijuana is medically effective, yet there are some strains that are often better known by the medical marijuana users. In Dutch Passions case, it is often strains like Ortega, Mazar, Strawberry Cough which are perhaps mentioned most frequently by med users.


So perhaps we will see genetically modified cannabis in the not-too-distant future. I think it will take 5 years before they build up the courage to announce plans to try it, and another 5 years before they show us the results. I am sure the medical marijuana movement will be involved in a very big way, but have you ever wondered what the implications and experiences might be for the recreational stoner? Could GM cannabis give you radically different weed to that which we enjoy today? Maybe weed that doesn’t stink when you grow it, or weed with a quite different buzz? As crazy as these questions seem, I reckon one day very soon they will be asked for real.


Dutch Joe (2011)http://www.dutch-passion.nl/en/news-and-development/genetically-engineered-cannabis/




"Disclosed herein are transgenic plants that have been modified to express β-glucosidase, and methods and materials for making same. The transgenic plants possess several advantageous features including increased biomass, increased trichome density and increased parasite resistance." (2012)




GMO Weed? Connections Alleged Between Uruguay Marijuana Legalization, Monsanto and Soros Submitted by steveelliott on Thu, 07/31/2014 - 21:45 genetically modified organisms george soros GMOs gw pharmaceuticals hortapharm Legalization monsanto open society Recreational Uruguay william engdahl By Steve Elliott Hemp News Uruguay earlier this year became the first nation in the world to legalize the cultivation, sale and possession of marijuana. Now one German researcher is alleging that billionaire speculator George Soros supported legalization in that South American country as part of a plan for corporate agribusiness giant Monsanto to move into the cannabis trade. Engdahl alleges, on the website of the European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD) that Monsanto is already quietly at work on a project to patent a genetically modified cannabis plant in Uruguay. Since Soros played a pivotal role in Uruguay's legalization drive (he sits on the board of the Drug Policy Alliance), and also owns considerable Monsanto stock, Engdahl believes those two things are connected, and they point towards Monsanto involvement. Soros' Open Society organization distributed $34 million last year, according to Engdahl, nearly $3.5 million of which was dedicated to marijuana legalization. Open Society funded the group Regulacion Responsable ("Responsible Control") in Uruguay; the group ran a nationwide advertising campaign for the successful legalization drive. Engdahl alleges that Soros' involvement in Uruguayan legalization "is part of a much larger global project," and further than Monsanto quietly conducts research projects on marijuana and its active ingredient, THC, and how the plant can be genetically manipulated. Monsanto is, after all, the world's largest supplier of genetically modified seeds. Back in 1998, the British firm GW Pharmaceuticals, which markets Sativex oral spray, containing THC and CBD, signed an agreement with Dutch seed company Hortapharm (owner of the world's largest collection of cannabis seed varieties). The agreement gives GW Pharmaceuticals the rigbht to use Hortapharm cannabis strains for their research, according to Engdahl. The German pharmaceuticals company Bayer AG in 2003 signed an agreement with GW Bayer AG agreed to an exchange with Monsanto, where both companies agreed to share the results of their research. Monsanto thus has, according to Engdahl, "discreet access" to scientific studies on the cannabis plant and its genetic modification. In 2009, GW announced it had succeeded in genetically altering a cannabis plant and patented a "new breed" of cannabis, Engdahl writes. With cannabis cultivation now legally allowed in Uruguay, Engdahl says "one can easily imagine" that Monsanto sees a vast new market opening -- one they could potentially control with patented GMO cannabis seeds much as they currently do with the current market in soybeans. President Jose Mujica of Uruguay has made it clear that he wants a unique genetic code for government-approved marijuana so that legal weed can be distinguished in order to "keep the black market under control." GMO cannabis from Monsanto would, of course, make such control possible. Monsanto has for decades been researching genetically modified soybeans and corn. Is Monsanto paving the way for the corporate giants of Big Pharma and Big Agriculture to replace natural strains of cannabis with their own patented GMO varieties? Moving into marijuana could be seen as a logical next step for Monsanto. The company is reputedly investing millions of dollars into a new technology known as RNA interference (RNAi), which could be used to manipulate everything from the color of the plant to making it indigestible to insects, or resistant to certain herbicides (like the "Roundup Ready" versions of crops that Monsanto produces to withstand the herbicides the company sells). Genetic modification through RNAi or other methods could, of course, be used to create larger, more potent marijuana plants -- and plants that could be distinguished from unauthorized, "black market" marijuana through genetic testing. - See more at: http://hemp.org/news/content/gmo-weed-connections-alleged-between-uruguay-marijuana-legalization-monsanto-and-soros#sthash.dExvhECB.dpuf


bcseeds offers a Genetically Modified Seed Section, and offers 10 packs for $2k !! probably not real, but I bet similar is coming soon.


stay tune with http://gmocannabiswatch.blogspot.com/

who claims people gobble up packaged food items at the stores, 80% of which are GMO foods.








accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

" consumers are embracing GMO foods, evident by their rapid consumption and demand for more"

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