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I want to try an outdoor grow this year. I have seen several in my area all wrapped in poly, and know this can lead to mold problems, as attested to by one of those growers complaining about mold.

My idea is to use the framework from a temporary garage, 12 x 20 feet, wrap it in chicken wire, and surround it with 8 foot tall privacy fence at least 4 feet away from the grow area on all sides. In addition, I will remove every other panel from the fence and reinstall it on the inside of the panel, to allow for better ventilation.

Would this setup comply with state law? Anything I should change or do different?

My thanks to all of you in advance!


with a roof this sounds good to me. Will it comply with your local police department and their understanding of growing marijuana?  who knows. If you see others in your neighborhood theres a good chance you'll be fine.

Outside I used a solar attic fan outdoors in the fenced area to keep air moving during the day, then I put a battery in the loop and ran most of the night too. I built a weather proof enclosure for the motor and still use the device today, but indoors running off of my grow lights.  I didn't see mold. I had solid opaque walls and a wire roof.


good luck with the smells.


What are you going to do with all the money you are going to save on electricity? Lol


We have found it is only necessary to have the southern roof and sidewall transparent. Inside walls white.


Having the gable ends trans are ok but there are advantages not to have them transparent. It effectively shortens your day(for the plant). This helps shorten the season and reduces the risk of bud rot and pm before harvest.


Of course this is assuming your gable ends are east, west.


Having a way to mitigate humidity is crucial so a few functioning windows with screens is a must.


Having only southern exposure can also be a plus for security..


Not a fan of plastic at all but you gotta work with what you have.


Hope this is in someway helpful.


I have a 12 by 12 enclosure.  I used 4 by 4 posts on the corners wrapped it with cattle fence.  i have a strip about a foot off the ground run all the way around the 4 sides and same strip about a foot from the top.  Now in between these strips i staple 6 mill plastic.  I use flat white outdoor paint diluted about 60 percent with water and rolled out on plastic.  so i have a vent on the top and bottom where air can flow through.  I also cover the top with plastic and top has a flap all the around so air can vent out during storms and such.  I ran 220 power and have an industrial sealed fan for outdoor use pushes a lot of air and two mounted oscillating fans.  I berried 4, 50 gallon drums and have an air compressing in garage that i run air lines to the drums.  so far so good on a city lot neighbors close this will be the 3rd year.  I have like 20 cameras motion detectors covers all of the angles.  and 3 chinise sharpeis on site.  They tryed the 1 st year dogs ran them off no problems last year.


Smell is not an issue as my next door neighbor has a setup as described about 25 feet from my privacy fence, and the property on the other side of my lot is condemned and vacant. My main concern is enough light, enough air flow, and being legal. I live in Lenawee County in a semi rural area.

I may go with chain link fence covered with poly on the south side, to increase light exposure, and your fan idea is definitely worth looking into. Thanks!

Posted (edited)

instead of poly go with shade cloth, some of the shade cloth you cannot see thru and of course shade cloth lets wind pass by easily.


put some chicken wire on top of the fence and tie it all down good. put an automatic lock + door shut lever on your fence/ enclosed area so its always locked and secured. should be fine. keep a copy of your drivers license and mmj card in your grow so its always in your possession too.


or they might call it privacy block cloth or something. after some googling i found this which looks nice and cheap and maybe useful.


Edited by t-pain
Posted (edited)

oh yeah, you should check out your local city ordinances on fences too.


because theres some moo poo in there about fences.

i just read my city ordinances and they say you can either have a fence or a privacy screen, but not both. fence can only be 4 ft tall (wtf?) but privacy fence can be 6 ft tall?? huh? also vinyl inserts in chain link are not allowed. derp, screw this city.

Edited by t-pain
Posted (edited)

no smell from blue dream, northern lights #7, even tho bud weight of both makes typing up branches necessary, if at no other times, before wind and rain.   if no ties, branches will snap off both strains. but no smells.

Edited by pic book

The main purpose of the locked fenced in area is so no one can see it from the road, or from the property next to you, it has to be attached to the ground and have a roof on it, ie fencing, I would use the dog kennel panels I would have it anchored to the ground and have walls and ceiling in chain link fence, locking it is most important as is it not being seen from any ones property, road, trail, etc, I dont beleive it counts for po po helo's over head, if it can not be seen from any part of your surrounding yard and is locked your good to go!  I would put a motion detector cam, lights and siren up to scare away thieves, make sure you have a remote to turn off the siren, but not the lights or cam!


Best of luck!




Ran into a problem with neighbors still being able to see the grow. Finally built another plywood fence 6' high and away from grow fence another 20' and enclosed this in. Now we have privacy, only problem is top is open. Plan is to install wire on top and maybe even install a tarp that can be rolled up. This would be used when it rains really hard. Last years rainfall was too much in September.


Aceman. Thinking that 4' away with the privacy fence is too close and create too much shade. Depending on location of sun in your area, but at 4' at our place it might block out the sun on outside plants. If possible, a minimum of 10' would be nice.


Rainfall in sept or any time only matters if you are not regularly treating with eagle 20. In 2012, untreated was 50-75% destroyed by botrytis.  Treated with eagle 20 twice, lost maybe 5% of buds.  Some folks scorn a systemic, such as eagle 20.  If that is you, treat with fertilome sulphur four times prior to flowering. I prefer a systemic to the labor of four treatments. but both were 95% effective in the scourge of wpm and botrytis of 2012.

Non-chemical means will also work...air movement for rainfall induced nasties can be very be effective.  Using turbos or fans, make a tornado or a cyclone of air that makes leaves flutter, stems wave, and ignorant growers without experience outdoors or in greenhouse say, that's overkill. 

THAT IS BS.  Flooding rainfall or massive moisture in stagnant air kills buds.


For neighbors not to see the grow hang nets in multiple layers, up to 10 feet high.   Some small light penetrates, but vision doesn't.. don't use solid fence.  That blocks airflow totally.  Now you have no light with no airflow=wpm, botyritis.  Folks who have not done it are guessing.


Never used Eagle 20 and will try this season, only heard of it recently. Last year was first outdoor grow, ran into problems at the end of flower. Not bad though. Also like the idea of a fan. Thanks for info.


Ends have tarps and south side has chain link fencing. Also built a 6' solid fence out 20' to block out view from neighbors. Ends do restrict the air flow for 10'. Next time will build a corral and put grow in middle. lol  Learning as I go.

Posted (edited)

For peeps who don't have a 'proper' setup backyard, or who live in apt where a greenhouse would have to take up part of the parking lot:  consider a grow dependent only on site and strain selection.  Target a field where wild grass grows uncut to a height of 3 feet until mid-summer, or rushes grow in a slough that floods in spring but is dry otherwise (i've seen 5 feet rushes in july).  Plant a strain that whose genetic limits assure never grows above the cover crop, and that also does well in low light.  2 that qualify: (orange crush stops at 4' outdoors, and snow ryder stops at 22 inches outdoors).  Mi warm seasons have enuf rain 21 of 23 years to not need additional waterings asides of what falls from the sky.  Snow ryder finishes outdoors in 91 days, and orange crush is full season, end of sept.

Edited by pic book

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