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Posted (edited)



"I do believe that it's possible that by the end of the year, we'll have laws in place to ensure everyone has a safe product they can get at a dispensary," said state Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge. "Something they know has not been sprayed with bug spray or has mold on it."





"Our meetings have been fruitful. There's been a healthy dialogue about treating medical marijuana as more of a pharmaceutical," said Terrance Jungel, a former Ionia County Sheriff now serving as executive director of the Michigan Sheriffs' Association. "If you're going to call it a medical product, then treat it as a pharmaceutical and have strict controls."


well if they kill home grows, that should open it up to the legalization ballot.

Edited by t-pain
Posted (edited)

Treat it like a pharmaceutical, I'm fine with that.  I can get aspirin anywhere and it doesn't require a prescription and there is no law against making your own from Spirea. There is recommended dosages and I can fill my house up with it, just a recommendation.  Treat it like the Pharma it is.  Less harmful than aspirin so, where does that put it?


When they say it has to be controlled, read, please save my job!  Cause they just want to be the ones to control it.  Doesn't matter that it's not harmful, just that they get their position "regulating" it.

Edited by Norby

"Treat it like a medical product" is a two way street. They don't want to treat it like a medical product. They passed laws to require that it be locked in a trunk, that auto insurance companies don't have to pay for mmj for injured people, that there will be a special new roadside test for patients to determine impairment based on an arbitrary blood concentration rather than evidence of actual impairment.


We should start treating alcohol like the medicine/drug it is too. All isopropyl should be kept locked up behind the pharmacuetical counter. Put deodorants, and cologne back there too while your at it. Also lets tear down all the breweries in Michigan (drug producers) and make Jim beam only available with a doctors prescription, through state sponsored dispensaries, and those only become available with strict evaluations that show that the person needs it. If we found out whiskey made cancer cells kill itself, you can bet we'd be hearing the same language, from the same people.


The whole story behind this crap about the current system not working, is that it doesn't work for the politicians.  It was working fine for probably over 99% of the patients, but there was no money being made by the politicians. 


They had no cannabis favors that they could bestow on their supporters.  They have to rewrite the law so that they are involved in deciding who gets to make money off of the patients.   Money, money, money!


Yup, just like ALL medical products are treated like pharmaceuticals. Will I have to get my papers and vaporizer from the pharmacist? This is a joke and these fools are a threat. I like to go on a date before I get f....d.

I was going to say and it seems they are mostly repubs who are for this!  Bawahahahahahahaha!


But I love your comment better!



Posted (edited)

We should start treating alcohol like the medicine/drug it is too. All isopropyl should be kept locked up behind the pharmacuetical counter. Put deodorants, and cologne back there too while your at it. Also lets tear down all the breweries in Michigan (drug producers) and make Jim beam only available with a doctors prescription, through state sponsored dispensaries, and those only become available with strict evaluations that show that the person needs it. If we found out whiskey made cancer cells kill itself, you can bet we'd be hearing the same language, from the same people.

I know pensilvania has state run liquir outlets and a dif one for beer and wine, and a bar is only allowed to sell like a 12 pack to go of beer to  any 1 person,  It is like canada, Im sure there are many other states that operate their alcohol in that way, it is keeping track of how much gets sold but not to who!


The only reason I know of PA is because I worked their for 8 months with a crew of 13 of which 11 of us worked 12 hrs a day and drank untill we passed out, and than started over, It was nice to be younger back than!


But the Bottom Line is we need less government control not more!




edit= It would be easy to prove you need liquir, all you have to do is go to the liquir despense and the person at the counter will see the shakes you have!


I once worked a guy who was very good at what he did, he came out with a cup of coffee every day when I picked him up, one day he came out with the same cup and I noticed him shaking like mad, I said hey whats up, you cant work shaking like that, he said that he had always had whiskey in his mug!!!!


I was the owner of the company and his boss, do you know what I did?  I stopped at the liquir store and bought him a 1/2 pint to calm him down and gave him a loan on his pay check!  and we had a normal work day and he did the quality work I expected of him!

Edited by phaquetoo
Posted (edited)

Somewhere in the distant past the Republican Party was the party of individual liberty, personal freedom, fiscal responsibility and small government.


How that GOP became today's Christian, Right-to-Life, big spending, big government Prohibitionist bunch is beyond my understanding.


I can't believe the Sheriff's Association can purport to be Republicans. Or that the Republican establishment still welcomes them.


Long-term both the Democrats and Republicans social policies are unaffordable and the decline of the U.S. is likely inevitable.


Rick Jones is simply the most egregious example of the politicians all too prevalent in both parties. What a piece of work.

Edited by outsideinthecold
Posted (edited)

 That's  ex sherrif and now Sen Rick Jones® and apparently part of the coalition incl. Terry Jungel former Ionia Co. sherrif,  now Exec.Dir. of the Mi Sheriffs Association  as well as the Mi Assoc of Police Chiefs lobbies. What happened to just calling it Dope? 

We call it medical, however it is used medicinally. As a herbal.
  There are already Pharmaceutical Cannabis Products on the market / at the pharmacy. They are currently all from the European Pharmaceuticals' Corp. 'GW',   and are legally sold in Pharmacies to patients who have a prescription for Sativex or Marinol®.
Sen Caldwells idea of using technology seems equally niave:
"Let's say they pull someone over in a car who has a medicine bottle of marijuana," he said, providing an example.
"They want to be able to know the marijuana belongs to this person, where it was grown, where it was tested and what provisioning center it came from. 
You can do that with * bar codes * now, and I think a system like that would definitely make them happier. " * ...esp if it's Happy Hour
Edited by solabeirtan
Posted (edited)

It seems to me that in order for the legislature/prohibitionists to get marijuana dispensed like a pharmaceutical, they would have to go through the usual channels to determine if the substance should be dispensed with a prescription or sold "over the counter".


There are thousands of examples of drugs that are currently sold over the counter that used to require a prescription. Don't some scientists have to determine whether a drug can be sold over the counter? If so, the prohibitionists may be in some trouble with their scheme to make marijuana a prescription only substance. We have been through this before and all the scientists/doctors on the government panel that made marijuana illegal said that there was no scientific reason to make marijuana unobtainable. Of course, the government ignored the scientists.


Could this be deja-vu all over again?

Edited by Chauncy Gardner
Posted (edited)

maybe we should ask rick jones to ask the people in michigan , i think board of medicine, to look and see if marijuana should be rescheduled.


after all, he said it should be a pharmacuitical...

Edited by t-pain

Timmah, I am the guy who makes zero money, protects the poorest of patients, fights for everyones right to grow cannabis and have zero financial interest in protecting the sick and disabled with my marijuana. I am not a caregiver, I do nothing but pisss off people with financial interests.


 And as a matter of serious fact, as I recall, you were one of the serious money hobags for several years there. I believe you were a founding arsehole of killing the compassion clubs through the MMMA here which was the best source for patients; and instead, going commercial with Joe and illegally selling marijuana to any tom, dick or harry and lied, cheated and did all sorts of scummy things to protect your financial interests.


So timmah in the twat faced jacket,... look in a mirror when you open   your mouth.  I was and have never been the monster you and Joe have lied and made up stories about. You are the monster you seek.  You preach wonderous hyperbole, yet are courting your own money making schemes and have always given people bad advice which ends them up in jail and have denigrated the very people who are protecting this law for the masses.


Good day. Go live with yourself.


Buahhahahaa. Mal Go see your shrink. Get that Schizophrenia checked man. Maybe try a different Strain or 3.


Unchecked Schizophrenia like yours can be serious.  You shouldn't take it lightly.


Its Sound Advice.  Would hate  to see you suffering any more than you are.  I'm worried about you dude.





And you never said it wasn't true.


 Because it is....


Truth is Truth.


O yea, it was my fault your dispensary/farmers market got shut down.  I wrote the law without dispensaries in 2007 just to stick it to you.  I passed a law(MPP actually) and ran that law as not allowing dispensaries at all.  From beforeit ever passed. NO DISPENSARIES allowed.  It was simply the law my fool.  Yet, you felt the need to break the law and encourage everyone to do so with you. And a lot of people ended up in jail because of what you and your ilk told them was legal in all sorts of circumstances.


Hahaha,... and wrapped back around to say what I said is true.  You are the monster. Look in the mirror.


 You are the greed that walks in the night. And exactly, you and Joe and the whole bunch of you killed the MMMA compassion clubs because you favored making buckos selling marijuana outside of the Act in your dispensaries/markets.


Some of us will not forget Tim.

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