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Forbes Magazine Coverage Of Forfeiture Reform In Michigan

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Here is some pretty solid coverage of the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing of the forfeiture reform bills. All the bills passed out of the committee with recommendation for the house to pass. With Charmie Gholson, Steve Miller, Ginnifer Hency, Annette Shattuck:





When the cops raided Ginnifer Hency’s home in Smiths Creek, Michigan, last July, “they took everything,” she told state legislators on Tuesday, including TV sets, ladders, her children’s cellphones and iPads, even her vibrator. They found six ounces of marijuana and arrested Hency for possession with intent to deliver, “even though I was fully compliant with the Michigan medical marijuana laws,” which means “I am allowed to possess and deliver.” Hency, a mother of four with multiple sclerosis, uses marijuana for pain relief based on her neurologist’s recommendation. She also serves as a state-registered caregiver for five other patients.

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"Hency’s compliance with state law explains why a St. Clair County judge last week dismissed the charges against her. But when she asked about getting back her property on Friday, she reported, “The prosecutor came out to me and said, ‘Well, I can still beat you in civil court. I can still take your stuff.’” When she heard that, Hency said, “I was at a loss. I literally just sat there dumbfounded"



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You know I heard the rumor but could not believe it.....Apparently some of the forfeiture municipalities are reducing the ranks of qualified police officers, in the name of budget cuts and recruiting  laid off rent a center repo employees.


END the War on Drugs   NOW !!!

Edited by beourbud
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House Judciary committee passes Civil Forfeiture Reform Bills



" House Bill 4508:  sponsored by Rep. Irwin, would limit forfeiture in cases involving less than one ounce of marijuana, if the drug was being used for personal use. In other words, someone possessing a small amount of marijuana could be charged with a crime, but law enforcement could not confiscate their vehicle or property. The bill was supported by all of the committee except Rep. Heise."
...it's a start, anyway.

Edited by solabeirtan
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"Hency’s compliance with state law explains why a St. Clair County judge last week dismissed the charges against her. But when she asked about getting back her property on Friday, she reported, “The prosecutor came out to me and said, ‘Well, I can still beat you in civil court. I can still take your stuff.’” When she heard that, Hency said, “I was at a loss. I literally just sat there dumbfounded"



There are a few bullets in hell reserved for such prosecutors.

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It truly is, and illegal. Ginnifer Hency is our client, and the drug task force and prosecutor's office in St. Clair County have surprises coming.

free drink tickets for hell's specials--pitchers of stony bituminous road fill mixed aviation fuel.  kills thirst forever.

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Does it ever seem to you that some of these cops and prosecutors are the kids that used to get chased home from school?


"You just wait, I'll get even one of these days!"


No I believe they are the bullies, the ones that used to do the chasing.. you know the kind.. peaked in high school...


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  • 3 months later...



'(Rick) Jones said he had heard from lawyers who claimed it "simply legalizes marijuana" in Michigan, which, of course, is erroneous. HB 4508 would have prevented forfeiture of a vehicle carrying a very small amount of marijuana. (Rick) Jones acknowledged that legalization may happen in November 2016, if a popular ballot measure is approved, but because he considers HB 4508 to be tantamount to legalization, he would not allow it out of committee.'


Correct me if i'm wrong, but my understanding is that if 4508 were passed, a non-patient found to be in possession of less than an ounce could be arrested, but their car would not be seized. Rick Jones' saying that 4508 = legalization, tells me that the only aspect of cannabis prohibition that matters to him is the ability to seize a car.


Too bad his term ends after the election.

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