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Milegalize- The Mmma Endorsed Ballot Initiative- Launches Campaign This Week!

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Thursday June 25 1:00 on the steps of the Capitol in Lansing- join us for the official start of the MILegalize campaign-





Please check out www.MILegalize.com to read the language, donate to the campaign and/ or sign up to volunteer.

Edited by jamieuke
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Then this thread title is misleading?


Was this thread title purposely misleading?  I wonder.


I also noticed on social media, that the op used the term 'end prohibition' when posting about

the milegalize campaign.  milegalize in no way, shape or form ENDS PROHIBITION.


Jaimie; stating milegalize will end prohibition is just not true and imo may be part of a scheme on your part

that is just as manipulating as any of the media sources we constantly complain about here about their low

brow tactics.  Just as I believe this thread title is intended to do.

I am curious as to whether these misleading statements to our community was done intentionally in an

attempt to sway votes ?


I call foul.

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Then this thread title is misleading?


Was this thread title purposely misleading?  I wonder.


I also noticed on social media, that the op used the term 'end prohibition' when posting about

the milegalize campaign.  milegalize in no way, shape or form ENDS PROHIBITION.


Jaimie; stating milegalize will end prohibition is just not true and imo may be part of a scheme on your part

that is just as manipulating as any of the media sources we constantly complain about here about their low

brow tactics.  Just as I believe this thread title is intended to do.

I am curious as to whether these misleading statements to our community was done intentionally in an

attempt to sway votes ?


I call foul.

Well put. The deception itself is enough to kick em to the curb. We need clearness and integrity running the show. No grey area shady wording or outright lies. We have had enough of that with medical. False hopes are just false. 

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The sky is falling today too?!?! Guess I'll burn one and meet it halfway :) :) :)

Yup. Reality is still in business today. Life's a biotch like that. Smoke a fatty if you think it might help you forget for a minute. We will still be hear when you remember. Cannabis is not the cure for getting rid of Snyder/Schuette/Bad Legislators. You have to remember to vote them out. It takes a long time of remembering. Cannabis never makes me forget anything for very long, contrary to some seriously flawed studies.

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What would this proposal seek to do?

Legalize all forms marijuana for adults 21 and older- including topicals, oils, and tinctures.

Allow for adults to cultivate up to 12 plants.

Allow for the cultivation, possession, and otherwise processing of hemp and hemp products.

Grant medical marijuana patients & consumers additional protections to things like 2nd amendment rights, education, and child custody.

Provide patients access to medical marijuana when authorized by their doctor even if their condition does not qualify under Michigan’s Medical Marijuana Act.

Provide licensing to marijuana establishments and large cultivation facilities.

Establish a ten percent excise tax on recreational marijuana sales, but with no tax on medical marijuana patients.

Require that the tax proceeds to be used to fund education, transportation, and local government.

Remove all criminal penalties for distribution, cultivation, and possession of marijuana with the exception of sale to an unauthorized minor.

Allow for civil infractions to be issued if the person is in violation of the act

Protect consumers from search, seizure, and investigation by law enforcement for marijuana related offenses.

Authorize local units of government to adopt limited regulation of marihuana facilities and stores.

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Great. On the other side of the coin, can we tone down the fear mongering. Read the text of the proposal. I really can't understand what people are worried about.


Schitter has never gone up to bat for a marijuana defendant....he won't start in 2017 unless he has political motivation (which he might). It does you no good to continually point the finger at those that might agree with you.


bunny muffin, look, stir. Bye

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we had almost the same republicans in office in 2008 that we have now.


does the mmma support milegalize? i dunno. its going to be hard to convince zap, as the seed of controlled substances has been firmly planted in his (and my) mind.


is it better than what non-mmma people have now? absolutely.

should the mmma, a patient and caregiver organization, support a non-medical legalization initiative?


i figure if it helps patients stay out of court, then its a plus for medical.

what we could do is make a list of all coa/msc cases and see how milegalize would help or wouldnt help those cases.


for instance, although it wouldnt have helped bobandtorey who had plants growing together, because of idiot laws on constructive possession, they would have only had a $100 fine instead of 5 years in court.


surely zap would support a change that protects patients from 5 years in court? even if its not true full "legalization" or decriminalization.


kolane - its retroactive, so it would have helped him.

king - $100 fine

blysma - $100 fine

mcqueen - $100 fine

carruthers - $100 fine


but what you dont realize is that many of these cases would never have even been found. as police wouldnt have been working to bust marijuana , since its an exception/right/legal/privledge (whatever msc wants to call it this week) for 21+ under milegalize.

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we had almost the same republicans in office in 2008 that we have now.


does the mmma support milegalize? i dunno. its going to be hard to convince zap, as the seed of controlled substances has been firmly planted in his (and my) mind.


is it better than what non-mmma people have now? absolutely.

should the mmma, a patient and caregiver organization, support a non-medical legalization initiative?


i figure if it helps patients stay out of court, then its a plus for medical.

what we could do is make a list of all coa/msc cases and see how milegalize would help or wouldnt help those cases.


for instance, although it wouldnt have helped bobandtorey who had plants growing together, because of idiot laws on constructive possession, they would have only had a $100 fine instead of 5 years in court.


surely zap would support a change that protects patients from 5 years in court? even if its not true full "legalization" or decriminalization.





So you are saying no matter what Laws the people vote for the Courts/ Leo will not follow it ?

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I have read the text of the proposal, several times.


I am not fear mongering.


I am seeing beyond the language with out 'legalization' stars in my eyes.


I ask that people remember that our gov't will only take and not give.


Oh... and I gotta love what one member of the milegalize crew told me last

week  ... it's only $5000. for a license and that's not very much...


wth?  That is more than half of some people's yearly income for cripes sake!

This is not a peoples bill, this bill still benefits the commercial interest over

pt/ cg and the common recrecational user.


I ask others to remember and to think with your own mind and not what is

fed to us by the media.

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well when rent for a dispensary building is ~$1000+ a month, a $5000 license is not that much.


or are you saying that to be a caregiver for multiple people, you would want the $5000 license?


@bob, no , the courts mostly follow the law, as you saw in 2009 with your dismissal. i think people (and lawyers) dont have a grasp on exactly what the law says, because its all shenanigans with words. thats why zap and i want marijuana removed from controlled substances because thats ultimately the reason why marijuana is a crime.

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t, I am 100% against this proposal and all legalization proposals.


I am seeing people on other forums and social media sites beginning to also question 'legalization' and whether it's the right move and timing.


I say, no it's not.  Not now in MI.

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well when rent for a dispensary building is ~$1000+ a month, a $5000 license is not that much.


or are you saying that to be a caregiver for multiple people, you would want the $5000 license?


@bob, no , the courts mostly follow the law, as you saw in 2009 with your dismissal. i think people (and lawyers) dont have a grasp on exactly what the law says, because its all shenanigans with words. thats why zap and i want marijuana removed from controlled substances because thats ultimately the reason why marijuana is a crime.



OK but  for that to happen the people must change the Michigan constitution  ?

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I'm not going to claim to know the inner working of our legislature, but I do know this; a rookie legislator do NOT get to write, co-author, or hardly support new bills. You play by the rules or the rest of them eat you up and spit you out.


It's not so simple as voting one out and other in. Remember there us a lot of land and people between gr, kzoo, aa, det, flint, and traverse....they tend to vote the way they do.

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