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The First Sign Of Fall


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Well there out there, hit a big clearing west of me , the typical big black chopper circling like a buzzard.. few mins later there are 3 unmarked cars, a truck, and two MSP cars.. I did my best to see but obviously I wasn't going down and say hey! whats up over here..LOL  Did  hear someone yell woohoo and then lots of laughter, Didn't stick to long but in 20 mins they was gone.. I'm going out on a limb but I'm pretty certain they snatched a few girls and dragged them away. Oh ya and a national forestry truck showed up as well. Even though it was private property.


Any  way folks , be aware the boys in blue are out with a vengeance before the laws get changed..Keep your girl hidden and covered..in side that locked and enclosed area. ;) 

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I know people who have grown outdoors exclusively for over 50 years grass...

I don't see them changing how they do things because I voted for Prop 1 2008.


The issue here is not so much those who choose to conduct themselves outside

of 'the law' but rather the fact the laws are unjust and... the MMMA has never been

implemented properly.


I've said it before and I will say it again...  I am glad for those who have balls enough to

push the envelope.  We would never be where we are today if not for those cannabis vets.


I control what I can and that is me.  It is impossible in this life to not break laws as that's just

how they set it up.  I am sure I am breaking several here and now as I sit here typing... that

I am quite unaware of.



I jumped through the quasi legal hoops to be a part of this program and will continue to do so.

However, our brothers and sisters are still being arrested and prosecuted.





Lawmakers and leo should pursue worthy work... like farming if they really want to get their hands 'dirty'. :)

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