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Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

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I figured I should post serious,...


This very well MAY be real.  I mean, who knows. Weird things make people sick.


BUT, what concerns me is every time someone goes to the doctor vomiting now, they ask you if you use marijuana, and if you say "yes", they just blow your sickness off as "Cannabinoid Hyperemesis" when it is most likely something else.  This must be very very rare.  1:100,000 maybe? Less?


I dunno.  These type of things always make me go "hmmmm.....".


Sounds fishy.

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Now all kinds of ambition has come back. I desire so much more in life and, at 37 years old, it’s a little late to do it, but better now than never,”he said.

should tell you all you need to know about this article.

pushing the "marijuana causes you to be lazy" lie as well as the "marijuana makes you stop caring about life" lie.





Edited by bax
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reading the study linked to showing a doubling of CHS




basically, the study results are "we found more marijuana use (self reported) among people after legalization".


the study counted everyone not pregnant or under 18 who came to two hospitals for treatment of nausea and vomiting. unfortunately, they mixed people who had nausea in with people who had cyclic vomiting (which is quite rare).


strangely enough, alcohol is not mentioned a single time within the study... i guess people drinking alcohol never vomit, so why bring it up in a marijuana study?


btw if you are wondering how rare CHS / CV is, heres the flowchart




note the numbers at the very bottom , who the authors have said definitely got CHS


pre-liberalization (e.g. before it was legal) = 1 cyclic vomiting

post-liberalization (after legalization) = 9 cyclic vomiting


i am not counting "nausea" as "cyclic vomiting" is required for a CHS diagnosis. i'm surprised they didnt go with "CHS increased 9 fold post legalization" but i guess they need more than 10 people to make such a headline LOL


the study is full of weirdness.


At both institutions combined there were a total of

113,262 ED visits in the preliberalization period and

125,095 visits in the postliberalization period. A total

of 2,574 visits (63% from UCH) included ICD-9 codes

for “cyclic vomiting” or “nausea and vomiting” and

were reviewed. Thirty-six patients met the criteria for

cyclic vomiting over 128 unique visits


so they built this entire study on 36 people, 25 of whom were female. but the flowchart they had said only 1 or 9 people had cyclic vomiting on the hospital chart. what they did is find that these 36 people , if they came back to the emergency room with nausea or vomiting, counted that as cyclic vomiting.


its easy to fudge numbers when you make up your definition of "cyclic vomiting".




Given that none of the 128 visits included in this study included a mention of “cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome"

no one at the hospital even wrote CHS on any of these 36 patients medical history. so there you have it.


NIH sponsored this study. so if you are wondering when they will finally study marijuana enough so that they will change their minds... it will never happen. entire industries are built on marijuana prohibition.



i really wish the study said which patient went back to the hospital over and over again. 36 people made 128 visits for nausea/vomiting. ok, but break that down further and its probably 5 long-term care patients with cancer or vertigo made 20 visits each.


further, this study confirms how rare CHS is. they looked at a total of 238,357 emergency room visits and found zero official cannabis hyperemesis syndrome diagnosis. in a state that has the highest marijuana usage and that has legalized marijuana.

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Some people are lactose intolerant too. If Marijuana makes you sick then maybe it's not for you. It's a choice for people it works good for. No one is forcing anyone to use it. Pain pills make me sick. weak, and stupid, so I don't use them much. Marijuana doesn't do that to me. It's a pleasant experience that doesn't effect my active life style. 

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I don't post much, but visit almost daily.

I have used Cannabis multiple times daily everyday since 2008.

I have been self-medicating for 35+ years now.

I have Never had a bad stomach pain/cramps or nausea from my medicine. Ever..

Like Resto said, some people shouldn't use cannabis.

I have been motivated to do things for many years.

Bought multiple houses and remodeled them.

Ran a successful Bridge building operation.

Get a life Loser.. This guy is a Loser.

Lost his motivation, health and evidently his common sense.

I however have managed to retain mine after 35+ years of almost daily cannabis use.

I call foul.!!

Also CHE and CHS are already in the ICD-10.

Maybe said Doc needs to Study a little more..

Edited by ilynnboy
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I have been partaking cannabis since 1968, steadily. I have never had, nor do I know anyone who ever had CHS. I 've nver even heard of CHS until a few weeks ago. I wonder why not one single "expert" has taken the time to say, self, why is it this has only become some sort of problem after so much legalization, etc. Could it possibly be( if it is even true) a cause from ingesting so many nasty synthetic chemical nutrients and the nasty insect repellants, chemical fungicides and nasty chemical anti-mold agents many commercial indoor growers use, remember just because you grow indoors and do not use these does not mean that some greedy grow gentleman does not!! Even in the days of commercial mj being soaked in paraquat did not cause puking. Personally, I have smoked some indoor grown stuff( from a dispensary) that you could actually taste a strong chemical taste to it, reminded me of commercial bags of insect repellant. As with many health issues, seems no one asks the pertinent questions, just plainly way tooo many generalizations.

                                  Farmer Brown

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 Maybe some doctors see cannabis use as an existential struggle.


That one on the TV at the ER sure did. He's tunnel vision cannabis hater all the way. Better stick with trauma. I'm sure he helps a lot of people with gun shot wounds, where he doesn't have his bias in the way in a marijuana legal state. Probably just really doesn't like the smell of pot, wishes it would just go away...

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Leaky gut syndrome" is said to have symptoms including bloating, gas, cramps, food sensitivities, and aches and pains. But it's something of a medical mystery.

“From an MD’s standpoint, it’s a very gray area,” says gastroenterologist Donald Kirby, MD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic. “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.”

"Leaky gut syndrome" isn't a diagnosis taught in medical school. Instead, "leaky gut really means you’ve got a diagnosis that still needs to be made,” Kirby says. “You hope that your doctor is a good-enough Sherlock Holmes, but sometimes it is very hard to make a diagnosis.”

“We don’t know a lot but we know that it exists,” says Linda A. Lee, MD, a gastroenterologist and director of the Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center. “In the absence of evidence, we don’t know what it means or what therapies can directly address it.”

Intestinal Permeability

A possible cause of leaky gut is increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability.

That could happen when tight junctions in the gut, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, don't work properly. That could let substances leak into the bloodstream.

People with celiac disease and Crohn’s disease experience this. “Molecules can get across in some cases, such as Crohn’s, but we don’t know all the causes,” Lee says. Whether hyperpermeability is more of a contributing factor or a consequence is unclear.

But why or how this would happen in someone without those conditions is not clear.

Little is known about other causes of leaky gut that aren't linked to certain types of drugs, radiation therapy, or food allergies.

Unsolved Mystery

Leaky gut symptoms aren't unique. They're shared by other problems, too. And tests often fail to uncover a definite cause of the problem. That can leave people without a diagnosis and, therefore, untreated.

It’s crucial, Kirby says, to find a doctor who will take time with you and take your concerns seriously.

“You may have leaky gut and we may be able to treat what causes it,” Kirby says. “If you have something going on, it is incumbent upon the medical community to listen to you.”

Unfortunately, Lee says, not all doctors make the effort to get at the root of the problem, and that’s what frequently sends patients to alternative practitioners.

“Often, the reason they have resorted to alternative medicine is because of what they have been told and how they have been treated by other practitioners,” Lee says. “We need to listen.”

Treatment Without Research

In her clinic, Lee combines conventional medicine with evidenced-based complementary therapies. But with leaky gut, she says, the evidence -- about what causes it and how to treat it -- has yet to fully accumulate. This is something that is essential for patients to understand.

“We are in the infancy of understanding what to do,” Lee says. “People who are making claims about what to do are doing so without evidence.”

For example, many web sites offering information on leaky gut, recommend taking L-glutamine supplements to strengthen the lining of the small intestine. Lee says that, theoretically, that makes sense, given glutamine’s role in intestinal function -- but there is no research to back up such claims.

“There’s no evidence that if I give you a pile of glutamine pills, that you will improve,” Lee says.

Lifestyle May Matter

Treating the underlying condition, such as Crohn’s or celiac disease, will often resolve symptoms associated with the condition. But without a firm diagnosis, a doctor's hands are often tied by a lack of evidence.

Diet likely plays a big role in having a leaky gut, Lee and Kirby agree. So if you have symptoms of leaky gut, you would do well to see a gastroenterologist who is also trained in nutrition.

Chronic stress may also be a factor, Lee says. “You need to tend to your stress, whether through medication or meditation. That’s what you need to focus on.”

Lee says that lifestyle modifications, such as those that reduce stress and improve the diet, may be among the best ways to treat leaky gut, particularly when no underlying condition is identified. “Chronic health problems are so often due to lifestyle, and we don’t have pills for those,” she says. “We’re talking about the way we live and the way we eat.”

WebMD Feature Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on 4/, 013
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there are so many things that cause nausea/vomiting. its easier just to look at the most popular:

food poisoning

alcohol poisoning

prescription and OTC medications


motion sickness


these cause 99% of nausea/vomiting.

Edited by bax
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Ok here is CHS ( chediak higashi syndrome) from the ICD-10.

The medical diagnostics reference and coding book.


That Doc Is a Quack.. he doesn't even know correct diagnosis.

DOH...I am a dumb doctor. I cannot reference medical literature.. DOH ..

False flag like the conspiracy theory guys like to say.

Edited by ilynnboy
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“Now all kinds of ambition has come back. I desire so much more in life and, at 37 years old, it’s a little late to do it, but better now than never,”


And so it begins? Unwind?

The patient and the Er doc are both dumb..

The Doc especially.

He is unaware that the medical condition CHS even exists in the ICD-10... DOH ignorant uninformed doctor..

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The doctor was telling of a "diagnosis".

That diagnosis is mislabeled and unbillable to Any insurance and or Medicare payable account.

Maybe he should get a Medicare approved study which is peer reviewed and laboratory replicated to find a new and correct diagnosis.

He is misinforming the public.

That's all I am saying.

Well that and,

10,000 years and Hundreds of Millions of users worth of empirical data stating Just the Opposite.

That's all I have on this little ER doctors claim to fame.

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“Now all kinds of ambition has come back. I desire so much more in life and, at 37 years old, it’s a little late to do it, but better now than never,”


And so it begins? Unwind?

Like 37 y.o. is old or something???????? I farm,I know I probably do more physical work than most 37 year olds( these days), I will be 63 in June, but at 37 you should be in your prime, at least until you are 50ish.

                               Farmer Brown

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I use to have gut problems( I was diagnosed with IBS,smoldering appenticidis,diverticulitis,etc.) weed would always settle my stomach down, changing my lifestyle( bought a farm in 1981) and diet( we eat mostly from our farm, no chemicals used ever!) I rarely have any gut problems anymore( unless I drink too much wine before supper or eat at just about any restaurant :>) The chs from the above link is not the same chs that was on the CBS evening news. I did write Dr .LaPook (LePuke me!!)an e-mail and told him he should look at some of the nasty chemicals being used in commercial marihuana grows these days!!,I do not expect a response :>)

Farmer Brown

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