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On Today's Show:

Special Guest: Anne Schultz with Exp Realty LLC & Peter O’ Toole from Michigan Marijuana Seed Club

Topic 1: There’s been a huge spike in the number of seniors smoking pot
Topic 2: North Korea has been branded as a 'weed-smoker's paradise
Topic 3: How U.S. firms can overcome CBD quality issues
Topic 4: DTE sending out IRS-8300 forms to cash payers
Topic 5: Cannabis Real Estate with Anne Schultz

Michigan's #1 Podcast about Cannabis legal issues, licensing, medical marijuana and other stuff in the realm of legal matters.

The Planet Green Trees Podcast is hosted by attorney Michael Komorn, co-hosted by Jamie Lowell, Rick Thompson, Jim Powers and Debra Young. The Planet Green Trees Podcast dives deep into the waters of Cannabis Law and Culture with guests that are leading the way in the booming industry.

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