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Landrace Michigan Strains?


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13 hours ago, cowboy94 said:

Does anybody know of any strains indigineous to Michigan, or have seen wild plants growing in the forest? I have heard that Pinconning Paralyzer is native here, but that's the closest I've come to it personally. Thanks!

The paralyzer is a strain that has been in Michigan since the 70's, however it was produced from foreign strains. 

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12 hours ago, glued gorilla said:

Oh, and those wild plants in the forrest? They were probably planted there. I used to scatter plants all over my hunting areas. They got very little care, so somone may have thought they were wild.

Yup. It was there when I first started looking in the 70's. We had a specific name for it, ditchweed. Wild weed that has been taking care of itself for generations. Just a weed with some nice fiber to it. Make some rope. 

Probably very little THC and some CBD. Always gave me a headache when I smoked it. 

It's one of the reasons I'm biased against the low THC weed that people try to build up like it's the newest and best thing going because it doesn't get you high just like the ditchweed. Nothing new, just another thing for a snakeoil salesman to re invent for money. One man's trash is another man's trash, headache, or fantasy find. 

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4 hours ago, Restorium2 said:

It's one of the reasons I'm biased against the low THC weed that people try to build up like it's the newest and best thing going because it doesn't get you high just like the ditchweed.

I agree. The first time I tried a high CBD strain it reminded me of high school.

Edited by Wild Bill
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