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Alaska State Laws

State: Alaska
Excerpt From:  http://dhss.alaska.gov/dph/VitalStats/Pages/marijuana.aspx

The Alaska Bureau of Vital Statistics now provides the application for a Medical Marijuana Registry card through its web site. Choose the marijuana packet link above to obtain the necessary forms.
These forms are PDF documents requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, please download the free software now.
For additional information regarding the Alaska Medical Marijuana Registry, please call (907) 465-5423.

Arizona State Laws

State: Arizona
Excerpt From:  http://www.azdhs.gov/medicalmarijuana/

In November 2010, voters passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. The citizen initiative (Proposition 203) called on the Arizona Department of Health Services to create a medical marijuana program within 120 days from the official election results. Qualifying patients can start applying for identification cards on April 14, 2011, and the Department suspended the dispensary and dispensary agent portions on May 27, 2011. All information will be made available on this website as soon as it is ready. You can also find historical documents from the development of the program.

California State Laws

State: California
Excerpt From:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_California

In 2003, Senate Bill (SB) 420 (Chapter 875, Statutes of 2003) was passed as an extension and clarification of Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. The Medical Marijuana Program, within CDPH, is administered through a patient's county of residence. Upon obtaining a recommendation from their physician for use of medicinal marijuana, patients and their primary caregivers may apply for and be issued, a Medical Marijuana Identification Card. Senate Bill 420 also required that the MMP be fully supported through the card application processing fees. Both the state and the counties have authority to cover their costs for the program through these application fees.

Colorado State Laws

Excerpt From:  http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/CDPHE-CHEIS/CBON/1251593016680

In the November 2000 general election, Coloradoans passed Amendment 20, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) was tasked with implementing and administering the Medical Marijuana Registry program. In March of 2001, the State of Colorado Board of Health approved the Rules and Regulations pertaining to the administration of the program, and on June 1st, 2001, the Registry began accepting and processing applications for Registry Identification cards.

Hawaii State Laws

State: Hawaii
Excerpt From:  http://www.dpfhi.org/

In April 2000 Hawai`i became the first state to permit medicinal use of marijuana via an act of the state legislature. Governor Benjamin Cayetano signed Hawai`i’s Act 228 into law on June 15, 2000. Rules for its administration, developed by the state Department of Public Safety, were approved in December of that year and the medical marijuana program has been in effect since that time. Since the implementation of the program, more than 4,000 patients are being registered every year to use medical marijuana under state law.

Maine State Laws

State: Maine
Excerpt From:  http://www.maine.gov/legis/lawlib/medmarij.html

On November 3, 2009 Maine voters approved Question 5, which enacted the citizen-initiated bill, "An act to establish the Maine Medical Marijuana Act" (LD 975, IB 2). The committee file for LD 975 contains additional information, such as the activity schedule, testimony sign-in sheet, testimony submitted at the public hearing, working papers and memoranda of the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, and the committee vote tally sheet.

Maryland State Laws

State: Maryland
Excerpt From:  http://norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=3391#Maryland

Maryland's legislature passed a medical marijuana affirmative defense law in 2003. This law requires the court to consider a defendant's use of medical marijuana to be a mitigating factor in marijuana-related state prosecution. If the patient, post-arrest, successfully makes the case at trial that his or her use of marijuana is one of medical necessity, then the maximum penalty allowed by law would be a $100 fine.

Michigan State Laws

State: Michigan
Excerpt From:  http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-35299_63294_63303_51869_52138---,00.html

The Michigan Medical Marihuana Program (MMMP) is a state registry program within the Bureau of Health Professions at the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The program will administer the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act as approved by Michigan voters on November 4, 2008. The program will implement the statutory tenets of this act in such a manner that protects the public and assures the confidentiality of its participants.

New Mexico State Laws

State: New Mexico
Excerpt From:  http://www.health.state.nm.us/idb/medical_cannabis.shtml

Starting April 1, 2011, old versions of application forms will no longer be accepted by the Medical Cannabis Program. By using the most up-to-date application forms, you will help us to ensure that applications are processed as quickly as possible. Click the Program Application Forms Page link and make sure that you have the most recent version of each application document before you submit forms to the program.

Nevada State Laws

State: Nevada
Excerpt From:  http://safeaccessnow.org/article.php?id=2046

The Nevada Medical Marijuana Program is a state registry program within the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Nevada State Health Division. Our role is to administer the provisions of the Medical Use of Marijuana law as approved by the Nevada Legislature and adopted on 2001.
If you are interested in obtaining an application for the Medical Marijuana Program, please send a written request, along with a check or money order in the amount of $50 made payable to the Nevada State Health Division.

Oregon State Laws

State: Oregon
Excerpt From:  http://public.health.oregon.gov/diseasesconditions/chronicdisease/medicalmarijuanaprogram/Pages/index.aspx

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program is a State registry program within the Public Health Division, Oregon Department of Human Services. Our role is to administer the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act as approved by the voters of the State in November 1998. The program actively pursues administrative streamlining processes in an effort to better serve our patients while maintaining the highest level of confidentiality. Multiple states have requested information on Oregon's program to use as a model for their own medical marijuana initiatives and registration systems.

Rhode Island State Laws

State: Alaska
Excerpt From:

In November 2010, voters passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. The citizen initiative (Proposition 203) called on the Arizona Department of Health Services to create a medical marijuana program within 120 days from the official election results. Qualifying patients can start applying for identification cards on April 14, 2011 and the Department will accept initial dispensary applications beginning in June 2011. All information will be made available on this website as soon as it is ready. You can also find historical documents from the development of the program.

Vermont State Laws

State: Alaska
Excerpt From:

In November 2010, voters passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. The citizen initiative (Proposition 203) called on the Arizona Department of Health Services to create a medical marijuana program within 120 days from the official election results. Qualifying patients can start applying for identification cards on April 14, 2011 and the Department will accept initial dispensary applications beginning in June 2011. All information will be made available on this website as soon as it is ready. You can also find historical documents from the development of the program.

Washington State Laws

State: Alaska
Excerpt From:

In November 2010, voters passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. The citizen initiative (Proposition 203) called on the Arizona Department of Health Services to create a medical marijuana program within 120 days from the official election results. Qualifying patients can start applying for identification cards on April 14, 2011 and the Department will accept initial dispensary applications beginning in June 2011. All information will be made available on this website as soon as it is ready. You can also find historical documents from the development of the program.

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