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Structure of a Defense Report



So, the report for the defense of the diploma should have a clear structure, consist of five main sections. I asked writers to formulate them as five tips for writing a report.


The first is the relevance of the study. In two or three sentences, you describe why you chose this topic, what problems the branch of science you are involved in, and what practical interest your research may have. It is not necessary to delve into the history of science, it is enough to briefly talk about the main achievements and problems.


The second section is devoted to the subject and object (as well as in the diploma itself), as well as goals and methods. The more correctly and precisely these provisions are formulated, the fewer questions the commission will have. A lot of students confuse the object and subject of the thesis, so it would be useful to remind you that research paper writing service offers their services and can explain what is what. 


The object of the thesis is the phenomenon we are studying, and the subject of the thesis is the side of the phenomenon under study. If this section raises questions from the commission, then a decrease in the score is almost guaranteed.


The third section is the most important. Here conclusions are formulated, the result of all your many months of work (and sometimes two years, if we are talking about a master's thesis). You cannot skip a single chapter in this section, since conclusions must be drawn both in theory and in practice. It is at the demonstration of this section that you need to include a presentation or use an auxiliary handout that illustrates your conclusions. 


The presentation must be done at a decent level, with graphs and similar illustrative material, as the members of the commission involuntarily pay attention to computer literacy, and a sloppy presentation may affect the final grade. You don't want that, right?


The fourth section is no less important than the third, namely, it contains suggestions for improving the subject under study (that is, the side of the phenomenon that you are researching). Experts will show all the scientific and practical significance of the work and, in a simple way, then believe in what you are writing about. If there are some facts at the presentation, but you are voicing completely different ones, the commission may ask a legitimate question about the discrepancy.

Edited by karlrockwell


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