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How to prepare an abstract




A template, which should be taken from a teacher or at the department, will help to write an abstract correctly in terms of design. If there is no such template, you can check examples on the web-sites and focus on the standard requirements:

  • The title page is drawn up in accordance with methodology, contains information about the university, department, topic of the abstract, discipline, student and teacher data, city and year of writing.
  • The table of contents indicates the parts of the abstract and the pages on which they begin.
  • The text of the abstract is printed in font 14 with 1.5 spacing, no spacing between paragraphs, the indentation of the first line is 1.25 cm. The entire abstract uses a single font design (Times New Roman), bold printing is unacceptable.
  • Each section starts on a new page. Subsections are written in continuation of the page.
  • The list of sources used is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of methodology.
  • The sources used must be referenced in the text of the abstract. As a rule, you need to write footnotes in square brackets (source number and page from which the material was taken).

When writing an abstract, strictly follow all the requirements for its design. This will help you avoid mistakes not only at the moment, but also in the future, when writing term papers or theses. After all, the main task of the abstract is to teach you how to work independently with literature and other sources of information, while highlighting the main thing from it with regard to the topic under study. Sloppy, incorrect design of the work is unacceptable.If your work don't pass requirments, you can send it to writing service to have help from professionals writers and editors.

Common mistakes when writing an abstract

When writing an essay, students make fairly typical mistakes:

  • The volume is too large.

The usual volume of an abstract is 15-20 pages. But sometimes a student finds a lot of interesting information and prints an essay of 30-40 pages. This indicates not a deep study of the topic, but an inability to highlight the main thing. Most likely, the teacher will not accept such work (or will greatly reduce the grade).

  • Plagiarism. Although the abstract is a secondary work based on other people's works, the author of the abstract must express his own opinion and draw personal conclusions. Material from books and articles should either be formalized as a quotation, or be processed, retold in your own words. Many universities check abstracts using anti-plagiarism systems, and detection of illegal borrowing may lead to sending the abstract for revision. You should check your work at custom writing services plagiarism checker to be sure about your plagiarism score.
  • Use of irrelevant information. In economics, law, engineering, and many other disciplines, information quickly becomes obsolete. What was true 5-10 years ago has now become invalid. Therefore, when writing abstracts, you need to use not only textbooks (even if they came out recently), but also recheck against more quickly updated sources.

So, if the abstract contains references to laws, they must be verified according to the current editions from reference legal systems, statistical data - according to the publications of the relevant services.

  • Using a small number of sources. Sometimes a student finds a book that, at first glance, is ideally suited to a topic, and takes all the information from it alone. But in any topic there is scope for scientific discussion, other authors may have a different position on the same issue, and it is desirable to highlight different points of view in the abstract (at least to indicate their existence).

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Edited by ralphmcmahon


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