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A Secret Life..



Hello Everyone, :notfair:


I am starting this blog with hopes of connecting with others in the medical marijuana community. I am a patient who has been suffering for years with major back problems. I was in a car accident when I was a teenager, the result being damage to my spinal column. Marijuana helps me make it through my days without pain.



I titled this blog "A Secret Life". Because that is what I live. I am a mother of a large family. I spend my days taking care of a house and raising children. And I spend my evenings and weekends attending and volunteering at their athletic events. This busy lifestyle doesn't leave much time for friends. I mainly talk to other parents at school/sports events. And I keep my medical relief a secret. I am not ashamed; it's just socially unacceptable. However, it is acceptable that Sarah’s* mom takes vicodin. Or that Nick’s* mom takes Paxil. Why should I have to hide? I legally take medicine that helps me with pain. I wonder if they knew the truth, how I would be treated. Would they tell me that my help isn’t needed for the next bake sale? Would I then appear untrustworthy? Everyone talks about the legality issues of medical marijuana, and I am not trying to undermind that at all. But what about the social issues?


I have been fortunate to find a local compassion center that has been very supportive for me. They actually referred me to this site so that I may meet people who are in my situation. I like to take my medication in the form of “medibles”, this way I don’t smell like marijuana on the chance I run into somebody I know. And they have been very gracious to keep a supply of these for me. Thank you MC3 :).


If there is anyone else who is also in my situation, feel free to contact me. For now, I decided to continue to vent via blogs. After all it’s not like I can just post this on facebook….



Mama Dukes


*Names are fictitious


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I came out of the closet with my friends thi Summer. None of them left me, I havent been condemned or strung up on a rope. I have had friends ask me about it's effectiveness, and usage. I am over 60, a great gramma and my family knows all my secrets, and they still let me watch the kids. However, I still wont let them eat my cookies!!!

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