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Mmj Merchant Processing



BancTek understands your merchant processing needs. At BancTek we specialize in setting up all MMJ clinics and pharmacies with an abundance of financial products, not just their credit card processing. We do this correctly and legally by working with our financial partners in order to offer you the most in demand financial products at the best value.




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im a patient and my spouse is my caregiver and soon to be patient we would like to grow and eventually own our own dispensary is this in your area of expertise?

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Marijuana in, Michigan, should be recognized as, “the poor man’s medicine”. It should not be regulated by FDA. Drug companies should never be allowed to process it, or, sell it. Registered users, and, First Nation (Native Americans), people who use it should be respected. They should be able to obtain it at dispensaries, or grow it for themselves. People who are harassed and publically exposed by police, and unable to grow it, should be supplied by the state. The state currently provides no protection for growers.

Users should be allowed to grow marijuana on their property, without the harassment of police, or neighbors. It is an alternative to prescription drugs. Currently, drug companies control all other medications. Drug companies work closely with insurance companies, hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies, to control prices and maintain steep profits. They would like to control marijuana, of ban it. Drug companies own or control every drug in America. Known users of marijuana are treated as, third class citizens. Legislators are threatening to pass laws revoking driving licenses for users. They do not say the same about cigarette smokers, alcohol users, or, prescription drug users. Companies are supported for firing smokers, fat people, and marijuana users; creating a new class of poor people – and they want to eliminate Social Security, the minimum wage, Medicare and Welfare – programs that we pay for; all-the-while, taking tax cuts and claiming to boost our sagging economy. They call that, Smaller Government.

Over a million people in, Michigan use or have used marijuana. Many registered users were non-users, prior to doctors’ recommendations. Those people are now scrutinized by police who have obtained their information from the registry; although, they deny it – in the same way, NSA denies spying on, American citizens. Cops are currently requesting to have legal access to lists of people on the, Michigan registry, to more effectively harass them. They spend one million, four-hundred, thousand dollars in each county, each year, looking for marijuana. Meanwhile, we worry about unemployment, wage losses, home foreclosures, and rising crime rates. The money used against marijuana users, might be spent better by creating jobs.

Legislators claim that alcohol, when used in moderation can be beneficial. Alcohol and cigarettes contribute to more health problems and deaths than any other drugs – however, Michigan counts on the use of addictive products such as, alcohol, cigarettes, and necessities like gasoline for extreme taxation. Marijuana is not physically addictive.

Most prescription medications have warnings of hazardous side effects. Prescriptions for pain often damage internal organs and bones; yet, drug companies recommend them, even though they are often addictive. The same legislators who work closely with drug companies, pass laws allowing employers to drop health insurance coverage. Hospitals and doctors deny assistance to people who are unable to afford insurance. Prescription drugs are overpriced, or priced too high for poor people to afford. Euthanasia is against the law in Michigan. Doctors and hospitals openly discriminate against marijuana users, refusing medications and assistance to them. Drug companies and their associates, corporations and oil companies maintain the greatest profits, because they control everything, even elections.

Seventy percent of our people in, Michigan are in favor of using marijuana for alternative medicine. It has helped free people of addictive substances. Marijuana helps people who have debilitating nerve damage, chronic illnesses, and muscular disorders -- it may even cure some diseases. More than half the people in, Michigan, have at least tried Marijuana; many of them experienced little, or no effects from using it. Instead of passing laws to impede and prevent licensed users from obtaining it, it should be decriminalized. People who use it responsibly are not criminals.

Johnny Appalachia – First Nation American

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Our legislators are calling for a shutdown of dispensaries within 1000 feet of a church – a new law to close many existing, Compassion Clubs. There are not as many dispensaries as churches, but many of them fall within the limits of the new law. It is a law of discrimination. Our constitution states that all people are created equal, and deserving of respect. Seventy percent of, Michigan voters, voted for our, Medical Marijuana law, to give patients the right to choose it as an option, or in conjunction with medicines they take. It is against, Federal Law, to use or sell marijuana – so the State cannot sell it—and the FDA cannot classify it as a drug.

Marijuana is the only plant that can grow wild and used in its natural form. It is not a drug and cannot be purchased in drug stores. The only way to obtain it is through dispensaries. Marijuana is not sold, but, has to be given away. Some people charge for their services. Most people are users who share. Many users are retired and living on fixed income, while other users are discriminated and refused employment. Some users are leading productive lives. Many people would like to use it for assuaging chronic pain, but they cannot, because employers will fire them.

Marijuana dispensaries are not eyesores. Most of them are located on commercial strips along with other businesses. If you think of how many buildings can fit into nine football fields, that is the area covered by the new law – add entire cities to that law along with counties -- the new law makes, Medical Marijuana, illegal; even though we voted for it.

People who use marijuana are usually nonviolent, unless they are addicts who are abusing other drugs as well. Drug addicts will abuse any drugs, as well as household items and wild roots. Their addictions are an illness. No amount of laws are going to stop them, as, they are addicts. But, Medical Marijuana, might help them to stop using other substances that harm their health.

Most people who worship at dispensaries are passive, calm, polite and courteous.

Encarta Dictionary, has churches defined as, a building for public worship. Under that definition, any building can be a church, if there is public worship. Churches can be tax exempt. There are many advantages to becoming a church. Followers can worship without harassment. It is a part of our bill of rights. Churches can be anywhere. Anybody can have a church, so long as people worship there. It is OK to be in public. Churches can be right next to each other, without interfering with each other. Sometimes, they even get together.

Dispensaries can be covered under, Freedom of Religion; if they choose to become churches, and thus be in compliance. Every dispensary can erect a sign that reads Liberty, Growth, and Tolerance. Our people can be free to worship, as they will.

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