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Contact Your State & Federal Representatives Today!



ACTION ALERT: Contact Your U.S. Representative Today!


August is the month to visit your U.S. Congress Representative. Most Representatives will be back home soon, so this is your chance to explain why it's important to pass the bi-partisan legislation pending in Congress.


H.R. 1983 would block the federal prosecution of patients in states that allow medical cannabis. H.R. 1984 would protect bank accounts for medical cannabis dispensaries. And H.R. 1985 would let dispensaries deduct expenses on their federal taxes like any other business.


You can reach your Representative by calling the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. Remember call, email, and write to your Representatives. Don't just think it; do it and be heard.


Urge Your U.S. Representative to Support New Legislation to Protect Medical Cannabis Patients and Providers


You can help change federal law! Our allies in Congress have introduced critical bipartisan legislation to protect medical cannabis patients and providers. But they need your help to get it passed. Take a minute to urge your Representative in the House to cosponsor these important bills today!


The three bipartisan federal bills are HR1983, the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act; HR1984, the Small Business Banking Improvement Act of 2011; and HR1985, the Small Business Tax Equity Act of 2011. HR 1983 would give patients and caregivers a defense in federal court and reclassify cannabis as a drug with medical use. HR 1984 would stop banks and other financial institutions from closing the accounts or refusing to do business with medical cannabis patients, providers, or businesses. HR 1985 would allow dispensing centers and other state-authorized medical cannabis business to deduct their operating expenses on their federal tax returns.


The cosponsors of the three bipartisan bills are:


US Representatives


Barney Frank (D- MA)

Jared Polis (D-CO)

Pete Stark(D-CA 13)

Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Ron Paul (R-TX)


Tell our Michigan U.S. Representatives to join them in cosponsoring these bills today!




1 Benishek, Dan R 202-225-4735


2 Huizenga, Bill R 202-225-4401


3 Amash, Justin R 202-225-3831


4 Camp, Dave R 202-225-3561


5 Kildee, Dale D 202-225-3611


6 Upton, Fred R 202-225-3761


7 Walberg, Tim R 202-225-6276


8 Rogers, Mike R 202-225-4872


9 Peters, Gary D 202-225-5802


10 Miller, Candice R 202-225-2106


11 McCotter, Thaddeus R 202-225-8171


12 Levin, Sander D 202-225-4961


13 Clarke, Hansen D 202-225-2261


14 Conyers Jr., John D 202-225-5126


15 Dingell, John D 202-225-4071


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