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Cost Of Marijuana Vs "antiemetic" Drugs



An excerpt from a true story...by Paul Kuhn, a business man, 1997.


...During the course of her treatment my wife consumed less than $200 worth of cannabis, while undergoing her treatment of advanced breast cancer. To prevent nausea she smoked marihuana, and it worked perfectly. A single puff brought immediate relief. She was never sick and continued to eat well. The necessary dose of Zofran (ondansetron), the antiemetic our oncologist first recommended, would have cost one hundred times that amount. Not that cost was a factor in her choice of treatments. She simply decided that marihuana was more likely to be effective and less likely to have serious side effects. A friend whose wife had the same treatment says the total cost of Zofran and its administration was more than $20,000.


Obviously, Zofran produces substantial revenue for its manufacturer and for those who dispense it. I thought of this when I learned that the Partnership for a Drug-Free America opposes allowing physicians to prescribe marihuana. The Partnership is headed by James Burke, the former president of Johnson & Johnson, and its sponsors include major pharmaceutical companies (as well as the principal distributors of alcohol and tobacco). No doubt Mr. Burke is a man of integrity and the Partnership's corporate donors have a sincere interest in curbing drug abuse. But it is unseemly (and a terrible conflict of interest) for drug companies to advocate the arrest of physicians and patients who get relief from marihuana.


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