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Medical Marijuana Legaltzation: Possible For Kentucky?



Hello all, just came across this article on the web, thought I would share it with everyone.


Reported by: Amanda Stevenson

Email: astevenson@wtvq.com


Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) said that he believes states should decide on the legalization of medicinal marijuana Friday.


Could Kentucky be one of them?


Sen. Perry Clark (D-Louisville) believes so--he's filed a bill, the Gatewood Galbraith Medical Marijuana Memorial Act, to be considered in the 2013 legislative session.


"It's time Kentucky has a conversation about medical marijuana," said Clark.


But not everyone agrees--Kentucky State Police, for instance, takes the stance that distinguishing legal from illegal use would prove too difficult.


Plus, says Sgt. Rick Saint-Blancard, "If you go back to the public welfare--once people are on the road, and they're driving, then it becomes our issue. Whether legal or illegal."


Sen. Clark, however, says he thinks less people would probably get arrested, "I think it'd give our law enforcement professionals time and opportunity to work on these other serious drug problems that we have."


The legislative session begins again in January 2013.





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