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Officer Kills Chocolate Lab



Cobb officer shoots 100 pound chocolate Lab




SMYRNA, Ga. -- A Cobb County police officer says he was forced to shoot an aggressive dog, but the animal's owner insists police are painting the wrong picture of his pet.


"There was no sense in it," said Robby King, the dog's owner. "They didn't have to shoot him. He was a big baby."


Robby King admits that in his haste to get to the hospital to visit his new grandbaby, he accidently set off the alarm at his Smyrna home. King also admits that he forgot the password that would have told the alarm company and police that everything was okay.


Two Cobb police officers responded to the alarm. King says he was standing near the front door when officers went to the back.


"I heard pop-pop and said, 'Please don't shoot my dog'," said King.


A Cobb police spokesperson said no one with the department would speak on camera, but did release a detailed report.


According to the report, Officer G.M. Roach found an unsecured door at the back of the home. Officer Roach told investigators that he opened the door and announced "Cobb County Police." He said that's when the 100 pound chocolate Labrador retriever charged him.


"I retreated approximately 20 feet from the back door and the large dog continued toward me barking aggressively with its mouth wide open attempting to bite me," the report quotes Officer Roach as saying.


Roach told investigators he fired one shot but the animal kept coming.


"It continued charging toward me in an aggressive manner as if the dog's main focus was attacking me and harming me," Officer Roach is quoted as saying.


The report also claims a witness told officers the same animal once attacked her. The witness, identified in the report as Cheryl Truelove, is quoted as telling officers "That dog as bit me in the past."


Cheryl Truelove is Robby King's sister. When 11Alive's Jerry Carnes caught up with Truelove at King's home, she claimed she'd told officers about a completely different dog.


"I never claimed Luke bit me, cause Luke has never bit me," said Truelove.


Cobb Police say that the officer followed policy and procedure and that their investigation is closed.


"I think there should have been another method of dealing with that threat," said King. "I loved that dog with all my heart."




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