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Pain Numbing Indica Or Sativa?



I've read that Indica is a full body, numbing, beavis and butt head watching buzz. Whereas Sativa is more of an uplifting, creative thinking, day time smoking buzz. When it comes to head and neck pain, sounds like Indica is the winner, but what about daytime smoking. What strains of Sativa would be the best or would a mix of say Blueberry at 20/80 or White Widow of which is 40/60 Sativa to Indica would be best. I'm sure it's more opinion based, and if you have one I would like to hear it...


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Try and find meds that have a higher CDB level, the mags talk about a strain called Cannatonic from Resin Seeds. Supposed to work better for pain with less buzz. Havent tried if, but the lits are claiming higher CDB works for pain.

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