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Public Health Code (Excerpt) Act 368 Of 1978

Ms Chocolate


Just some things I’ve been looking into.



Act 368 of 1978


333.7410 Violations by individual 18 years of age or over (7)A person who distributes marihuana without remuneration and not to further commercial distribution is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both, unless the distribution is in accordance with the law of this state.


333.7404 Use of controlled substance or controlled substance (2) A person who violates this section as to: (d) Marihuana is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $100.00, or both.


333.16204b The legislature finds that the treatment of pain is an appropriate issue to consider, and that the citizens of this state would be well served by the enactment of legislation that accomplishes the following: (a) Provides more and better information to health care consumers regarding the medical treatment of pain, health care coverage and benefits for the treatment of pain, and the education of health professionals in pain and symptom management. (b) Provides for the appointment of an advisory body to study and make recommendations on model core curricula on pain and symptom management for the institutions in this state providing health care education.


333.16204c (1) The legislature finds that the use of controlled substances is appropriate in the medical treatment of certain forms of pain, and that efforts to control diversion or improper administration of controlled substances should not interfere with the legitimate, medically recognized use of those controlled substances to relieve pain and suffering. (2) The legislature finds that some patients in this state with pain are unable to obtain from their health care providers sufficient pain relief through the prescription of controlled substances. (3) It is the intent of the legislature to permit and facilitate adequate treatment for pain by licensed health professionals.


333.20201 (1) A health facility or agency that provides services directly to patients and is licensed under this article shall adopt a policy describing the rights and responsibilities of patients admitted to the health facility or agency. The policy shall be posted at a public place in the health facility or agency and shall be provided to each member of the health facility or agency staff. Patients or residents shall be treated in accordance with the policy. (2) The policy describing the rights and responsibilities of patients required under subsection (1) shall include, as a minimum, all of the following: (a) A patient shall not be denied appropriate care on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual preference, or source of payment. (b) An individual who is or has been a patient is entitled to inspect, or receive for a reasonable fee, a copy of his or her medical record upon request in accordance with the medical records access act, 2004 PA 47, MCL 333.26261 to 333.26271. A third party shall not be given a copy of the patient's or resident's medical record without prior authorization of the patient or resident. © A patient is entitled to confidential treatment of personal and medical records, and may refuse their release to a person outside the health facility or agency except as required because of a transfer to another health care facility, as required by law or third party payment contract, or as permitted or required under the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996, Public Law 104-191, or regulations promulgated under that act, 45 CFR parts 160 and 164.

(d) A patient is entitled to privacy, to the extent feasible, in treatment and in caring for personal needs with consideration, respect, and full recognition of his or her dignity and individuality. (e) A patient is entitled to receive adequate and appropriate care, and to receive, from the appropriate individual within the health facility or agency, information about his or her medical condition, proposed course of treatment, and prospects for recovery, in terms that the patient or resident can understand. (f) A patient is entitled to refuse treatment to the extent provided by law and to be informed of the consequences of that refusal. If a refusal of treatment prevents a health facility or agency or its staff from providing appropriate care according to ethical and professional standards, the relationship with the patient or resident may be terminated upon reasonable notice. (g) A patient or resident is entitled to exercise his or her rights as a patient and as a citizen, and to this end may present grievances or recommend changes in policies and services on behalf of himself or herself or others to the health facility or agency staff, to governmental officials, or to another person of his or her choice within or outside the health facility or agency, free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal. A patient is entitled to information about the health facility's or agency's policies and procedures for initiation, review, and resolution of patient complaints. (h) A patient is entitled to information concerning an experimental procedure proposed as a part of his or her care and has the right to refuse to participate in the experimental procedure without jeopardizing his or her continuing care. (k) A patient is entitled to associate and have private communications and consultations with his or her physician, attorney, or any other person of his or her choice and to send and receive personal mail unopened on the same day it is received at the health facility or agency. A patient's civil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personal decisions and the right to knowledge of available choices, shall not be infringed A patient may meet with, and participate in, the activities of social, religious, and community groups at his or her discretion, unless medically contraindicated as documented by the attending physician in the medical record. (o) A patient or resident is entitled to adequate and appropriate pain and symptom management as a basic and essential element of his or her medical treatment.


Painful Diseases & Conditions recognized by the state of Michigan: bone disorders, arthritis, osteoporosis, TMJ, complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, polio, porphyria, and shingles.


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