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Medical Marijuana Movement Needs To Move Forward...



Medical marijuana dispensaries may be in jeopardy after the Michigan Court of Appeals panel ruled them illegal. However, now more than ever is the time for legislators and communities to prepare for the strong uprising of the grassroots movement that is not just going to go away. The medical marijuana issue needs to move forward; the appellate panel’s decision last week makes the law in the eyes of non-supporters even more blurred and foggy. The state’s current Republican attorney general, Bill Schuette, has made no secret of his staunch opposition to medical marijuana and unfortunately has the power to throw impasses in its way. And now with a number of Republican-led bills introduced; that carries with them even heavier restrictions; might make it even harder for patients to get their alternative medicine. Let’s be honest here, the attorney general is a former court of appeals judge, this ruling, to us at least clearly demonstrates that he will do whatever it takes to convince former judicial colleagues to interpret and read the law to his liking. As far as we are concerned Bill Schuette’s personal bias against the medical marijuana act is getting in the way of the facts, and his personal feelings and opinions are clouding his judgment to perform his duties in accordance with the voter’s wishes of Michigan.


With all that being said, we need to convince officials that the “shut them down” measure and approach toward dispensaries is not an option. Medical marijuana, whether you are for it or against it, can’t be swept under the rug by using childish moratoriums or by using zoning laws to put them at bay. The time is now to professionally, responsibly and cohesively put forth that the medical marijuana issue must move forward. Legislators need to recognize that you can’t just put your head in the sand and behave like an ostrich.


We are new to this forum and have had the pleasure to read hundreds of posts, and would like to offer some friendly advice here. The time for unification and cohesiveness is now; the energy for this rally must be a reflection of the positive, loyal, sympathetic and compassionate nature that each and every person here has in their heart toward medical marijuana. Partisanship here is not good for anyone; agree to disagree; let us stay focused on the goal presently at hand, and please abstain and refrain from non-productive insinuations and innuendos toward fellow members.






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